Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett is 'the most famous frontiersman in American history.' This incredibly brave, colorful, charismatic, larger-than-life folk hero was a man’s man. He was a skilled woodsman, expert trapper, legendary hunter, and unparalleled sharpshooter.
David Stern Crockett always hated the nickname 'Davy.' Those who knew him called him David. People loved his great sense of humor. He was not only a fabulous raconteur; he also starred in many a tall tale spun by others.
The 'Lion of the West' was a natural leader of men. He is remembered as a man of character who was widely admired. A patriot, a soldier, an adventurer, and a Christian; Davy Crockett was truly 'The King of the Wild Frontier.'
Davy Crockett Biography
Born in a log cabin in 1786, David Crockett was the fifth of nine children. His lineage was French and Scots-Irish. The name was originally Croquetagne from ancestors who fled France for Ireland under persecution as Protestant Huguenots. After immigrating to America, both grandparents were tortured and gruesomely murdered by Indians in East Tennessee.
The father of Davy Crockett fought in the American War of Independence before settling in Greene County, Tennessee. It was named for Major General Nathanael Greene, who rose from the rank of Private in the Continental Army to become George Washington’s most gifted officer.
In 1796, Ma and Pa Crockett (John and Rebecca) opened a tavern on the road that ran east from Knoxville to Virginia. At age 12, young Davy worked on a cattle drive up that same road. Daddy had taught him to shoot rifles four years earlier.
David ran away from home at 13 and went out into the big world on his own. He had little formal schooling and didn’t learn to read and write until he was18. But by that age the six-foot-tall young man was strong as a bull and had already killed 105 bears—including at least one with a knife. People did not romanticize man-eating beasts in those days.
David Crockett
In 1806, Crockett married Polly Finley, and they had three children together. She died in 1815, and Crockett later married Elizabeth Patton, a widow woman with two younguns. They moved to Gibson County in west Tennessee, right near where my daddy is from and where I still have distant relatives I have met.
David Crockett enlisted in the militia in 1813 and served as a Scout for Andrew Jackson, the future President of the United States. When the army ran out of food, Crockett fed the starving troops by trapping and hunting game. He would eventually rise to the rank of Colonel, which is just below General.
Crockett Goes to Congress
Davy Crockett served his community well as Justice of the Peace, so his neighbors twice't elected him to the Tennessee Legislature (1821-1825) and then sent him to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1827 and again in 1829. He famously said:
“I don’t know why I should be afraid to rise and address the House of Representatives, for I can whip any man in it.”
In 1831 though, Congressman Crockett vehemently opposed his old friend, now President Andrew Jackson, over the Indian Removal Act, and narrowly lost his bid for reelection to a candidate backed by Jackson. 1833 found him back in Congress but 1835 saw him lose again—this time by a mere 252 votes.
That marks the end of his days as a legislator, but by this time Davy Crockett had become one of the most famous men in America. His 1834 autobiography had proved very popular, and over the next 20 years scores of books were published about him, as well as plays performed on Broadway in New York City. He was also famed for speeches given before Congress. In one, he opposed a bill for congressional charity to widows:
“Congress has no power to appropriate money for charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.”
To give you an idea of the fictional accounts written about Crockett, in one it has him speaking to the U.S. Congress:
“I have got the roughest racing horse, the prettiest sister, the surest rifle, and the ugliest dog in the district. I’m the savagest critter you ever did see. My father can whip any man in Kentucky, and I can lick my father. I can out-speak any man on this floor, and give him two hours start. I can run faster, dive deeper, stay longer under, and come out drier, than any chap this side the big Swamp.
“I can walk like an ox, run like a fox, swim like an eel, yell like an Indian, fight like a devil, spout like an earthquake, make love like a mad bull, and swallow a Mexican whole without choking if you butter his head and pin his ears back."
To Texas and the Alamo
Davy was disgruntled about being turned out of office and decided to move to Texas. It was a long journey to San Antone. Along the way people swarmed to get a look at the living legend, especially in Memphis and Little Rock. The people of Texas greeted Colonel Crockett like the celebrity he was. And he loved Texas, calling it ‘the garden spot of the world.’
The Americans living in Texas were divided. Some wanted Texas to become an American state but others want an independent Republic of Texas.
Sam Houston supported Andrew Jackson so Crockett split from him and chose to team up with William B. Travis. They died together at the Alamo, where Crockett played a central role in its defense.
The now 49-year-old Davy Crockett was in favor of a Republic of Texas. He and others were promised 4,600 acres of land each if they would fight for it. In San Antonio—population 2,500—Jim Bowie, who had brought 30 volunteers to defend the Alamo, which was garrisoned by 104 Texan troops, greeted Crockett and his 30 Tennesseans. The President of Mexico, General Santa Anna, was on the way to attack with 4,500 men.
Davy buoyed the spirits of the troops during the 13-day siege and battle by playing his beloved fiddle for them. He was the “leading spirit” of the men, who knew they were doomed. It is said that he was one of the last men standing; that he was captured with 15 dead Mexican Army regulars slain around him.
As he was standing before Santa Anna, unarmed and tied up, the Mexican General ordered him hacked to pieces. An eyewitness wrote: “He died without complaining; and without humiliating himself before his torturers.”
The body of David Crockett was never found. The 200 slain defenders of the Alamo were stacked like firewood and burned to ashes on the orders of Santa Anna—refused proper burial. This is a major part of the reason that the battle cry of Texans became “Remember the Alamo!”
Crockett once said: “Most men are remembered as they died, and not as they lived. We gaze with admiration upon the glories of the setting sun, yet scarcely bestow a passing glance upon its noonday splendor.”
A five-part mini-series about Davy Crockett, produced by Walt Disney Pictures, was a sensational success in 1955. It starred Fess Parker as Crockett with Buddy Ebsen—Jed Clampett—as his sidekick. It was filmed at Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
$300 Million worth of Davy Crockett merchandise sold in just that one year; and sales of such items have by now surpassed $2 billion. It seemed half the boys in the country had a coonskin cap.
Even more surprising perhaps, “The Ballad of Davy Crockett” sold 10 million copies—the number one song of 1955.
A Davy Crockett character has appeared in over 21 films; including 8 with his name in the title. John Wayne played him and so did Johnny Cash.
His son, John Wesley Crockett, became a merchant, newspaper editor, lawyer, and congressman in Paris, Tennessee. He died at age 45. Every other year the ‘Direct Descendants of David Crockett and Kin’ hold a family reunion.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on May 21, 2019:
Oscar Jones ~ Thank you for taking the time to read my article on Davy Crockett. I appreciate your comments as well.
Oscar Jones from Monroeville, Alabama on May 20, 2019:
Davy Crockett Inspired much of my boyhood. my siblings and I read out every "I was there" book at the public library. -My favorite was " I was there at the Alamo".
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on December 09, 2017:
Rob Lattin ~ Thank you so much for your encouraging words. One thing I cannot abide is political correctness. Speaking of Andrew Jackson, I also published an article about him that you might like: https://owlcation.com/humanities/Biography-of-Andr...
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on December 09, 2017:
Graham Lee ~ Thank you ever much for taking the tie to read my article. I am so glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate you saying so.
Rob Lattin from Born in Chicago, now I'm in the Quad Cities on August 04, 2017:
Great historical article and I am glad it was not written in a way to be politically correct, rather it is historically correct. Few know about Crockett, let alone Boone and Cody and even Andrew Jackson, for that matter. Keep up the good work and share more history with us, especially with the kids these days who don't know the difference between Andrew Jackson and Michael Jackson.
Graham Lee from Lancashire. England. on May 29, 2017:
A really interesting hub, I enjoyed it, I did not know the bodies were burned. I remember the song and the series, we had both of them over here in the uk.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
Jay C OBrien---Even Indians consider their burial grounds sacred. Are they wrong too?
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
Peggy W~ Thank you ever much for revisiting my Hub and for your nice note. I sincerely appreciate the sharing and pinning. I hope to visit the Alamo one day. I once went to San Antonio but only for a brief business trip with no spare time.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
Jay C OBrien--- I have no idea why you hate David Crockett so much. You blame him for being in charge at the Alamo, personally causing the deaths of all the men there, which is a false allegation. Travis and Bowie were in charge. Crockett had 4 children and 18 grandchildren who seem to have dome pretty well in life. Even today, thousands of his descendants maintain a website, being proud of being one of his offspring. But you claim they suffered by being descended from him.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
Jay C OBrien--- I agree with you that all men should aspire to "work and provide for his family" and "produce something constructive in society" and "take care of his children." You say "Crockett did not do these things." I find no evidence that what you claim is true.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
tirelesstraveler~ You've got that right! I am with you all the way. Well put!
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
FatBoyThin---Thank you ever much for the gracious compliments. It makes a man feel good to be appreciated.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
Jay C OBrien~ A man should be masculine.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
Thank you 'no body' for taking the time to read my article. Your comments are extraordinary and I agree with you 100%. Well said, my friend. God Bless You!
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2015:
femmeflashpoint~ I absolutely love your comments about Col. Crockett. Especially your bits about what a manly man he was and about his political philosophy. You mentioned his descendants. One of them, aptly named David Crockett, plays drums in a band with a guitarist I am acquainted with, Rusty Burns. I believe they are based in Austin.
Jay C OBrien on June 08, 2015:
"The Alamo is indeed sacred ground."
No, land is not sacred because land is not alive. People are alive and may be more or less sacred. Fighting or doing violence to others does not make land sacred. Jesus said, "Love your enemies," not kill them.
Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on June 08, 2015:
I had forgotten that I had already commented as it was 2 years ago. This surely brought back memories! Now I have that Davy Crockett tune in my mind. We all sang that popular song when we were kids.
My brothers had those toy soldiers and Indians and I can remember them waging war with them as a form of play. We were all kids in the 1950s.
The Alamo is indeed sacred ground. Hope you get to see it someday. Sharing this once again and pinning it to my interesting people board.
Jay C OBrien on May 11, 2015:
Standing on a principal got Crockett killed. Crockett got himself and all his men killed after disobeying an order from his general. The maneuver of "retreat" is perfectly valid in the military and General Houston ordered it. Crockett left his family to fight and did not provide for them. What happened to his children? Do not follow a leader like Crockett.
Jay C OBrien on May 10, 2015:
Yes, we should have high principles. Leaving your family and killing people are not high principles.
What is a great man?
One who works and provides for his family.
One who produces something constructive in society,
(Killing people is Destructive, not Constructive).
One who takes care of his children.
Crockett did not do these things.
Judy Specht from California on May 09, 2015:
If only members of congress today would stand on principal like Davy Crockett. Nice reminder of a great man
Colin Garrow from Inverbervie, Scotland on April 23, 2015:
Great Hub - reminds me of the Davy Crockett hat my mum made for me when I was a kid. Don't think it was coonskin, though.
Jay C OBrien on June 12, 2014:
What do you mean, "Don't be a pussy?"
How do you define a Man?
Jay C OBrien on June 09, 2014:
That is a very interesting interpretation of the letter. It seems clear that Sam Houston did not want to fight at the Alamo and Houston was the General. In the end we may never know because all the fact witnesses are long dead.
The issue now is what do we teach our children about the Alamo?
Do not run to a fight.
Walk away from a fight.
Seek constructive alternatives to violence.
Avoid ultimatums: "Victory or Death," or "Never surrender and never retreat." (Travis).
Retreat may be a good option or avoid "Tombstone Courage."
Do not emulate Travis, Crockett or Bowie.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on June 09, 2014:
While most Houston supporters will almost immediately jump on the bandwagon that yes, Houston did order the Alamo blown up, when the evidence is examined from an objective viewpoint an entirely different conclusion can be drawn. On January 17th, 1836 Houston wrote a letter to GOV. Henry Smith in which he stated,
"I have ordered the fortifications in the town of Bexar to be demolished, and if you think well of it, I will remove all the cannon and other munitions of war to Gonzales and Copano, blow up the Alamo, and abandon the place, as it will be impossible to keep up the station with volunteers, the sooner I can be authorized the better it will be for the country".
Houston's "blow up the Alamo" supporters point to this letter as proof that Houston did issue those orders, but on reading closely one can see that he was asking permission not informing Smith of any orders he had issued. If Sam Houston did order the Alamo destroyed his own words and actions do not support it. In his later years he would blame anyone for the fall of the Alamo yet he never placed or tried to blame Bowie, why? The most likely conclusion is he never issued those orders to Bowie.
Jay C OBrien on June 08, 2014:
It is my understanding General Sam Houston ordered the Alamo be stripped of cannon and destroyed. Travis, Bowie and Crockett disobeyed their commanding officer. There really was no reason to defend the Alamo.
From the article above, Crockett was promised land if he fought. Crockett agreed to kill people for land, while disobeying his commander. Crockett also left his family to fight.
Who took care of his widow and orphans? If Crockett did not value his own life, perhaps he should have thought of his children.
What should we teach our children about the Alamo?
Walk away from a fight and care for your children.
Robert E Smith from Rochester, New York on December 27, 2013:
"...killed him a b'ar when he was only three. Davy, Davy Crockett..." Was I singing in tune? lalala..
Well, What can I say. Great. Still my favorite historian. People in those days were hard and tough. People today think they are tough if they own a gun or can do some exercise in record time. The men in our early days were strong and it makes me think that within us all is a potential to be tough if we become strong in the Lord and deny ourselves some of our "easy out," 21st century lazy, "cop-out" ways. It should shame us to read of the everyday hardships these people faced (with no complaint). They lived and died according to some principles, at least most of them did. What principles do we live by as a rule? None. "I will get what I deserve" and "I deserve everything." "My navel is the center of the universe," and "I am my own God!"
femmeflashpoint on March 17, 2013:
The only thing I am not dazzled with, regarding Col. Crockett is his loathsome comment about Kentuckians. (Grin!) Past that, the man was surely within a hair of being perfect, by the strictest of standards.
His memory is alive and well in the Lone Star state, as are some of his direct descendants, a couple of which I am acquainted with.
Col. Crockett brought so much to the table in his knowledge on freedom, and the role of elected representatives being just that, rather than "officials" ... His intent was for them to be sure they kept on "officially representing" the people who hired them to be exactly that, not a supervisor.
If only more of us could square our shoulders, and remind Congress who is boss, and frequently employ Col. Crockett's admonishment of, "I bark for no man!" today, our country would be enjoying freedom, rather than wearing the yolks of the taskmasters we pay to be our handlers.
Great hub. :)
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on February 12, 2013:
Coolmon2009--- Thank you! Thank you very much. :)
Coolmon2009 from Texas, USA on February 09, 2013:
I am always interested in Texas history. Interesting article on Davy Crockett and a great read too.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on February 07, 2013:
Kenja--- Welcome to the HubPages Community! I look forward to reading some of your Hubs, Ken, which I will do soon. I have even made myself a note of it. Your Profile Page is quite impressive indeed.
You said it so well: "There was only one Davy Crockett, and if only half of what they wrote about him was true, that's good enough for me . . . "
Thank you for reading my article. I am glad you enjoyed it.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on February 07, 2013:
hhunterr--- Thank you very much fo taking the time to come by and read my piece on Davy Crockett. I sincerely appreciate your kind comments. I enjoyed reading your thoughful insights. That's funny about Fess Parker selling wine bottles topped by coonskin hats! :D
I never heard that one before. Thanks again.
Ken Taub from Long Island, NY on February 05, 2013:
Always has a place in many of our hearts -- whether we're from Tennessee or Texas, Nevada or New York. The line between fact and fiction has long been blurred, but who much cares? There was only one Davy Crockett, and if only half of what they wrote about him was true, that's good enough for me, and likely for posterity too. Good piece Jim. Ken
hhunterr from Highway 24 on February 04, 2013:
Wow, nice. Raised 90 minutes from Crockett's original cabin, I realized why Crockett left when I saw how truly small it was. He later came back and worked hard to pay off family debt not his. And he'd have gotten a kick out of tiny coonskin hats, as I'm told, not at Disney, but atop wine bottles sold by Fess Parker in his later years.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on January 10, 2013:
midget38--- You are quite welcome! Yes, that Davy Crockett was something else, alright, or shall I say "quelque chose"? :D
I don't know where that came from. Anyway . . .
Thank you for visiting and commenting.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on January 10, 2013:
Dolores Monet--- Hello there, my friend! I actually rented the old Davy Crockett shows on DVD not long ago and they are still quite enjoyable to me. And yes, that theme song is very memorable.
Thank you for coming over to check out my Hub. I always appreciate it when you do. :-)
Michelle Liew from Singapore on January 08, 2013:
Thanks for the wonderful history lesson, James! Davy Crockeet certainly made significant contributions politically and I believe emotionally too. Thanks for sharing.
Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on January 08, 2013:
Hi James - I remember watching that Fess Parker TV show about Davy Crockett. Ever since then, any time I hear the name, that song runs through my head. The song claims that Crockett killed a bear when he was only 3! Some tough little dude!
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 14, 2012:
Jackie Lynnley— That is interesting. Thank you for coming back and fleshing out the story. That is very cool indeed. :D
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 14, 2012:
Don Bobbitt— Thank you! Thank you very much. :D
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 14, 2012:
Peggy W— Hello! I am grateful to you for sharing this article with your friends and acquaintances. That alone is high praise indeed.
I am glad you found my article about Davy Crockett to be informative and I appreciate the voted up.
I have been to San Antonio on a business conference but our schedule was jam-packed and I did not get to see the Alamo. I enjoyed reading your comments. Thank you for them and for this visitation. Always good to hear from you.
James :D
Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on October 13, 2012:
David Crockett, his co-workers and friends called him David. Only his family called him Davy. I think it probably embarrassed me as a kid, guess I got over it. lol I only remember one teacher making a big deal out of it.
Don Bobbitt from Ruskin Florida on October 09, 2012:
Fantastic and professionally done, as usual, James. I loved every word of it.
Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on October 09, 2012:
Hi James,
My brothers both had the coon skin caps and we grew up hearing legends of Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, the Battle of the Alamo, etc. My maternal grandfather was in the national guard and was stationed in San Antonio when Pancho Villa was making raids into Texas from Mexico. Visiting San Antonio (a recent hub of mine) and actually viewing The Alamo...especially for the first time, was (and is) quite an experience. It is hallowed ground.
You filled in a few details that I had forgotten or did not know about David Crockett. Up votes and sharing.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 08, 2012:
Jackie Lynnley— I am so glad you adored this story. Your Dad is named Davy Crockett!? Holy Cow! That is awesome.
I am sorry if one of your comments disappeared. That has been common on my Hubs lately though HubPages denies it and apparently no one else is having the problem. That is strange.
I am back until the elections. Then I am going to knuckle down one last time and finish and publish my book. After that, I will be back again. I sure appreciate the voted up. Thank you for visiting and commenting, as always. :-)
Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on October 06, 2012:
Loved this story, for it has very special meaning to me. Guess what my daddy's name is? Yep. His parents and siblings called him Davy but my mom and her family called him Crockett. Strange I never wondered why until now. I commented on another of your hubs ages ago but never saw my name there and know you don't pass anyone by so I suppose I just shared it and forgot to push post. Sorry, I always vote them up though. Hope you are back for good.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 05, 2012:
old albion— Hello Graham! Thank you for taking the time to read my article about Davy Crockett. I very much appreciate the voted up and all, as well as your kind comments.
The Best To You,
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 04, 2012:
teaches12345— I am glad I was able to bring back some wonderful memories for you. I am sorry you didn't get your Davy Crockett hat. :(
Maybe you still can. :)
Thank you for reading my article and for your comments.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 03, 2012:
Randy Godwin— It is great to see you here, Randy. I am glad you enjoyed my article about Davy Crockett. Yes, an "American Hero."
I appreciate the compliments and I agree with your assessment of the way he influenced the Old World's view of us. Thank you for visiting and for your excellent observations.
Graham Lee from Lancashire. England. on October 03, 2012:
Hi James. Another first class hub. As usual your research shines through. I did not know that 'David' was hacked to death. Excellent.
Voted up and all.
Dianna Mendez on October 02, 2012:
I remember when it was a trend to get a Davy Crockett hat. I wanted one as a child, but didn't get it. Love the stories on Crockett and your hub post has brought back wonderful memories from my childhood of his adventures.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 02, 2012:
Alastar Packer— I am with you 100%. I watched the John Wayne version not long ago and it is good. The new one I think is great. It probably did not make the Americans look bad enough for postmodern critics. :)
Great to see you, my friend.
Randy Godwin from Southern Georgia on October 02, 2012:
A fascinating glimpse at one of our most "American" heroes, James. Crockett was so influential in how our new country was seen by the Old World. Even the myths about him could only bolster America's reputation of strength and fortitude. Well written as always.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 02, 2012:
aquasilver— A cat hat!? My, my!
I always enjoy hearing from you, John. You are part of what makes HubPages special. Thank you for visiting.
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 01, 2012:
dahoglund— Hello there, my friend. I have heard about some controversy in regard to how Davy Crockett died. I think a book came out that said he died early in the battle. But that seems to contradict eyewitness accounts at the time.
I appreciate the voted up. And I am thrilled that you would share this Hub in your sphere of influence. Thank you very much!
James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on October 01, 2012: