A True story about Drunk Driving
Donald Nolan Nov 25,1927 Died Mar 14,2006
Now that I have your attention please take the time to read.
This is a true story and I hope that I can shed some light on drinking and driving as it can happen to anyone. If one person just takes the time to read it and embrace it , it could bring about life changing events. Keep in mind I am not saying that you cannot drink, I am asking that you do not drive as this event that happened to our family has changed it forever. We cannot turn back the hands of time we can only move forward and tell others about it. If you to have a story share it on the comments so that others know what you have experienced. If you have not experienced this embrace it and I do pray that this will never happen to you.
copyright 2007
In Memoriam
On February 16,2005 2 days after Valentine's day my parents both senior citizens were on there way to work. My mother who was the driver and my father who was the passenger left at the same time every night. On this particular night an impaired driver , speeding down the freeway at 95mph slammed into the back of there 2002 Grand Cherokee , careening them into a wall and there vehicle spun out of control and again hit the wall but not before hitting another vehicle and road signs as they were doing repair on the freeway. Due to the severe impact the vehicle ,was totaled and my father who's seat split in half and had been thrown from the passenger seat to the middle of the vehicle was left with broken vertebrae in his back and double aneurisms both around his heart and in his stomach. Here was an active man who's life was cut short due to another person getting behind the wheel and driving. Needless to say my father past away 1 year and 1 month later due to the aneurisms bursting around his heart and my mother found him in there kitchen his head laying on a crossword puzzle book ,gone. This tragedy could have been prevented if that man from New Mexico did not get behind the wheel and drive. I met him on the road that night as I pulled up behind the accident , I remember is face and the smell of alcohol profusely on his breathe. He could not walk,he could not function. Am I angry? I am saddened by the circumstance what if that was his family member? Am I forgiving? The only thing I can hope is that he quit drinking and driving as I don't want him to harm any others on the road nor himself. Did he get time?The answer to that question is no he did not! As he resides in New Mexico so laws vary from state to state. He has taken from us many happy memories due to acting irresponsibly behind the wheel of a vehicle.
My goal is to get the word out to as many as I possibly can so that they or someone they love may not become a statistic.
1. Know your limit. If you don't know experiment at home while someone observes you.
2. Eating during drinking alcohol absorbs much more slowly.
3. Accept a drink only if you want one , not because someone else is telling you to have one, don't be pressured by a friend remember you are in control.
4. Do not mix alcohol and prescriptions those two are a deadly combination.
5. Don't let yourself or others drive intoxicated. Call a cab, take the keys, have them ride with someone who is sober but never ever let them drive.
Final Word
Do not be a statistic or have someone become a statisitc please make responsible decisions before getting behind the wheel.
For more information on how to get involved contact your local city or state MADD (Mother's against drunk drivers), if you believe you may have a problem with drinking contact AA or any church group who may assist you.
copyright © 2008
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Kenneth Ratajczak from North Ridgeville, Ohio on September 20, 2018:
My condolences on the tragic loss of your father. Incredibly that drunk driver did not get sentenced to serve any jail time. Yet I believe that God will ultimately judge his actions. As for myself, I am blessed with over 9 years of sobriety and as you once wrote to me, I have been able to serve as hope to other alcoholics wanting to get and stay sober. May God bless you.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on July 03, 2012:
Ms. L Carmel: Oh My God! That is horrible! Greenville, S.C. should be ashamed of themselves and I agree they do owe her a sincere apology. I pray for his family, may God be with them.
Ms. L. Carmel on July 03, 2012:
The End Of June 2012 A Young Black Man From Greenville, S. C. Was Killed By And Drunk Driver. And The City Of Greenville Had The Gaul To Ask His Grieving Mother To Pay To Get Her Son's Car Towed Away From The Scene Of The Accident And To Clean His Blood Off The Road. If That Isn't Kicking A Person When They're Down; I Don't Know What Is! I Think Greenville Owes That Woman An Apology, And They Shoud Have Been Made To Pay For The Tow Of Her Son's Car, And To Clean Up His Blood Off The Road. They're SICK!
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on March 21, 2012:
Wekesa PM: Thank you so much. Paula's story is also inspirational, I also wrote about her. :) God Bless to you too. :)
Daniel on March 21, 2012:
This story made me cry i am a very emotional little boy when it comes to things like this
Smokey on March 21, 2012:
Mrs. Evans i like the way you think and try to keep everyone out of harms way. Everyone that comes to this site needs to listen to and follow what Mrs. Evans says.
Wekesa PM on March 21, 2012:
Sorry AE for the loss of your loved one. I have been moved by your story.
I am doing some bible quiet time materials and while i was developing one on wise living, i came across your story and Paula's and i felt i needed to use this story as an illustration to wise living....
it is true that what you are doing is making an impact and touching lives...
have a nice day and God bless.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on March 20, 2012:
Smokey: Thank you. Losing a parent or child to a drunk driver is never a laughing matter. When we lose someone we can never bring them back.
Smokey on March 20, 2012:
haha it was really good
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on March 19, 2012:
Kody: Drinking and driving is wrong and nobody should ever get in a car with anyone who has been drinking either.
Kody on March 19, 2012:
I appreciate this websit and the stories that have been shared it is inspiring to know that people are out there trying to show people that drinking and driving is wrong
kevinbrown55 on December 23, 2011:
Hi AEvans, I will start by saying I am extremely sorry for your loss. It hurts to know that such a beautiful life was taken away. Nevertheless, I value the dedication you put into reaching out to people about drunk driving. It is a consistent problem. When I read your hub it made me feel hopeful that so many people are trying to reach out. Thank you for writing such a sentimental hub.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on December 07, 2011:
boy235: He is resting and I believe this article is really doing something. :)
amrita: Thank you for taking the time to read. :)
amrita on December 07, 2011:
I understand how u feel when u lost loved ones, especially your dad.
Thanks for sharing your deeply story.
boy235 on December 07, 2011:
i hope he rests in peace and that this will be an example to others
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on November 25, 2011:
Watcher: Yes they are mistakes and yes I have learned how to forgive. Sharing this gives me the ability to reach out to others and hopefully it will make them think twice before getting behind the wheel.
Carmen B.Regis: I hope it serves as an eye opener too. Thank you for reading.
kpcwriting: I realize how drinking can be sociable; but getting behind the wheel is always a grave mistake. Maybe a law should be passed on how many drinks a bar can server per person. Everyone has a limit and they should drink at home and not drive. Take the keys from those who are in there presence and let them sleep on a couch. They will be thankful they did. :)
Carmen B. Regis on November 05, 2011:
I am sad when I read it because of the recklessness of some individuals who forget there are lives that we should care for...I hope your writings will serve as an eye opener to those people who always finding ways to waste their lives not living as what GOD gives it to them.They don't care about it....LIFE.Its of us have missions and purpose why we live on this earth...
Watcher on November 03, 2011:
To err is human; to forgive divine...
Not all people who drink and drive are stupid or irresponsible, they just make a stupid mistake under the influence of a socially acceptable, highly available, relatively cheap and very dangerous drug, that lowers higher levels of conscious thought, judement making and risk assesment capabilities.. and in many cases negates the brain's ability to imprint short term memories into long term ones (this lowers an individual's capability of self awareness) It is the Government that takes ultimate responsibility for the contradictions it presents about what is right and wrong in society and where to draw the line with alcoholic consumption and availability... We must also remember the destruction it causes outside the realm of driving...
My prayers are with you.... you are divine for your ability to forgive, to teach and to understand where we can change
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on October 30, 2011:
JG: A person should always forgive. People make mistakes and everyone is human. We can't turn back the clock, but what we can do is learn from it. If you were in my position after the storm was over, I think you would also be forgiving. :)
JG on October 30, 2011:
Last thing AEvans... know that will all I said -I am so sorry for what happened to you. IF I were in your position it would be hard to forgive, so know I admire you, and the fact you are trying to turn something positive out of something tragic.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on October 28, 2011:
JG:I agree with you. They should not be called idiots or irresponsible. I appreciate your response. :)
JG on October 28, 2011:
Thank you for that. It is just... I read and hear people calling people that drink and drive "irresponsible" and "idiots". That isn't fair. Some people simply MUST have a wake-up call to the danger of the action before they even consider the volatility of it - because, like I said, it is very much a socially acceptable norm, and it is LEGAL. That doesn't make these persons idiots or irresponsible.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on October 28, 2011:
JG: I do not believe anyone will be upset with you at all. In fact I believe your idea, is a grand one! It should be ILLEGAL to drive to a bar. It should be ILLEGAL to drive with any alcohol in your system. I agree and yes alcohol is addictive. You do have so many valid points. I am glad you could express yourself and share your thoughts, that is what is all about. Thank you for your comment. :)
JG on October 28, 2011:
I am going to piss some people off here I know (without intending to) but when I hear a story about a drunk driver killing someone, I feel just as bad for the drunk driver as I do the victim. Before you get offended, please listen to why....
#1 It is NOT against the law to drink and drive (it is against the law to drink TOO much and drive).
#2 Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug, even encouraged to be used in settings like college, tailgateing etc.
#3 Alcohol is readily available EVERYWHERE. It is perfectly legal to drive to a bar @ 1AM. WHY is that legal? WHO is drinking responsibly @ 1AM?
#4 Alcohol is a very addictive and dangerous substance to anyone who has the alcoholic gene.. and it could be anyone.
So with those things listed, I say that society and the law makers have set us up to fail. They are asking that we be responsible with a substance that inherently makes people IRRESPONSIBLE - ESPECIALLY the alcoholic.
Tell an alcoholic he can have 2 beers and drive, but not 3? Really?
So my solution is this: it should be ILLEGAL to drive to a bar - PERIOD. It should be ILLEGAL to drive with ANY alcohol in your system- PERIOD. This would only help matters. Stop asking people, and expecting people to be responsible with a substance that often immediately makes you IRRESPONSIBLE. That is all... sorry this was so long.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on October 26, 2011:
Tryingtoheal: They should stop, but it takes one day at a time. Alcohol is an addiction just like cigarettes, drugs etc. If I can save one life from this article or open another person's eyes, I have accomplished something. Many of us forgive those who have caused pain, I am one of them. I am so happy that you have chosen to stop drinking. Please continue to share your story, I believe it can help others too. Become a speaker, share it with others and I also thank you for reading my story. :)
WDCurry111: I completely agree with you. :)
Tryingtoheal on October 26, 2011:
people should reallly stop drinking
TryingtoHeal on October 25, 2011:
I have to say this is a great site very inspirational and helpful to many alcoholics like myself trying to.learn and heal after making mistakes under the influence . Thank you!!!
getlost on October 23, 2011:
nice story
WD Curry 111 from Space Coast on October 07, 2011:
I have had problems with this in the past. When you are drunk, you are not in your right mind. When you are tipsy, you are impaired. When you have only had a drink or two, you are over-confident..
JadedLove on September 24, 2011:
To be honest as I can be, I used to be a drunk driver. Never inteded to, but when in a blackout I lost all thought and control. On April 8th 2010 I drank one bottle of wine, went to bed, woke up in the hospital. After going to bed I went out and bought 5 more bottles drank them and on my way to work at 7:40 A.M I rolled my car 7 and a half times almost killing me. Needless to say that was it for me. I never want to feel that feeling of a fear of not knowing what had happened. I know my limits now, it is zero.
bob on September 18, 2011:
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sorry for the lost !!
Ana A on May 15, 2011:
i cant say that ive lost someone to drunk drivers, but my bestfriend lost her mom due to a driver intoxicated. And about 3 years ago her dad died of alcohol poisoning. im so sorry for the losses people have suffered. and im also sorry for how irresponsible people are for getting behind the wheel drunl.
kitty on May 09, 2011:
really i just saw one that said that a woman ran over her husband after he tried to take over driving
kitty on May 09, 2011:
omg that is sad all of u now i want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on April 13, 2011:
candace: I am honored that you are using it for a presentation in school. If you can get the point across to at least one person you will make a difference. We who have lost someone we loved thank you for taking the time to read and are happy that you are sharing this with others. :)
candace on April 13, 2011:
thank you this is an upsetting story and im using it for a presentation in school.
Dexi from New England on March 19, 2011:
Important message. We hear it all the time, but no one ever believes it will be them. Thank you.
SUSIE405 from Delray Beach, Florida on January 19, 2011:
Such an important lesson to teach out children. How dangerous a car can be.
Darren on January 14, 2011:
My sister Kim Armstrong was hit by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol on November 14th, 2010. As she was slowing down to prepare to stop at a stop sign, the driver of the vehicle came over a hill traveling 100 mph and slammed into the back of her vehicle. Kim’s spinal cord was severed as a result of the accident and is severely damaged. The doctors told us, she is paralyzed from the chest down and will never be able to walk again due to where her injuries occurred. Kim is a single mother to 3 sons. Jeremy (24), Jamie (19) and has full custody of her youngest son Hunter (10).
The driver was driving on a suspended DUI license and was on probation in Tennessee at the time of the accident. We’ve learned that he has been in 7 accidents within the last year and totaled out 6 vehicles. He has 2 DUIs and caught in Wal-Mart with a loaded hand gun while intoxicated! He also has been charged several times with aggravated assault! How can this guy still be out walking around is just unbelievable to me! He was never arrested and was cited with 2 tickets, one for driving on a suspended DUI license and for no car insurance.
From what we’ve learned, the reason they didn’t arrest him after he got out of the MED was that if the hospital turned him over to the police, then the police would be responsible for paying his hospital bill.
Please read the rest of this story on her blog at http://www.kimsrecovery.com/2011/01/we-want-justic...
It just doesn't seem fair for victims and their families to have to go through this process. When we showed the private investigation report to the police department they couldn't believe this guy was not in jail either. What amazes me was we got all this information in 2 days and the police department is still trying to get criminal charges on this guy. And he is still out driving the roads popping pills and drinking. It will only be a matter of time before he kills someone or injure them like they did my sister. It’s sad – criminals have more rights than the victims!
taylor b on January 06, 2011:
i am a 13 year old chiled i was looking for a web page for a school papper and i found this one and i read most of these storys and i wanted to say that im praying for all of the people that have lost fathers,mothers,brothers,sisters,and evan grandparents and GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR LOST ONES THANK YOU
h on November 19, 2010:
that is realy depressing and its just like the story tears of a tiger,a boy named rob in that book died in a car accident due to drinking and driving.
rontavius tarver on November 19, 2010:
am sorry for your loss. I guess Dads die for lots of reasons and it is never easy. Your Dad did get to live a pretty long life. Perhaps the blessing is he didn't have to get into all those difficult aging problems like alzheimers and general debilitat.ionoutside of a persons home. In my opinion, bars should be illegal. But i then people couldn't have a few drinks at their friends house either, without having to drive home. It's a difficult situation, that's for sure. Again, I'm sorry to hear about your situation.I can relate except it was my husband that was the driver and also drinking. He was driving to fast and overcorrected and was thrown from the car. As the result he was thrown from the car and was killed and one of his passangers was also killed. I have always been against drinking and driving, I always told my husband no matter what time it is call me if you need a DD. He was only 22 and I was 20. I never thought in my life that by the time I was 20 that I would be a widow.
rontavious tarver 6 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing:)
michael bear on November 15, 2010:
Btw i am only a child and even i understand that that man should not have goten off that easy
michael bear on November 15, 2010:
i am only a student 13 years old. I wandered oon this page while looking for ideas for a school projecct and i would love to use it and pass the story on to my classmates so the future drivers will hopefully not drink and drive.
p.s. AEevans i am very sorry for your loss
Stephanie on October 12, 2010:
Drunk Driving is such a serious issue that a myriad amount of people are affected by. Unfortunately nobody realize the affect drunk driving has on the family left behind. This summer 2011 a new documentary is coming out called One Fatal Mistake. One Fatal Mistake shadow's six kids through the lost of their grandma from a drunk driver. Check out the website to watch the trailer and preview and become a fan on facebook to share with family and friends to help prevent drunk driving.
BERNARD RYAN on October 06, 2010:
Hi there,
I am truly sorry about your loss and the storey is more than heartfelt.
I don't think drink driving is the main worry in this era, MOBILE phone driving and TEXT driving is the next curse of the century.
Good Luck and I too am a strong believer of NO NO driving if you drink, even a glass.
Bianca on October 06, 2010:
hello i am so sorry for your loss. I am a teen who has grown up with an alchoholic mother and i am against drinking and driving and drugs. I live in australia and am at the moment trying to start a group teens against drugs and drunk driving. This story would create awareness to many thank you.
missing him on September 29, 2010:
I can relate except it was my husband that was the driver and also drinking. He was driving to fast and overcorrected and was thrown from the car. As the result he was thrown from the car and was killed and one of his passangers was also killed. I have always been against drinking and driving, I always told my husband no matter what time it is call me if you need a DD. He was only 22 and I was 20. I never thought in my life that by the time I was 20 that I would be a widow.
Adan on September 26, 2010:
I'm sorry. I hope your father received justice. I hope the driver atleast feels guilty for what he had done... i understand that your family had suffered a lot because of his foolish mistake.
Pat on September 24, 2010:
My first car was my dream car, and unfortunately with such a rare sports car comes lots of problems. I finally got it tip-top shape and for the last two years have driven it without any problems, accident, nothing. Until one day. My baby, my dedication was almost lost to my hands.
I had a few beers at home, and decided that I would go out to my fav local pub for a pint before heading home, usually I can handle my alcohol very, very well and know my limits, but alcohol tends to have this effect on you that makes you sleepy, drowsey, etc.
Driving on my way home, I fell asleep at the wheel and hit the guard rail, it tottaly woke me up. I was impaired, clearly, if that was another car, or if a cop saw me I would be DONE. So please, PLEASE Don't drink and drive! I now limit myself to one beer for every hour I am out and driving, if I am tempted for another, I just think back to what could have happened, and the 2300 dollars in repairs I am still working on...
skye2day from Rocky Mountains on September 08, 2010:
AE Thank you for sharing this iheart wrenching story. I am so grateful for the Grace of God that I did not hurt anyone when I drank. OMG i can not imagine. My husband is in Jail today as I write until Nov 5 for dui number 2. It is SELFISH to think you are ok to drive. He is so grateful no one was maimed or killed or hurt. It is an awful illness, that takes out families. I have to believe he is delivered and will not pick up again. God is the only way to truth and life. My LOVE
It took much courage for you to share your story. I wrote 3 stories on Davids first drink after 13 years of sobriety. The first drink lasted 4 years. 'Never Give Up' part one and two and 'Gods Glory Shining'. Love you sister. May GOD make his face to shine on you and yours. One day you will see your mama and dad again. Glory to GOD for his promise. Hugs Galore!!!
Significance of New Mexico? on August 23, 2010:
This is truly a tragic event and I cannot begin to portray my compassion. However, even in light of that I must implore, what is the significance of referring to this man's country of origin? Could he just as easily been from the States? And in light of that why not just refer to him as the the "violator" or "careless-driver"?
concerned daughter on August 19, 2010:
AE im sorry about your loss and thank you for sharing this story. In the last few years my dad has had a problem with drinking and driving. He has been in many accidents and lucky never hurt himself or anyone else. The police have never been involved in these accidents and though my family pleads with him to stop it never helps. Recently i wrote my dad a letter telling him i will do all i can to open his eyes to the danger he is putting himself and other innocent people in. If he was to kill himself or someone else i don't want to live with that guilt knowing i didn't do all i can to stop him. I would like to share your story with him. I have spent the last few days searching for stories just like yours and printing them for him to read in hopes that it will open his eyes. If this does not work my next step will be to call the police and report him the very next time i know he is driving drunk. As a crane operator this will mean him losing his job if he can no longer drive and also the possibility of him never speaking to me again. As i have told him and my mom that is a chance I am willing to take to possibly safe someones life. I think in time my dad will understand me and forgive for doing what i feel needs to be done. Again i truly want to thank you for sharing this story because i feel like to many drunk drivers do not think about the possibilities until it is too late and they have taken a life. I hope many can read this and learn from your story. I am a believer that if people open their eyes they don't have to learn from their own mistakes but can learn from others.
Dorsi Diaz from The San Francisco Bay Area on August 17, 2010:
Thank you for sharing this and I am so sorry about the loss of your dad. How devastating.
It's wonderful that you have shared your story in a hub and are reaching out to others through your own experience.
God Bless.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on July 13, 2010:
God's Girl: I am also sorry o hear about your loss. To have a child snatched away because someone was careless enough to have that extra drink, is heartbreaking. Your husband too and almstlosin your other child is sad. N matter how muh stricter the laws become, people do not pay attenton. There are day when all of su miss him so much and days where it is a reflection. Holidays are the hardest because we have a missing link. We miss his laugh, smile, phone calls and conversations. I will never forget the day, ever.
You are a good advocate hangin there. I am glad people can share on here, it is a part of the healing process.
Gods girl on July 13, 2010:
I'm so sorry for your loss. On June 16, 2004 while on a family vacation in Havasu a drunk driver killed my 10yr old son, seriously injured my 18yr old son & killed their father. That day is forever ingrained in my memory & has changed everything in our lives. My counselor asked me one day if I missed the old Sheila & pointed out to me that not one thing was the same in my life. I want my family & my old life back!! If I didn't have God to carry me & give me strength I'd be flat on my face even 6yrs later.
I just found an article in the San Gabriel Valley Examiner from 2006 that uses our story for an example about sentencing not being adequate & MADD always fighting for tougher laws. I'm always shocked when people tell their drinking & driving stories in front of me knowing my story. I agree with you in the fact if we can reach one person we could potentially save a life & help someone else from feeling this devastation. Thank you for sharing & letting us have a place to share.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on May 29, 2010:
Emiko: Thank you if I can save someone or even if someone share's there story and save a life then it will be a better place to be. :)
Emiko on May 28, 2010:
Im so sorry about your loss.
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on May 23, 2010:
bob: It still breaks my heart but life always has to go one even though we only have beautiful memories and videos of yesterday. :(
MrsR2U: Although I don't know you I will definitely keep your children in my prayers, I pray that it never happens to them or you. :)
Ronnie: How sad that you have endured so much pain , I have never heard of it myself maybe what you can do is become an advocate in your state. That is a tragedy and my prayers are and will be with you and your family. P.S. I am certain you are not alone out there, its just that nobody has ever told anyone about it.
Ronnie on May 19, 2010:
I am really sorry for your loss, That is a truly tragic story. I myself have been through this kind of... I have lost three parents to drinking and driving but the difference is that they did it to themselves. My wife and I lost her dad in 1999 then 6 months later my stepmom was killed, both were drinking and made horrible decisions to drive. Then last year my stepdad and mom were in an accident while drinking that left my step dad dead and my mom in intensive care for 3 weeks. She is still suffering to this day but will continue to get better. I myself will never have a drink again. After you go through this so many times you wish that people would not be so selfish. I sometimes wonder if ther is anybody else in the world who has lost three parents to this.
MrsRat2U on May 18, 2010:
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have 3 children, all teens, and I worry about them driving for this very reason! God bless you in your endevour to keep drunks off the road.
bob on May 17, 2010:
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on May 16, 2010:
briana: Yes it was very, very sad and it still hurts till this day.
briana on May 16, 2010:
very sad
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on April 29, 2010:
joseph tito: I Thank God for you to all of make mistakes and if we didn't we wouldn't be human. I am glad that you realized what it can cause and you are alive and did not harm a soul. If a person drinks that is o.k. but please just don't drive, call a cab, a friend, a family member that is the best thing to do. I wish you all of the best! :)
joseph tito on April 29, 2010:
thank god i didn't kill any body but i got my life upside dowen of dwi .never agaim
Julianna (author) from SomeWhere Out There on April 22, 2010:
teresa: Thank you and I to hope that others can learn from this blog, my heart has healed but there will always be an empty space in my heart. I wish there was a stricter law but until it happpens to the people who write them in then something will be done. Thank you for your kindness and your comment.:)
tiana: Bless your little heart and thank you for your wonderful and heartfelt commment. I would not normally accept a comment from someone so young, but I believe your words should be heard too. :)
yalia habibi hiba: It was not me who killed my father it was a drunk driver who had gotten behind the wheel, Thank you for the forgivness but I do not drink and drive. I do not drink at all but thank you for sharing your thoughts and I hope that others who have a problem will take lessons from your words. :)
yalla habibi hiba on April 22, 2010: