The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Vs. United States, Are We Parallel?
Roman Empire vs. United States Similiarites
What are the similarities and differences between the rise and fall of the Rome Empire in 365 A.D. and the United States in the 21st Century? First, let’s ask ourselves, are Americans the new Romans? There are many who are struck by the similarities between the American empire now and the Roman Empire then. Military strength is the most obvious similarity, as Rome was the Superpower of its time, and the United States is the Superpower now. The Romans had the best training, biggest Budget, and finest equipment that the world had ever seen in their time. The United States is just as dominant- its Military budget is larger than nine other countries put together, allowing the United States to deploy its units almost anywhere across the World in a matter of minutes. Add the United States' technological lead, and the United States emerges as a serious superpower without any rivals.
However, there is a significant difference as the United States did not form any type of formal colonies and the Romans always did, and furthermore, until this date, there has not been any evidence that the United States has deployed any ruling consuls in other sovereign lands. Notably, America and Rome have had their share of colonizing and conquering evidenced by their very histories as written throughout the centuries. Paul Kennedy, the author of The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, stated, “this [US] was an imperial Nation, a conquering nation”. Based on history the Romans understood that the world needed to practice imperialism, namely the art of winning wars and invading territories; they also practiced and learned the political tricks that sustained their ability to stay in power of their territories during their reigning period.
As should be evident, the United States is more Roman than we realize, as the Romans bequeathed a format on how imperial business should be handled, and today the Americans in the United States are implementing the same tactics without fail, all the while not realizing the Roman “roots” of these tactics. For example, during the Roman Empire, the Romans had great military strength; and the rest of the World undoubtedly knew their strength and consequently feared the Roman as well. Secondly, the Romans were known for their infrastructure, including their Roads (or Via) as well as their engineering feats with bridges and aqua ducts, built primarily to enable their military to move more quickly. How innovative of their time. Today those highways find their counterpart on the Internet, better known as the Information Superhighway. The Internet began as a military tool, and arguably is one of the most superior inventions of our time, bringing whole nations together in mere nanoseconds.
The United States appears to have taken these tips from its Roman counterparts. Rome realized that if they were to last as a World power, the Romans had to excel at both the art of winning wars as well as winning the cultural battle often times found in political circles, considering that the Roman empire spanned continents as well as vast cultural divides. Rome’s greatest conquest was the seduction of its people. They would provide them with baths, and central heating as the people never realized that they were enslaved by such wonderful things. Today the United States offers Starbucks, my personal favorite, Wal-Mart for 24/7 shopping convenience, and Disneyland for entertainment, just to name a few.
The Roman and American models of government and capitalism are based on the principles of progress through the utilization of its workforce with the lure of the good life as an individual’s goal. If the process works, why use direct force? It is possible to rule by having others do the work for you, something similar to using a television remote control. You just simply choose the stations and watch how things play out. If you don’t care for that particular program you just change it until you successfully locate what you are looking for, which in many ways has contributed to this throwaway society that is the United States. This is not at all dissimilar to how the Romans viewed many of their conquered subjects.
The United States does this technique with ease. Our foreign policy dictates homogenous thinking and implementation of American ideals with little thought to the political and economic differences in conquered societies. One need only look at the fiasco that is Iraq and comment on the complete lack of foresight as to the necessary elements to unite a nation divided by numerous warring factions.
Interestingly, the fall of the Roman Empire occurred primarily due to a lack of foresight as well. Incorrectly, the Romans assumed that cultural, economic, and social differences could be bridged by simply implementing the “Roman” way. Similarly, The United States with the Iraq war has learned that the “American” way does not always work. Simply put, there is an innate desire in humans to do things their own way, meaning that if one does not pay attention to the social and cultural fiber and essence of a people, ultimately any attempt to create a government or society that does not address these important aspects of society, that attempt will meet failure.
The foreign policy that the United States employs with China is similarly misguided. China is a socialist and communist country that is slowly turning its back on its soul and embracing it nemesis, capitalism. From the standpoint of the United States, the complete lack of morals when it comes to human rights violations only intensifies the demise of implementing “American ways” in a country that is so dissimilar and does not even value our basic inalienable rights.
These examples only bolster the argument that the United States is embarking on a similar path as the Romans did at the end of their empire. Ultimately, the delicate political dance that is being played all over the World with the United States forcing it “way of life” on vastly dissimilar cultures will result in its ultimate demise.
Very similar to the Americanization of today’s world with McDonald's and Starbucks popping up in the most unlikely remote countries of the world, the Romans also put down “roots” all over their occupied territories and left their cultural and architectural footprint on the world. One need only thinks about Carcassonne in the South of France as well as the magnificent Roman Villa built at Fishbourne in Sussex in Southern England by a Roman Ruler, a so-called “dedicated client King,” Cogidubnus who ruled in southern England in the first century A.D. Although the palace burnt down in 270 A.D., the Roman Villa with its exquisite mosaic floors and colonnaded fronts was carefully excavated by Barry Cunliffe in 1960 and now serves as a museum and an indefinite reminder of Roman wealth and prestige.
Lastly, there are some vast differences between Rome and the United States. The United States was founded in rebellion against another empire, the British Empire, in the name of freedom and self-government. Romans embraced their status as masters of the known world; however, few Americans would claim bragging rights on their own imperialism. Most of us would run for cover and hide in denial of American imperialism. The obvious paradox of a nation living in a democracy with the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness stands in stark contrast to how the rest of the world views the United States as a nation forcing its way of life as a master on the rest of the world. As Americans, although we fear the parallel with the Roman Empire with its rise and fall, we are oblivious that we are indeed following the same path of destiny.
In conclusion, I have witnessed America’s might and I do not believe in the inevitable death and destruction that accompanies war justifies our greed. Instead of making peace and becoming a stronger nation, by our foreign policy militaristic actions, we are weakening the very fabric of our society. I also worry that like the Romans, we will fall if we continue with a simplistic foreign policy of Americanization of the World.
The one thing that could be done to permit the survival of democracy and those we cherish is to simply utilize our freedom of expression and freedom of speech to get the point across to our government. Also, before September 11, 2001, the United Nations with support from governments from around the world stood on the precipice of a great journey; they were about to call to session the first international parliament that would have powers and jurisdiction that far exceeded the United Nations and the International Court of Justice in the Hague. Unfortunately, the events of 9-11 threw the World into turmoil, and this path toward world peace was not realized. I believe that the World and all peoples have the right to life, liberty, and happiness and that as citizens of the world we are obligated to protect these ideals.
copyright © 2009
This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.
© 2009 Julianna
Gary on March 27, 2015:
apparently you do not understand our constitution or what sovereignty is. Why would we give up our national sovereignty to some world power greater than the United Nations?? You think other people outside the United States should be making decisions for us??? That's insanity!!
Flemming on March 05, 2015:
Compare roman Empire to USA now like the text say romans invaded other countryes romanize Them USA do not and romans only conquered the known World of that time but they didn't come near india and china WHO also had a okay greath civilisation at that time
Need help homework due tomorrow on April 06, 2014:
Okay well my teacher made me and my class do this essential question. She made us right down, "How does Ancient Rome compare to the United States regarding its influence around the world?" She said to use our text books but it doesn't explain anything like the question asks and it doesn't help at all. So somebody smart please help me with this. Thanks
richard Ahern on March 04, 2014:
Our Founders also told us that self discipline and absence of excesses is paramount to maintain a Constitutional Republic. Honesty, fairness, morality are the foundations for freedom. If the people do not have these characteristics, the representatives in government will also lack them. The excesses of our freedom have created single parent families, drug abuse, shocking crime rates, and degeneration in our standard of morality
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6
Reclaiming America's Christian Ethics
Learn that America is not a democracy, but a republic and way they differ.
Richard on February 12, 2014:
Our forefathers also told us that self discipline and absence of excesses is paramount to maintain a Constitutional Republic. Honesty, fairness, and morality are the foundations for freedom. If the people do not have these characteristics, the representatives in government will also lack them. The excesses of our freedom have created single parent families, drug abuse, shocking crime rates, human trafficking, and degeneration in our standard of morality
Historical Observer on November 01, 2013:
The fall of the Roman Empire was primarily due to a total abuse of government and class power and an absolute total lack of morality. The US is exactly following those directions. from Europe on October 18, 2013:
It's not the nation that falls; but the ideals. America has become a victim of its own greed as most societies that bask in the spoils of their success naturally migrate towards.
I would liken America more to Egypt
or the Incas
Both societies aspired to unify nations and both became victims of their passive political views and of course the wealth of their nations.
America WAS a wealthy nation and 'doesn't yet realise it' but have been saved by the rise of China. China on the other hand, is set on a different agenda. It is currently bolstering its war machine. "To protect itself". This is more of a Roman strategy. "All in the name of defending our great nation". The problems start when someone 'appears' to challenge that. Then the arrogant gesturing and show of power wrist slapping; turns into all hell breaking loose.
From what I see, America is taking a passive role on the world stage as they firmly stand between the fights. And as a result can expect to take a punch in the face from a few flailing fists from time to time.
I just hope they are ready when the gloves come off in the fight for control of the African nations. Seen by many of the players as a resource rich territory worth fighting for. This rumble in the jungle may pack a bigger punch than a few flailing arms. And the world will once again balance the status quo in the arms of yet another dictatorship with the biggest fists and the most passionate and powerful ground forces. No guesses to who that is at the moment.
What a lot of people didn't even notice, was that the last great war was a financial one. Surprisingly America came out smelling of roses. But China now knows the truth about how it was instrumented. Trust was the price America paid. China and Russia now have an alliance that will never let that happen again ;)
It is worth remembering what lengths nations will go to to defend their territories. During the cold war Russia created a doomsday program on the grounds that; "If we can't have it, then nobody will". Lets hope we never get a crazy highly charged 'individual' with those views running one of these superpowers, ever again.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on October 16, 2013:
conradfontanilla: I concur and completely agree and the direction we are going appears that we are parallel which is not a good sign.
conradofontanilla from Philippines on October 14, 2013:
Perhaps it is not premature that an American started plans to make the White House a museum of American history. The strength of USA comes from the federal system. Absent the federal system and USA will be dismembered.
Jeffrey witt on October 14, 2013:
What do you think if The United States declines? Will it be as devestating as the Fall of the Roman Empire? Would somebody send me a repky? Will we be in another Dark Age?
jon on September 28, 2013:
I found this artistic expression of the demise of the usa empire -
Richard Ahern on July 21, 2013:
The United States will fall within, because of its greed and power and Dictatorship.
We have become the cesspool that is in place to day
Benjamin Franklin" "Man will ultimately be governed by GOD or tyrants." (Question: Which is it that governs us today?
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on May 01, 2013:
Mike: Why would you say such a thing? All of us understand its going in that direction; but are you American?
Mike on April 27, 2013:
I hope that the American Empire collaspe soon.That will be great news
Futamarka on March 23, 2013:
Заключительным этапом сделки является подписание окончательного контракта (rogito) в офисе нотариуса, который будет проверять все локоны. Имущество не будет официально засалонировано на имя покупателя, пока нотариус не засалонирует его в специальном реестре.
BlulgeTus on March 07, 2013:
When i accustomed to acquire on top of lifetime although of late I have piled up some sort of weight.
bill on February 19, 2013:
Rome and US more similar than alike. Just as Rome lapsed into a dictatorship in its last days so to will the US. Mark my words, the US will become a tyrant dictator before its final demise.
KP on February 04, 2013:
Interesting article, bur inaccurate in multiple accounts. The internet was not designed as military tool as stated above. It was invented initially for Universities to share academic research material. Secondly it states we, the U.S., unlike Rome does not set up colonies with ruling consuls. We don't do exactly that. Instead historically we set up governments in foreign nations that are friendly to U.S. business needs. Often times ruthless dictators who grow fat on corruption within their own governments. This great mistake is today being recognized. You need to look no further than Batista in Cuba, or Shah Pahlavi in Iran. Clearly these were mistakes, and I do believe our modern foreign policy has evolved. Still the hoards of Americans who know more about dimwitted narcissus on reality TV than our own political policy do not bode well for our future as a nation. Rome stood for 2000 years we have only stood for 237 years thus far. I hope that we can recall our intellectual roots than spawned our noble intent.
Haija on January 08, 2013:
Rome is evil Rome has an o which can be split into three triangles a triangle upside down makes stars stars upside down means devil sign thus Rome is evil... woman logic
Justin on December 06, 2012:
That's not why Rome fell you moron. Rome fell from within. When its Economy crippled, due to bail-out plans and it's attempt to "spread the wealth." Rome's republic fell into a democracy, then degenerated into tyranny. Corrupt leaders seeked power and rise to power by giving and supplying to the poor. They slowly took power away from their people and gave it to the senate and Emperor. That's why Rome fell.
Sagittarius 2012 from Canada on September 25, 2012:
AE, there were some events that lead to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, many people are not aware of.
Couple of notes:
The Burning of Rome, 64 AD
During the night of July 18, 64 AD, fire broke out in the merchant area of the city of Rome. Fanned by summer winds, the flames quickly spread through the dry, wooden structures of the Imperial City. Soon the fire took on a life of its own consuming all in its path for six days and seven nights. When the conflagration finally ran its course it left seventy percent of the city in smoldering ruins.
Rumors soon arose accusing the Emperor Nero of ordering the torching of the city and standing on the summit of the Palatine playing his lyre as flames devoured the world around him. These rumors have never been confirmed.
In fact, Nero rushed to Rome from his palace in Antium (Anzio) and ran about the city all that first night without his guards directing efforts to quell the blaze. But the rumors persisted and the Emperor looked for a scapegoat.
He found it in the Christians, at that time a rather obscure religious sect with a small following in the city. To appease the masses, Nero literally had his victims fed to the lions during giant spectacles held in the city's remaining amphitheater.
Emperor Nero's jewish wife.
In the ninth year of his government, Claudius commanded all Jews to leave Rome because, according to the evidence of Flavius Josephus, they had caused Agrippina, his wife, to take on Jewish customs; or also, as Suetonius writes, because frequent upheavals gave the impetus to the persecutions of Christians.
One sees that the pagan Emperor Claudius was tolerant in the extreme towards Christians. When he became tired of the mutinies that the Jews caused, he expelled them from the city of Rome. The Acts of the Apostles also report this expulsion.
One sees here the Jewish tendency to cause their influence to rise up to the steps of the throne, by their controlling the Empress in order to exert influence on the Emperor.
In so doing, they held to the completely distorted teachings of the Biblical book of Esther, giving this an ambitious interpretation. Esther, a Jewess, was successful in transforming herself into the Queen of Persia and in exercising a decisive influence on the King, in order to destroy the enemies of the Israelites.
However, in the case of the Emperor Claudius, the attempt openly failed, which did not occur with Nero, with whom it was successful in bringing close to him a Jewess named Poppaea, who soon transformed into the lover of the Emperor, and, according to some Hebrew chronicles, into the real Empress of Rome.
This jewish empress was successful in exercising a decisive influence upon this ruler.
Tertullian, one of the Church Fathers, says in his work “Scorpiase”: “The synagogues are the places from whence the persecutions against Christians emanate.” And in his book “Ad Nationes”, the same Tertullian writes: “From the Jews come the slanders against the Christians.”
During the rule of Nero, tolerance at first reigned towards the Christians; however, the Emperor finally gave way to the persistent intrigues of his Jewish lover Poppaea, who is described as the originator of the idea of laying the blame for setting fire to the city of Rome upon the Christians, based on which the first cruel persecution of Christians that was carried out by the Roman Empire was justified.
Re: Emperor Nero's jewish wife.
In order to defend the truth, we will quote the reliable evidence of an authorised Jewish source:
“Rabbi Wiener, who, in his work “The Jewish Food Laws”, confesses that the Jews were the instigators of the Christian persecutions in Rome, observed that under the rule of Nero, in the year 65 of our calendar, when Rome had the Jewess Poppaea as Empress and a Jew as prefect of the city,
the era of martyrs began which was to extend for over 249 years.”
In these instigations of the Hebrews to call forth the Roman persecutions against Christianity, participated even those Rabbis outstanding in the history of the synagogue, such as the famed “Rabbi Jehuda, one of the authors of the Talmud (the sacred books and the source of the religion of modern Jewry), who was successful in the year 155 of our calendar in obtaining a command, according to which all Christians of Rome were to be sacrificed, and on the grounds of which many thousands were killed. The executioners of the martyrs and Popes, Cayo and Marcelino were in fact Jews.”
During three centuries, the Christians showed heroic resistance, without answering violence with violence.
In fact it is understandable that, after three centuries of persecutions, when Christianity had gained a complete victory in the Roman Empire through the conversion of Constantine and the acceptance of the Christian religion as the state religion, that it was finally decided to answer violence with violence, in order to defend the victorious Church – as well as the peoples who had placed their faith in it and who also saw themselves continually threatened by the destructive and annihilating activity of Jewish imperialism – against the lasting conspiracies of Jewry.
In his book Die Brand Roms, German scholar Gerhard Baudy argues that Christians really did burn Rome in 64 AD, as Nero charged. However, he cites in a footnote a modified argument -- that:
Messianic Jews ("Apostle's" Paul's Christianity) burned Rome in64 AD, and that Empress Poppaea Sabina "deflected" Rome's invesetigation from those Jewish Zealots to the "Christians" (who were followers of Apostole Peter, and believed Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah).
Messianic Jewish Zealots, Paul's Christianity, torched Rome in 64 AD, and the Jewish Empress steered the investigation away from the Zealots towards the hated by Jews, Christians.
Unable at first to discern one Messianic Christian Jewish sect from Peter's Christianity, Nero went along.
Sagittarius 2012 from Canada on September 24, 2012:
AE, there were some events that lead to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, many people are not aware.
Couple of notes:
The Burning of Rome, 64 AD
During the night of July 18, 64 AD, fire broke out in the merchant area of the city of Rome. Fanned by summer winds, the flames quickly spread through the dry, wooden structures of the Imperial City. Soon the fire took on a life of its own consuming all in its path for six days and seven nights. When the conflagration finally ran its course it left seventy percent of the city in smoldering ruins.
Rumors soon arose accusing the Emperor Nero of ordering the torching of the city and standing on the summit of the Palatine playing his lyre as flames devoured the world around him. These rumors have never been confirmed.
In fact, Nero rushed to Rome from his palace in Antium (Anzio) and ran about the city all that first night without his guards directing efforts to quell the blaze. But the rumors persisted and the Emperor looked for a scapegoat.
He found it in the Christians, at that time a rather obscure religious sect with a small following in the city. To appease the masses, Nero literally had his victims fed to the lions during giant spectacles held in the city's remaining amphitheater.
Emperor Nero's jewish wife.
In the ninth year of his government, Claudius commanded all Jews to leave Rome because, according to the evidence of Flavius Josephus, they had caused Agrippina, his wife, to take on Jewish customs; or also, as Suetonius writes, because frequent upheavals gave the impetus to the persecutions of Christians.
One sees that the pagan Emperor Claudius was tolerant in the extreme towards Christians. When he became tired of the mutinies that the Jews caused, he expelled them from the city of Rome. The Acts of the Apostles also report this expulsion.
One sees here the Jewish tendency to cause their influence to rise up to the steps of the throne, by their controlling the Empress in order to exert influence on the Emperor.
In so doing, they held to the completely distorted teachings of the Biblical book of Esther, giving this an ambitious interpretation. Esther, a Jewess, was successful in transforming herself into the Queen of Persia and in exercising a decisive influence on the King, in order to destroy the enemies of the Israelites.
However, in the case of the Emperor Claudius, the attempt openly failed, which did not occur with Nero, with whom it was successful in bringing close to him a Jewess named Poppaea, who soon transformed into the lover of the Emperor, and, according to some Hebrew chronicles, into the real Empress of Rome.
This jewish empress was successful in exercising a decisive influence upon this ruler.
Tertullian, one of the Church Fathers, says in his work “Scorpiase”: “The synagogues are the places from whence the persecutions against Christians emanate.” And in his book “Ad Nationes”, the same Tertullian writes: “From the Jews come the slanders against the Christians.”
During the rule of Nero, tolerance at first reigned towards the Christians; however, the Emperor finally gave way to the persistent intrigues of his Jewish lover Poppaea, who is described as the originator of the idea of laying the blame for setting fire to the city of Rome upon the Christians, based on which the first cruel persecution of Christians that was carried out by the Roman Empire was justified.
Re: Emperor Nero's jewish wife.
In order to defend the truth, we will quote the reliable evidence of an authorised Jewish source:
“Rabbi Wiener, who, in his work “The Jewish Food Laws”, confesses that the Jews were the instigators of the Christian persecutions in Rome, observed that under the rule of Nero, in the year 65 of our calendar, when Rome had the Jewess Poppaea as Empress and a Jew as prefect of the city,
the era of martyrs began which was to extend for over 249 years.”
In these instigations of the Hebrews to call forth the Roman persecutions against Christianity, participated even those Rabbis outstanding in the history of the synagogue, such as the famed “Rabbi Jehuda, one of the authors of the Talmud (the sacred books and the source of the religion of modern Jewry), who was successful in the year 155 of our calendar in obtaining a command, according to which all Christians of Rome were to be sacrificed, and on the grounds of which many thousands were killed. The executioners of the martyrs and Popes, Cayo and Marcelino were in fact Jews.”
During three centuries, the Christians showed heroic resistance, without answering violence with violence.
In fact it is understandable that, after three centuries of persecutions, when Christianity had gained a complete victory in the Roman Empire through the conversion of Constantine and the acceptance of the Christian religion as the state religion, that it was finally decided to answer violence with violence, in order to defend the victorious Church – as well as the peoples who had placed their faith in it and who also saw themselves continually threatened by the destructive and annihilating activity of Jewish imperialism – against the lasting conspiracies of Jewry.
In his book Die Brand Roms, German scholar Gerhard Baudy argues that Christians really did burn Rome in 64 AD, as Nero charged. However, he cites in a footnote a modified argument -- that:
Messianic Jews ("Apostle's" Paul's Christianity) burned Rome in64 AD, and that Empress Poppaea Sabina "deflected" Rome's invesetigation from those Jewish Zealots to the "Christians" (who were followers of Apostole Peter, and believed Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah).
Messianic Jewish Zealots, Paul's Christianity, torched Rome in 64 AD, and the Jewish Empress steered the investigation away from the Zealots towards the hated by Jews, Christians.
Unable at first to discern one Messianic Christian Jewish sect from Peter's Christianity, Nero went along.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on September 24, 2012:
Dan: It's honestly depressing to see which direction we are taking and nobody is paying attention
; but they few who are analyzing the entire situation and watching everything play out. :)
Dan on September 24, 2012:
Its really not amazing human nature hasnt changed and will never change as long as they exist. The U.S. and Roman are truly destined to the same fate. What is amazing is the fact that people feel that its different. Its insane to do the same things as the romans and expect that it will turn out differently. The facts that made America a great nations was that it was a great nation.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on August 08, 2012:
Souffle: Thank you so much!!!! Glad you found it. :)
Souffle on August 08, 2012:
I google but I don't often comment. I liked what you wrote.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on June 24, 2012:
SantaCruz: Thank you so much! It is an interesting topic and I enjoyed writing about it in College and finally sharing it here.:)
SantaCruz from Santa Cruz, CA on June 24, 2012:
Fascinating question! I've been thinking about this since 5th grade history class. Both nations call(ed) themselves democratic but were not truly... It would be interesting to see how power dynamics within the societies are the same or different... Cool hub, voted up!
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on June 23, 2012:
blake4d: Thank you so much. Alarmingly this was written when I was in College and it is rather eerie to me. Who would have thought when I was a freshman in College 22 years ago and right out of High School we would be so parallel.
blake4d on June 23, 2012:
Excellent topic and one that I have many, many opinions about. But I will perhaps come and comment again later. In essence I agree with the concept and ideas behind this hub. And I can see it has sparked much commentary. Either way, you and I share many concepts of truth from our vastly different perspectives. Love you work as always AE. Keep on Hubbing. Blake4d
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on June 10, 2012:
Julius Ceasar: So do you! :)
Julius Ceasar on June 10, 2012:
AEvans, u sound interesting
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out T