The Benefits of Updating Content And Key Points to Consider
Quality Posts Drive Traffic
Search engines love updated, good content.
Revising older articles is an essential step to the success and life of the hub. Bringing content up-to-date will help to increase your traffic. Here are some suggestions:
- Every article that we create will need to be updated at some point.
- As changes occur within the Hub Page tool (create a new hub), some editing may be necessary on certain pieces that have been published. Blogging tools also change. Be aware of this and bring the content up-to-date.
- I recently made changes to a hub I wrote about using tags. Hub Pages no longer use these anymore. So a good part of the information I included in that hub is now obsolete.
- Revising older content and adding photos will bring new life into your existing article.
6 Ways to Breathe New Life into Old Articles
Regardless of how hard you work on your material, areas can constantly be improved.
Keeping the content fresh is a critical key to driving more traffic to your article. Update and revise every single piece often.
Here are six tips that will help you to give new life to tired, aging content:
- Check your spelling. Nothing says unprofessional like a misspelled word. Back up your credibility with proper spelling and grammar.
- Structure. A good presentation will keep your readers interested, especially in long posts. You don't want people struggling to read through your hub. You risk losing them. Keep each paragraph packed with interest and even a surprise now and then. Avoid being too predictable as you write.
- Add value by using your thoughts. This can encourage your readers to comment because they like sharing their thoughts too, and will be more inclined to do so.
- Have a goal in mind as you are writing. Avoid going on and on aimlessly without a driven purpose. And remember that vocabulary does matter. But keep it simple. The reader doesn't want to take the time to look up the meaning of the words.
- Link it up. Whether the link is external or internal, use relevant and helpful links. And make it a point to check all connections to ensure they are working.
- The title is perhaps the most crucial part of your hub. Think about the following seven pointers below as you re-write your title.
Refresh Content
You've learned some important points about writing, along with helpful Hub Page rules for creating successful content. You are constantly evolving as a writer. So now is the time to update your earlier writings to reflect this self-growth.
Here are eight tips to help you begin revising aging hubs:
- Changing the titles to be more Search Engine friendly will pay off immediately. Search Engines like regularly updated posts, and you might see your traffic rising.
- Change the presentation and ensure it's exciting and easy to read with no misspelled words.
- Refresh the content. It is one of the most significant changes you can make.
- Update facts as needed.
- Correct errors and inaccuracies.
- Add new information and delete anything that is no longer applicable.
- Concentrate on one article at a time. Trying to revise too many at the same time will only confuse you.
- Photos are original whenever possible. When using other images, look for the public domain. Remember to give credit to the photographer.
The Role of the Title
- Capture the reader's attention.
- The title is the first impression of your content.
- Does your title tell the reader what he will learn?
- Be concise and to the point. Search engines only show the first few words of your title so avoid using too many words. Try to keep the title under 65 characters.
- Use appropriate keywords but avoid stuffing. Visit the googles keyword tool to find the best keywords.
- You are the authority on the topic you are writing about. Be confident in writing your title.
- Create a title that is inviting and intriguing.
Your title acts as a description of your content in RSS and search results. A descriptive and informative headline has more chance of being read than a vague and confusing one.
Share Your Passion With Your Reader
Now that you have decided to update your older pieces remember to:
- Get excited about the outcome of what you are about to write.
- Write about a subject you know.
- The more research you do, the more ideas you will come up with.
- Being a passionate writer can be felt by the reader. So find your passion and then write about it. Don't hold back. Write with confidence.
- An upbeat attitude will contribute significantly to the changes you make.
- Keep your content unique. Make it different by revealing your personality.
8 Key Points for Stellar Writing
Put yourself in your reader's shoes. Consider the following points:
- Why would anyone want to read my article?
- Is it valuable and helpful?
- To keep your readers from straying, keep your content exciting and well-written.
- You might ask yourself this question as you are creating or editing. "Is my hub scannable to the reader?"
- Most people read by scanning the page for specific words and clues such as lists, images, headings, and space.
- Another thing to think about as you are reviewing the content is the length. Readers have a short attention span, so if your hub is too long, consider breaking it up into more than one hub. Write two or even three different pieces, elaborating on each one.
- Keep each paragraph short. That makes it easier to read and helps keep the reader's interest.
- Adding appropriate images will make your hub more appealing. The reader's eye will go directly to the image first. From that point, the reader looks at the text.
- Add charts, maps, and diagrams to help clarify key points.
Sharing Articles with social media
Sharing your hubs with other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ will help increase your traffic. Yes, it's time-consuming but well worth it.
Do you know that Twitter now has over 465 million accounts and Facebook over 850 million? Google+ has almost 100 million accounts. Share your best work. And keep revising those that need it so you can share those too.
Always make a positive and memorable impression when you share. Be professional and helpful, as this is how your followers will grow, and you'll continue to drive more traffic back to your hubs.
Create an eye-catching opening line. Plant a desire within the reader to "read on." Many articles are skipped over after the introduction, so keep your reader's attention with good writing and rich helpful content.
Ask yourself what would be exciting and motivating enough to continue reading through the entire article.
Summing It Up
Let's briefly review the points for updating older articles:
- Look at your current title. If it's weak, create a full and short title and slip in a keyword or two.
- Rewrite your opening line if needed. Give your readers a reason for spending time at your hub.
- Rewrite and update content to keep it exciting and to keep your readers attention.
- Check all grammar and spelling.
- All links should be relevant and working.
- Update images. Use your own if possible.
- How's the format? Keep it exciting and professional.
- Make sure to use the google keyword tool - but be careful of "stuffing" keywords, as you could be penalized for spamming.
- Use "share" when your hub is completed. Don't just hit publish, thinking that people will be flocking to read your updated masterpiece.
I want to add how beneficial it is to take some time and pay a visit to The Learning Center. Each time I go there, I take away something new and helpful.
Do You Update Hubs?
© 2012 Audrey Hunt
peachy from Home Sweet Home on June 21, 2020:
I have not updated my recipe hubs for years. What are the keywords in the titles?
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on March 12, 2020:
Thank you, my friend, for the important reminder of the misspelled word. And...I love "the messenger."
I appreciate your visit and kind remarks. It takes time to refresh our articles, but is well worth it. Thanks.
Reginald Thomas from Connecticut on March 12, 2020:
Hi Audrey
I enjoyed your article. Great points and direction. I will use many of your points to refresh my articles.
Thank you
diogenes from UK and Mexico on June 10, 2019:
Hi Audrey: Thanks for nice rejoinder. I am sure you have been made aware of the misspelling of the word "benefits" in your title?
Please don't curse at the messenger!
Bob x
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on June 10, 2019:
It really is a full-time job updating hubs, especially when you have hundreds in the mix. I do my best to update 1 or 2 several times a week I'd much rather spend this time relaxing with my feet up, but, oh well!
Love reading your comments, filled with information and humor. Your terrific personality shines through.
Oh, and I, too, have an ancient composing brain and grateful enough cells remain to keep me writing.
Your friend,
diogenes from UK and Mexico on May 28, 2019:
Hi Audrey: This would have to be one of the most useful hub articles I have ever read. Boy, does it apply to me! Its not easy to update hundreds of articles.
You have three "people" to keep happy: your readers, Google (HP!) and yourself. If you hope to make money (I never have) you have to write commercially viable articles (such as self-help!). You can quickly become sober if you take in just how many articles Google already features on what your article says today!
Then, if you have a magnetic "voice," you'll build up a coterie of reader/friends which is reason enough for many hubbers to publish.
Or, like me, you're so ancient the "composing brain" is the only part of the body with a few active cells! And it is growing dim...
Ah, me,
Bob x
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on August 29, 2017:
Thank you so much for reading my hub about updating hubs. It's almost a full-time job in itself especially with the latest changes. I always find this rewarding. Wonderful to know you always keep up with this important action.
Have a great day,
Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on August 29, 2017:
Very useful and informative hub about updating hubs! I have been doing it always, now more so because of the ' full width for every capsule 'notifications.
Thanks for sharing this all time relevant hub!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on January 29, 2017:
I, too, have been busy updating my hubs. I've experienced rewards already just from the 10 that I've worked on. Glad you found a tip or two here that may help you along the way. With changes going on in hubland - one more reason for updating.
Edina from worldwide on January 29, 2017:
Thanks for posting this because I am now in the process of updating hubs, I am finding it very rewarding and also, necessary. I will be taking on board some of the tips mentioned. Thanks again
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 28, 2014:
peachpurple - Well, just look at you! Updating all your older hubs and turning them into featured hubs. Great job!
peachy from Home Sweet Home on November 27, 2014:
i had been updating my old hubs lately, all the unfeatured hubs are featured, all the broken links removed and now, I need to write new hubs, dang!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 24, 2014:
Hi there. It's good to see you. I'm glad to know that you found my hub informative. That means I've done my job. :) Thanks so much. - Audrey
John Hollywood from Hollywood, CA on November 24, 2014:
Very informative hub! I forget to do many of these! Good reminder :)
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 18, 2014:
One of the advantages I enjoy when I revise and update my hubs is how much I have progressed and learned here on HP. Some of my early hubs are not all that good. :) Thanks my friend.
Don A. Hoglund from Wisconsin Rapids on November 17, 2014:
Useful and well written hub. I have been redoing some of my hubs but I really have to do more and better. Your tips will help.sharing
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 16, 2014:
Oh, Audrey, you have made my day! Your kind comments register high with me. This was a joy for me to write. I've learned and grown since my early days here on HP. I really do love to update my hubs and add new ideas, photos and such. I know you will be great at updating your hubs. Hey - we all need a lift now and then right? Thank you for adding blessings and I wish the same for you dear lady. Audrey
Audrey Selig from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on November 16, 2014:
Hi Audrey - You have such knowledge about updating hubs that it is almost unbelievable. Even talking about passion in updating is so important. You thought of everything and put your passion into the language of the hub. When I finished reading, I thought "hey I can do this", so you even give confidence to readers. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Blessings, Audrey
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 16, 2014:
Good morning Suzette. Nothing better than starting my day with a comment by you! And I need to hear this. Thanks my friend and enjoy your day.
suzettenaes on November 15, 2014:
Audrey, this is a timeless piece of writing. Great tips and advice for updating hubs. I find doing this really makes a difference and creates more traffic and higher hub scores. Very comprehensive article. I enjoyed reading this.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 13, 2014:
Hello Sushine625
Seems like I am constantly updating my hubs. Info changes and the like. Glad to see you Linda.
As I understand it Google does see the change and this improves traffic. Give it a try to see what happens. Thanks for the votes Mary.
Mary Craig from New York on November 10, 2014:
This hub is as relevant today as it was two years ago. Guess I'll be updating some hubs!
One question though, if you change the title it doesn't effect the URL so does Google really see the change?
Loved this and voted up, useful, and interesting.
Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on November 09, 2014:
It's time for me to update my hubs and blogs...thank you for inspiring me to do so! :)
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 09, 2014:
It is so rewarding for me to hear how helpful my hub has been for you. Revising our hubs gives a freshness to what we've written. And changes occur from time to time which need updating. Thank you and I'm on my way to treat myself to one of your hubs. Enjoy your day! Audrey
Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on November 09, 2014:
I have now better direction in revising my hubs. I am glad I opened your hub as I learned so many things I need to do to make my hubs more interesting. I have to be more passionate and engaging, learn how to do this.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on August 15, 2013:
I'm so happy for your success with revising your hubs. I do think the increase in traffic has a lot to do with updating hubs. Thanks for my angels. ~ Audrey
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 29, 2013:
janshares - Gee, thank you so much for hopping over here from the forum - I'm honored! And you're so kind to join in my latest milestone.
Updating is a good consistent move to make. I always see an increase in my traffic (although not lately :)) At times I've been tempted to just remove a hub that's not doing well, but then I decide to update and even re-write it. I've only deleted one hub in 3 years.
I'm glad you found this hub useful. Puts a huge smile on my face. Enjoy your day and will see you soon.~ Audrey
Hello Audrey my dear friend and amazing writer and poet. Thanks for celebrating this milestone with me. I appreciate it so much.
pstraubie48 - I am inclined to think that anytime we update hubs traffic increases. I had heard quite some time ago that google likes to see hubs revised. Whether that is still true or not I'm not sure. But as you point our, it can't hurt.
I sure need those precious angels you have sent my way ~ Thank you and hugs! Audrey
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 29, 2013:
janshares - Gee, thank you so much for hopping over here from the forum - I'm honored! And you're so kind to join in my latest milestone.
Updating is a good consistent move to make. I always see an increase in my traffic (although not lately :)) At times I've been tempted to just remove a hub that's not doing well, but then I decide to update and even re-write it. I've only deleted one hub in 3 years.
I'm glad you found this hub useful. Puts a huge smile on my face. Enjoy your day and will see you soon.~ Audrey
Hello Audrey my dear friend and amazing writer and poet. Thanks for celebrating this milestone with me. I appreciate it so much.
pstraubie48 - I am inclined to think that anytime we update hubs traffic increases. I had heard quite some time ago that google likes to see hubs revised. Whether that is still true or not I'm not sure. But as you point our, it can't hurt.
I sure need those precious angels you have sent my way ~ Thank you and hugs! Audrey
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 29, 2013:
janshares - Gee, thank you so much for hopping over here from the forum - I'm honored! And you're so kind to join in my latest milestone.
Updating is a good consistent move to make. I always see an increase in my traffic (although not lately :)) At times I've been tempted to just remove a hub that's not doing well, but then I decide to update and even re-write it. I've only deleted one hub in 3 years.
I'm glad you found this hub useful. Puts a huge smile on my face. Enjoy your day and will see you soon.~ Audrey
Hello Audrey my dear friend and amazing writer and poet. Thanks for celebrating this milestone with me. I appreciate it so much.
pstraubie48 - I am inclined to think that anytime we update hubs traffic increases. I had heard quite some time ago that google likes to see hubs revised. Whether that is still true or not I'm not sure. But as you point our, it can't hurt.
I sure need those precious angels you have sent my way ~ Thank you and hugs! Audrey
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 23, 2013:
OMGirdle - Hi there. Changing the title really doesn't cause a conflict. While the url remains the same, it's the title that google respects. Thanks.
Theater girl - You are certainly welcome. And your muse is on her way!
Jennifer from New Jersey on July 23, 2013:
Thank you for the encouragement Audrey! I very much needed it!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 23, 2013:
Theater girl - Hi. When I find that I experience writers block I always begin updating older hubs. Google rewards us when we do this by increasing traffic, etc. And don't worry about the recent drop in traffic - it's happening to most of us. Give it some time and hopefully things will be back to normal. Thanks and sending you a hug ~ Audrey
Jennifer from New Jersey on July 17, 2013:
I was meant to read this today. I have been a bit discouraged of late with some writers block and this was just what I needed! Thanks for the tips on older work. I have also lost traffic lately and these are great tips!
OMGirdle on July 16, 2013:
Extremely useful tips. But I do have a question. I know we can't change the hub link. When changing the title, does that create a conflict for search engines? Thank you very much for sharing and the encouragement.
Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on July 16, 2013:
Amen!!! This is such an outstanding hub. When all of the changes began recently such as the template appearing I went back and began revisiting hubs. It is time consuming but well worth it.
I have seen an increase in traffic ---whether the refurbishing of the hubs has anything to do with it I am uncertain but it certainly cannot do any harm. Angels are on the way to you today ps
Audrey Howitt from California on July 16, 2013:
So useful! And congrats on your views!! That is wonderful!!
Janis Leslie Evans from Washington, DC on July 16, 2013:
vocalcoach, I'm so glad I stopped by today. I hopped over here from a forum to celebrate your 500,000 view milestone and found this valuable hub. There are so many gems of information here, very timely and relevant to what a lot of hubbers are going through right now. I am obsessed with updating and wondered if I need to slow down. But after reading this, I will remain vigilant of my hubs, all of which are featured. Thanks for this excellent tutorial. Voted up, useful, and awesome. Congratulations on your milestone, I hope views and earnings recover soon.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on May 17, 2013:
So happy to see you here my friend. I know what you mean when you mention that you have so many hubs to edit they are long overdue. I find myself revising hubs about every 5-6 days. :)
Enjoy your day and thank you for taking time to read my hub and leave your thoughts here. Hugs!
Lady_E on May 17, 2013:
Thanks. This is very motivational and important. I have made a mental note to start reviewing my Hubs. Maybe two in a week. (I have so many, they are long over due to edit)
Brilliant Tips.
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on May 15, 2013:
Hi Nell - You're so cute - you make me laugh:)
Earlier today I was also staring at a useless hub I wrote almost 3 yrs ago. After following my own advice I began revising it but the passion just wasn't there. I finally decided to delete the thing.
Would rather write a brand new hub.
Thanks so much Nell. You're the best!
Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on May 14, 2013:
Hi, this is such a good idea, and something I really should have a go at. I do sit and stare at my 'useless' hubs! lol! thanks for the tips, nell
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on May 13, 2013:
rasta 1 - Hi there. Thanks for being here and for liking these tips for updating hubs to increase traffic. I wish I could come visit you. Always wanted to see Jamaica. :)
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on May 13, 2013:
Dear Rolly - I'm so happy to see you here! I work on my hubs regularly and still need to spend more time doing this. Updating can really help to increase
traffic. You too, are a great blessing Rolly. Thanks so much.
Marvin Parke from Jamaica on May 13, 2013:
Great tips. Nothing like fresh green content.
Rolly A Chabot from Alberta Canada on May 11, 2013:
Morning Audrey... This is a must thing and I have printed this off for reference... I need to rework most of mine.
You are such a blessings...
Hugs and Blessings from Canada
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on April 06, 2013:
Beth37 - Thanks so much!
Beth37 on April 03, 2013:
ooh, great advice. thanks. :)
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on February 08, 2013:
ps - Freshening up hubs is a full time job, but I think it's well worth it. Glad that you found these tips helpful. Thank you so much for my angels. I need them so. Hugs - Audrey
Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on February 08, 2013:
These are helpful tips. I have found that if I go in and rework and freshen up my hubs that it breathers new life into them.
Sending you many Angels this evening. :) ps
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on January 15, 2013:
Goody5 - Thanks so much for being here. I appreciate your comments and also I will read your hub. Cheers!
critic thinking - It seems that I must spend roughly 2 hours + each week updating older hubs. But the pay-off is well worth it. Thanks!
Fernando Mateo from Barcelona on January 15, 2013:
good hub, I also try to do it from time to time, I will follow your ideas on my next hub update :)
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on January 11, 2013:
joanveronica - Thanks so much for your comments. I'm very pleased to hear that this information has been of help to you. Take care.
Marisa Wright - Thank you for bringing the "tags" to my attention. I'll take care of that immediately. Thanks for your comments.
jenbeach21 - Hi there. Thanks for finding my hub informative. Each time I upate an older hub, my traffic improves!
jenbeach21 from Orlando, FL on January 10, 2013:
Great information! Looking forward to updating some old hubs.
Kate Swanson from Sydney on January 10, 2013:
Just a note - tags are no longer used on HubPages so it sounds like THIS Hubs needs updating!
I would also say that there comes a time when you should give up on some Hubs. There are times when no matter how good your title or how engaging your content, you must just accept that no one is interested in the topic. If no one is searching for it, no amount of updating or sharing will help.
Joan Veronica Robertson from Concepcion, Chile on January 10, 2013:
Hi there, I loved this, full of awesome tips! This was a good time for me to read these ideas, I really need to do something about some of my slower Hubs. Well they are almost all slow, but some more so than others! Thanks for this info! Have a good day!
Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on December 21, 2012:
Hi Glenn - Thanks so much for sharing this information. I learned something from you. With the feature hubs, we now know which hubs are idle. For some reason I didn't realize this. I wonder how many others needed to learn this?
I wish you the best in hubland:)
watergeek - You are welcome! I'm very pleased to learn that this checklist has helped you. Good luck and happy trafficking:)
Susette Horspool from Pasadena CA on December 05, 2012:
Thanks VocalCoach - I just copied and printed your checklist at the end to use in editing. Just yesterday I looked at a couple of older hubs and realized I wanted to update, if not just to add a little humor. Your list gives me guidelines for things to look for.