What is the Bilderberg Group And What Are They Doing? Are They Illuminati? Do They Control The World?
What is the Bilderberg Group?
Do the Bildergerg members seek to form a One World Government? Are they engaged in nefarious activities? Who are the Bilderbergers and what do they do at their meetings? Does the Bilderberg Group actually exist or are they just a part of some conspiracy theory?
After researching the Bilderberg Group, it is a fact that they exist. They also seem to be very influential on business and financial endeavors. They also involve themselves in politics all over the globe, they make decisions as to whether a Nation is engaged in war or live in peace. The Bilderberg Group controls the majority of the globes resources, they also have control of most Nations currencies.
It was in 1954 that the Bilderberg Group, which includes some of the most powerful people in the world as members, met for their first meeting. The meeting took place in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, the subject of the meeting was a debate on the worlds future. At that time the members agreed to hold an annual meeting that was to be kept secret.
Who are the Bilderbergers?
The members of the first meeting decided to call themselves the Bilderberg Group, their members consisted of some of the most powerful people on the planet. The membership was comprised of members from Nations worldwide. There are members from The United States of America, Canada, and many Nations in Western Europe.
Many of the members are well known throughout the world. Names such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, the membership also includes many Leaders of Nations, prominent Senators, several Congressmen, and members of British Parliament.
Also included in the membership are Pentagon and NATO brass, royalty from European countries, and powerful media moguls. There are also individuals that attend the meetings by invitation. Some of these individuals that attend by invitation, attend very quietly, such as Barack Obama and many of his highest ranking administration officials.
Another list of Bilderberg Group meeting attendees include members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, members of the Trilateral Commission, the European Union, and some of the most prominent central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the European Central Banks Jean-Claude Trichet and Mervyn King of the Bank of England.
New World Order Bilderberg Group - Open Your Eyes and See The TRUTH
How was the Bilderberg group exposed?
For fifty years, not one note of the Bilderberg agenda or any of the topics that are discussed was made available to the public. The Bilderbergers do not allow any press to cover any aspect of their meetings. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule which has its origins at the Chatham House. (which is an independent policy institute that is based in London) This rule was implemented to keep all members anonymous and advocates openness and the ability to participate in sharing information.
People that attend these meetings by invitation are sworn to secrecy. Daniel Estulin has dedicated his lifes work to revealing the secrets of the Bilderberg Group as an investigative journey.
Estulin has said that
"Slowly, one by one, I have penetrated the layers of secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Group, but I could not have done this without the help of "conscientious objectors" from inside, as well as outside, the Group's membership."
In return for their information, Daniel Estulin has agreed to keep all of the informants names confidential. Without certainty of the groups initial mission, the Bilderberg Group is currently a secretive and shadow world government. Whether or not the Bilderberg Group is associated with the Illuminati is a subject that is often discussed.
For more information on the Illuminati!
The fear of many people concerning the Bilderberg Group is that they are a threat to the removal of our Rights to control our own future. This would result in the creation of a very frightening reality which would have harmful effects on the welfare of the worlds' population.
Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?
Bildergerg Agenda!
The theory concerning the Bilderberg Agenda is that they would like to create a borderless world. This would mean eradicating the indivudual Nation States Sovereignty with a very powerful Central Global Government. This Central Global Government could also be called a New World Order!
They would like to see this government controlled by corporations and protected by military police. This would be a private club for Presidents, Prime Ministers, International Bankers, and Military Leaders to congregate and network among themselves. They could be chaperoned by the new Royalty to ensure peace is upheld. The entities that are in control of the wars, the stock markets both in Europe and America would be able to speak things that they would never dare speak in a public arena.
When the Bilderberg Group was first formed, the group had already decided to create an "Aristocracy of Purpose" through Europe and America, This would be done for the purpose of achieving agreement on matters to rule the world using policy, economics, and strategic maneuvers.
Aristocracy of Purpose!
The global elitists have created an "Aristocracy of Purpose". This purpose is to retain control over the currency and the resources of the entire planet. The Aristocrats that developed this "Aristocracy of Purpose" have concentrated their energy, for the reason that without energy, currency quickly loses its value.
With petroleum becoming more and more valuable, the global elitists are frantically working to solidify control of this resource. They are striving to eradicate any National Sovereignty by creating a global governance which would leave all Nations incapable of being self-reliant and maintain the ability to survive on its own.
The Global Elitists also have the belief that the world is over-populated and the reduction of the worlds' population is part of the Bilderberg Agenda. They would like to return the population back to the numbers that existed before the industrial revolution. One of the schemes that is discussed to reduce the population is by the destruction of the economies of the world.
Violations of the Logan Act!
The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a Federal Statute making it a crime for any citizen to converse with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization from congress.
Does a citizen attending a Bilderberg group meeting without authorization from congress violate the Logan act?
Exact wording of the Logan Act!
Any citizen of the United States, it does not matter where he is or who he may be, who, without acquiring authority of the United States, whether directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or diplomatic relations with any foreign government or any officer or agent of a foreign government , with the intention to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
How can the Bilderberg Group control the world?
The creation of NATO was a central part of the Bilderberg plans. Using a never-ending state of war combined with the ability to blackmail Nations combined with the threat of nuclear weapons. The next part of their agenda would be to acquire everything of value from the globe to attain enormous wealth and power. They also maintain the ability to destroy any challenges to their control mechanisms.
Not only is military dominance part of the plan but the true ability to control the world comes from the power to control the worlds' currency. Having control of a Nations money supply guarantees that the Nation remains subservient to the controlling elite. This is something that the Rothschild family discovered early in the Nineteenth century.
Amschel Rothschild the patriarch of the Rothschild Empire was once reported as saying:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws."
For more information about the Rothschild family.
The Bilderberg Group is the most exclusive club on the planet. An individual cannot even buy their way in to the group. The Bilderberg Groups Steering Committee makes all decisions as to who to invite to the meetings. In every case anyone admitted in to the meetings are willing to succumb to a One World Government, that is to be controlled by the worlds most powerful elite.
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Who attends Bilderberg meetings?
The Bilderberg Groups Steering Committee has very strict rules for invited guests. They must attend the meeting alone, they are not even allowed to bring their wives, girlfriends, husbands, even their bodyguards are not allowed in the meetings.
Any personal assistants, bodyguards, whether CIA or even Secret Service staff are refused the ability to enter the meeting. They cannot attend the conference and must even dine in a separate room from the meetings attendees.
Another rule applicable to Bilderberg guests is that they are forbidden from granting any interviews to journalists. Nor can they ever make public the activities or discussions of the meetings.
Whatever Nation that hosts the meeting is responsible for all security and to keep away any potential intruders. At least one third of those that attend the meetings are political figures.
The rest of the attendees come from industry, finance, academia, labor and communications. The procedures of the meetings are issued through the Chatham House Rules. These rules allow those in attendance to have freedom to express their opinions within an ambiance of relaxation in the knowledge that anything said in the meeting will never be quoted or divulged to the public.
What is the benefit in being associated with the Bilderberg Group?
Discussion in the meetings are uninhibited, this does not mean that every discussion ends in unanimous decisions. The Groups membership is comprised of around eighty of the most prominent figures in the world, they regularly attend these meetings annually.
There are many others that attend the meetings by invitation due to their knowledge of, or involvement in, topics that are relevant to discussions which are part of the meetings' agenda. Some of the invited guests receive invitations to attend future meetings, other attendees that are present at their first Bilderberger Group meeting are selected for the possibility that they may prove useful in the future.
One example of a first time attendee that has been invited to other meetings is Bill Clinton. He attended his first meeting in 1991 as Governor of Arkansas. It was at this first meeting in 1991 that David Rockefeller explained to Bill Clinton that the "North American Free Trade Agreement" was a major priority to the Bilderberg Group. Bill Clinton was told that the Bilderbergers would require that he would support the Treaty!
It was the very next year that Bill Clinton achieved the role of President of the United States, it was on January first 1994 that the "North American Free Trade Agreement" was put in place. There are many other examples which hold a resemblance to this occurrence. Many of the attendees of the Groups meetings are chosen to be placed in powerful positions, within politics, military and other prominent positions.
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What are the goals of the Bilderberg Group?
One of the main pursuits of the Bildergerger Groups agenda is the creation of a One World Government that would be controlled by a global conglomerate of corporations. This One World Government would consist of one unified global market which would have the One World Governments military to provide policing for the globe. This would put the entire globe under control of this New World Order which would be financially regulated by a One World Central Bank that would use a new unified global currency.
The Bilderberg Groups agenda has a list of goals in which they are attempting to achieve. The list begins with a goal that is the creation of one International identity that would recognize a single set of universal values. They would also like to bring in central control of the population of the globe through mind control techniques. Meaning that they are seeking forms of control that would create and influence public opinion.
What are some of the plans of the Bilderberg Group?
There is also the plans of a New World Order that would contain no middle class in the population. There would be only two classes of people, those that are rulers and those that are servants. This New World Order would eliminate any forms of Democracy. This would create a zero growth society with the removal of any individual prosperity or the ability for the individual to progress. There would only be an accumulation of greater wealth and power for those in the ruling class.
All this can be accomplished by fabricating crisis and infinite wars. The Group also holds ambitions to have complete control of all forms of education. By controlling the mind of the public it would be easy to train their servants to perform assorted functions.
They would also like to have a centralized control of all policies, both foreign and domestic, a global unification. The United Nations would be for all practical purposes a world government with the ability to collect a United Nations global tax on what would become the worlds' citizens.
Also on the list would be the expansion of both the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) would become the Global Military. There would also be the establishment of a universal legal system.
The creation of a global welfare state would also be part of the agenda. Under this Welfare State the submissive servants (slaves) would receive rewards while those that refuse to comply with the New World Order would be marked for termination!
What does the Council On Foreign Relations have to do with the Bilderberg Group?
When it comes to partners of the Bilderberg Group, many of the members identities are secret. In the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a preeminent partner to the Group.
For more information on the Council on Foreign Relations!
One of the main figures which created the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 was Edward Mandell House. Mr. House was a preeminent adviser to President Woodrow Wilson. Rumors exist which state that Edward Mandell House held the actual power in the nation from 1913 through 1921.
It was during the Edward Mandell House reigns of power that the Federal Reserve Act was passed and signed in to Law in the year 1913. This Act gave the power to print money to international bankers. The Sixteenth Amendment was sanctioned in February which was the basis for the creation of the Federal Income Tax. This Amendment was enacted to provide a revenue source for the Government for the reason to repay the service on the debt of the Country.
For more information on the Federal Reserve Act.
From the time of its inception, the Council on Foreign Relations' main goal was to usher in a One world Government, which would have as its basis a Centralized global system of financing. In the modern world the Council on Foreign Relations has a membership in the thousands, with many of its members being some of the most important and influential people In the United States.
Many of the members of the Council on Foreign Relations also belong to the corporate media, as well as many other powerful positions within the political and private sector. The Council on Foreign Relations remains discrete, and extremely secretive concerning its actual agenda.
There are people that consider the Council on Foreign Relations to be a "front organization for the heart of the American Establishment". The Council meets in private and only reveals to the public the knowledge that it desires for the population to be aware of existing.
.All of its members are American.
Mindless robotic citizens.
What does the Trilateral Commission have to do with the Bilderberg Group?
The Trilateral Commission, a group similar to the Council on Foreign Relations also holds secretive meetings concerning the combination of the worlds elite in to one body, controlling the globe.
For more information on the Trilateral Commission.
The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller, who is also a member of the Bilderberg Group, as well as the Council on Foreign Relations. He still holds an emeritus position on all three boards as well as continuing to give financial support.
Based on past and present members of the Group, it is easy to see the power behind the "think tanks". Members of these secretive groups amass great power. This list would include almost every single Presidential candidate, regardless of party affiliation. It would also include some of the most powerful Senators and Congressmen. Many of the most powerful figures in the media, as well as the most prominent figures that belong to the FBI, CIA, NSA, as well as the rest of the defense establishment.
Even leading Government agencies are infiltrated. This would include employees of the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, even the Judiciary, and Department of Treasury. Leading figures in these departments have all been members of these Secretive Societies.
It is as though the entire Nation of the United States has been penetrated by Secret Society members, whose allegiance is unknown. Are they sworn to allegiance to their secret group? Does their Oath of Office have any merit in their life?
Alex Jones: Bilderberg Club's plan
What are some of the things that the Council on Foreign Relations involved in?
Since its inception, the Council on Foreign Relations has served as an employment agency for the Federal Government of the United States. It does not matter what party the individual belongs to, many CFR members are offered high ranking positions within all aspects of Government, media, and control of major corporations.
It makes no difference which political party resides within the White House, the Council on Foreign Relations has not lost any power or altered their agenda since it was founded in 1921.
The Council supports the Global unification of a superstate, one in which the United States of America and all other Nations of the world would be required to surrender their Nations Sovereignty to a unified and centralized power.
The founder of the Council on Foreign Relations, Paul Warburg was previously a member of Franklin Roosevelt's "brain trust". This "brain trust" was a group of advisers to FDR during his first Presidential campaign. In 1950, Paul Warburgs son John said to the Senate Foreign Relations' Committee;
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."
Later, during a 1992 Bilderberg meeting, Henry Kissinger told the members of the meeting that;
"Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful."
This statement would be true if Americans believed there was a threat from enemies. Whether the threat was real or fabricated was irrelevant, as long as the American people held the belief that there was a threat to their existence.
United Nations
When did the plans for a One World Government begin?
Through threats to our safety whether real or simply fiction, both would end in the same result. Once a threat is perceived the population of the world will beg for the leaders of the world to save them from this perceived evil.
To guarantee safety many individuals would happily give up their Rights for the feeling of security. The population would eagerly consent to a One World Government if they felt that such a Government would keep them and their families safe.
It was the Council on Foreign Relations that started the planning for a New World Order before 1942. The United Nations inception began with a cartel of CFR members which was called at the time the "Informal Agenda Group."
It was this group that created the framework for the original United Nations proposal. The group presented the proposition to Franklin Roosevelt. The President made the announcement of the United Nations the following day.
When it was founded in 1945, the Council on Foreign Relations was composed of over forty United States delegates. The Council on Foreign Relations performs its agenda in small groups containing around twenty-five people. These groups concentrate on leaders from six different conspiratorial categories, these categories are industrialists, financiers, ideologues, military, professional, specialists.
There were lawyers, medical doctors and members of organized labor which were brought together for the reason of engaging in detailed discussions on a wide variety of topics concerning Foreign Affairs.
The Council on Foreign Relations, although not financed by Government, works so intimately with the Government it is extremely difficult to differentiate between actions performed by the Council from Government actions done through Sovereign decisions.
During the 1930s through the 1940s, the United States of America was the most self sustaining country on the planet. It was during the great depression that this fact was recognized.
In 1937 an author named Eugene Staley that made statements concerning raw resources:
"United States is more nearly capable than any other great power (besides the Soviet Union) of meeting its normal demands from resources within its boundaries."
Those in power used the Council on Foreign Relations to fortuitously pursue a distinct consideration concerning the interests of the United States of America.
This attitude did not have any basis in reality concerning the overall concerns of the citizens of the United States. Instead it was more meaningful to the capitalist economic system which was under their control and gave advantage to those who wielded the most power in the nation.
The theory behind the actions of the Council on Foreign Relations is that the United States of America would require more space to place inhabitants. This acquisition would need to be accomplished while perpetuating the prevailing system. Without the need of altering the foundations of the Nation into a Socialistic Society.
One of the Planning Council members, Mr. Henry R. Luce said quite candidly in an interview with Life magazine in 1941 that:
"Tyrannies may require a large amount of living space. But Freedom requires and will require far greater living space than Tyranny."
Secret Societies -The Bilderberg Group-
How is the Bilderberg Group financed?
The most significant form of revenue comes from major corporations and key foundations. To name just three of the foundations are the Rockefeller, the Carnegie, and the Ford Foundations all of which are administered by essential corporate officers.
A major executive at CBS news gave an explanation as to what the medias role is in the New World Order would be, he stated:
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."