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Make more money today with Google ad sense revenue sharing social bookmarking networks.

Money does not grow on trees but you can make it grow through your hubs & 1000’s of social networking communities by Free One Way Links, sky is the limit. Internet revolution changed our life style, the way we think or do business nowadays.

It is now possible to make money even while you are sleeping or on vacation by the beach. But remember Rome was not built in one day, same is true for online or any business. My fellow Hubbers you already know that Google Make Money, ad sense money is the easiest way to make money online.

How to make extra money, quick ways to make money, Google ad sense revenue, everything is possible if you plan & put some effort to it. By joining Ad sense Revenue Sharing websites you can earn extra money. There are hundreds of Google ad sense revenue sharing Social Networking sites.

Google News Untapped Source of Huge Targeted Traffic

I selected the best one's to share with you. By joining these websites you will earn more money. All these Adsense Revenue Sharing websites share the revenue in between 50% and 100% with the publishers for their content.

By diversifying your content on several Social Networking & Social Bookmarking you will increase your traffic, which means more income for you. I will update & add more Social Networking sites, therefore visit again. Join as many Social Networking sites you think you can handle. I wish you good luck.

Adsense - Easy Profit Secrets

Making Money With Blogs:

  • Bloggeries Blog Forum – Basically this revenue sharing module was setup so that active members in the forum could receive 50% of the ad revenue generated on the blog forum.
  • Shoutmeloud -- We write about technology, Web2.0, Blogging, SEO, Wordpress, Social media and make money online . We don’t keep any share of the money you make, we give all 100% share to you.

Top Paying AdSense Keyword Lists

Social Networking & Social Bookmarking Sites:

  • Shetoldme -- Earn 100% of revenue from the bookmarks you add to shetoldme.
  • You Say Too – Revenue Sharing Community – 50% – Writing a review, creating a list, adding items to existing lists or creating a user profile, we share the advertising revenue those contributions generate with the help of Google Adsense.
  • InfoBarrel -- Generate revenue from your articles, and begin building a long term passive income stream. Share Info Barrel with your family and friends and generate even more money when they publish content.
  • RedGage -- It's centralized hub where you can earn money for all the things you're already doing online at places like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and Blogger. RedGage pays based on the value of your content, measured by page views/popularity.

Video and Photo:



passionate77 on April 30, 2013:

really very helpful and informative hub specially for us who just in the beginging of writinng here at hubpages, thanks for sharing, many blessings dear!

my pleasure to follow u..

Mr Nice (author) from North America on February 19, 2013:

Hi vocalcoach,

You are very welcome, I like to help and share my knowledge with other Hubbers same like you. Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

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Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on February 19, 2013:

Thanks so much for all of this very helpful information. Will put it to good use!

moneytoplist on July 07, 2012:

Revenue sharing sites are great concept. It is always good to publish on multiple sites to diversify the risk.

jaswinder64 from Toronto, Canada. on April 16, 2012:

Thanks for answering to my question. You send me link to your hub, I read it. It is very informative and i learned a lot.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on November 11, 2011:

Hi NotSoPerfect;

I am happy you liked and found my Hub useful. Thanks for the nice comments and voting, I really appreciate.

NotSoPerfect from United States on November 08, 2011:

Very helpful tips. Thanks for sharing! Voting up, useful and interesting.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on November 22, 2010:

Hi adrienne2,

Thanks for reading and commenting on my hub. Please come again and visit my other hubs too.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on November 22, 2010:

Hi Research Analyst,

You are very welcome and thanks for sharing the Google adsense info about creating authority sites. Sounds very interesting, do you have an authority site already?

Fierce Manson from Atlanta on November 22, 2010:

This is a great list, and packed full of info. Have bookmarked!

Research Analyst on November 22, 2010:

Thanks for the helpful list of ways to make money with adsense, for those who want to build their own blogs, google is requiring that adsense users who have their own websites to create authority sites on one main topic area so its best to build one big site instead of having several small ones.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on August 22, 2010:

Welcome create a page,

Thanks for the visit and for leaving thoughtful comments. Please come back again and visit my other hubs too. Have a wonderful weekend.

create a page from Maryland, USA on August 22, 2010:

This was very informative. Thanks for sharing and I will check out some of these sites.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on April 19, 2010:

Hi buzzbucks,

Thanks from the comments and you are very welcome. Have a wonderful day.

buzzbucks from India on April 19, 2010:

wonderful information on Google Adsense sharing sites list...

Mr Nice (author) from North America on April 07, 2010:

Hi celinewayne,

You are very welcome & I really appreciate for your comments. Please come again.

celinewayne on April 07, 2010:


thanks for sharing this useful information.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 25, 2010:

Welcome sylvia13,

I appreciate for your visit and the nice comments. Please come back again. I will add more links soon. Hasta luego

Sylvia Gadea de Beer from Shoal Bay, NSW, Australia on March 25, 2010:

Very useful information! I signed up to a few too!

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 25, 2010:

You are very welcome kev8, thanks for viewing & commenting. I hope you can benefit from all. I wish you good luck. Have a wonderful day.

kev8 on March 25, 2010:

Thanks for the above, Ill definitely be signing up to a few of the above!

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 24, 2010:

Welcome Ign Andy,

Thanks I appreciate for your nice comments & for joining me as a fan. I hope you can use this info & make lots of money. I wish you good luck. Good night.

Ign Andy from Green Home Office on March 24, 2010:

I never knew there a web 2.0 site which share 100% of adsense revenue to publisher, have to check them out. Very useful hub, I'm your new fan Mr.Nice :)

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 24, 2010:

Welcome back Green Lotus,

Thanks for your nice comments, I thought you bookmarked all my hubs....hahaha just kidding. I hope you can make use of it too. Enjoy rest of your day.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 24, 2010:

Welcome entertianmentplus,

Thanks for the visit & for nice comments. I hope you can make use of this hub. Enjoy rest of your day.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 24, 2010:

Welcome pisean282311,

Thanks for commenting, I hope this hub will be helpful for you. Have a wonderful day.

Mr Nice (author) from North America on March 24, 2010:

welcome dilipchandra12,

Thanks for viewing & commenting on my hub. Please come back again. Have a wonderful day.

Hillary from Atlanta, GA on March 24, 2010:

Bookmarked this one. Thanks!

entertianmentplus from United States on March 24, 2010:

Good info thanks for sharing.

pisean282311 on March 24, 2010:

just when i was looking for something like made hub for it..thanks...

Dilip Chandra from India on March 24, 2010:

very informative n useful... thank u

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