The Mysterious Martian Boy Science Can't Explain: Boriska Kirpriyanovich
Boriska Kipriyanovich is from Volgograd, Russia. He claims to have lived on Mars before starting a new life as a human on earth. Researchers and astronomers have been baffled by his extensive knowledge of planetary systems.
Early Years
In 1996, Boriska Kipriyanovich was born in the Russian town of Volzhsky. His parents then moved to Volgograd. Boriska's mother is a physician. She could never explain her son's very high intelligence and his obsession with space. As he grew up, other children were focused on their toys or getting their parent's total devotion. Boriska was focused on the planet Mars. Her son could raise his head without assistance two weeks after his birth. He started to speak a few months after this event. By the time Boriska reached one and a half years old, he could read, paint, and draw. When he started nursery school, his teachers were shocked at his advanced writing ability as well as language skills and memory. Many researchers have described Boriska as a very shy young man whose intelligence is at genius level.
Space Knowledge
Boriska's parents claim they never took the time to teach their son about planetary systems when he was growing up. He would often talk with them about alien civilizations as well as Mars. Boriska was always speaking about the wonders of space. His focus on the solar system was consistent during his school years. As he got older, he told his parents about his life on Mars. A university professor from Volgograd Russia, named Gennady Belimov, interviewed Boriska when he was only seven. He was on a camping trip with Boriska and his family. Belimov saw the young boy captivate a crowd of older people with his knowledge about space.
Indigo Children
Boriska claims he is not the only person on Earth who came from outer space. He states that there are others like him who have been sent here. Their specific mission is to prevent mankind from experiencing a nuclear Armageddon. According to Boriska, those people are known as “Indigo Children.” They have survived the nuclear war that took place on Mars. Boriska says that all adult Martians are over six and a half feet tall. They stop aging at 35. He also said Martians breathe carbon dioxide.
Great Sphinx of Egypt
The unusual construction of the Great Sphinx has been a mystery to scientists and archeologists for a long time. According to Boriska, Martians had a special connection to ancient Egypt. He also claims to have gone to ancient Egypt previously when he was a Martian spaceship pilot. Boriska says life on Earth will change once the Sphinx is opened. Boriska claims there is an opening mechanism behind the ear of the Sphinx. Researchers have discovered there is a blocking stone behind the Sphinx's right ear. A deep sensory scan revealed there is something unusual behind the ear of the Sphinx. To many people, it resembles a keyhole. It was discovered ten years after Boriska made this claim.
Russian Flood
In 2006 when he was ten, Boriska predicted there would be a huge flood in Russia during 2012. In southern Russia, a massive flood did occur on July 8, 2012. Over 170 people lost their lives during the flooding.
Boriska claims he was a Martian a long time ago. It was a time when the Earth had only one continent known as Lemuria. The existence of Lemuria was considered a fable until 2013. This is when scientists discovered strong evidence of its existence. Geologists discovered a lost continent exactly where stories said it should be located.
Fascination With Mars
Boriska's parents claim they never taught him anything about the planet Mars when he was a child. Their son would often talk for hours with them about it and provide details. As Boriska got older, his focus on the red planet only increased. One day, he finally confessed to his parents he was from Mars. Boriska told his parents he was sent to Earth by the few remaining Martians. They had been able to survive a catastrophic nuclear war. According to Boriska, the Martian race was almost completely wiped-out thousands of years ago. Some of the survivors continue to inhabit Mars underground. They want the human race to know it could also experience the same fate as the Martians if a nuclear power struggle is not avoided at all costs.
Advanced Societies
Earth and Mars had advanced societies according to Boriska. Both had developed technologies for teleportation as well as time travel. Boriska claims he was a military pilot for Mars, and he came to the Earth a few times. Earth and Mars had a very close partnership. Boriska says he flew a spacecraft that was triangular in shape and was powered by ions and plasma. He also says that Martians would often visit Egypt.
Martian Nuclear War
Boriska claims he was around 15 years old when there was a nuclear war on Mars. It completely destroyed the planet's environment as well as the atmosphere. During this time, the Martians attempted to create a sun from the planet Jupiter. They were unsuccessful. Boriska says this is the reason there is a Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Once the atmosphere of Mars was no longer inhabitable, what was left of the Martian population went underground. They were able to adapt to breathing carbon dioxide. Boriska says the Martians still live there and our Martian probes are looking in the wrong places.
Boriska Kipriyanovich is now an adult. The Russian government is said to have helped him and his mother to disappear. There have been many attempts from journalists from around the world to find him. All the attempts have failed. A source of one journalist claims that Boriska is currently living in a remote village under the protection of the Russian government. Many believe any attempt to try to reach him now would have no chance of being successful.
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