HubPages - Make Money Writing Articles
An Introduction And Invitation To Join HubPages
Greetings to you, whoever you are!
be you from near or even from far
here's an invitation to join HubPages
a site suitable for people of all ages ...
come and join the select band
accept an invitation from QuickSand
have you ever written an essay?
is your writing somewhat OK?
can you describe an event well?
a little better than show and tell?
if you have the knack to write some sense,
in the present, past or future tense,
take that first step today
read on and I shall show you the way
all you need is an Internet connection
and a computer in working condition
Write For Fun! - Write For Profit!
Wanna Write For Fun Or Profit? - Click Right Here
use your talent to your advantage
do not bother about your age
if ethics is well set in your mind
to write an article of any kind
HubPages is the best site you could find
where you could speak out your mind
write, noble scribe, write,
you have all the right to write
write like hell, write for fun
on any topic under the sun
Become A Freelance Article Writer
be it on science or on technology
history, geography or even psychology
come, join HubPages
men and women of all ages
your first step is to click on a link
and the form will load in just a wink
provided you have a speedy Internet connection
oh! dial-up is simply an abomination
HubPages is a storehouse for knowledge
even if you've already been to college
Earn Money Writing Online For HubPages
HubPages is an article marketing service
serving the amateur as well and the novice
whatever topic that springs to your mind
take a deep breath and start to unwind
write away to your hearts content
what we need here is original content
learn article marketing tips on this very site
from many other members who are really bright
HubPages is also an article marketing directory
members submitting articles on every concievable category
topics so diverse and articles amazingly informative
from many of the members who are really creative
write and submit your articles to HubPages
all at once or even in stages
if article distribution your primary goal is
the search engines will see to it that nobody will miss
since search engines favor HubPages very much
your articles will be visible to all who will care to search
very likely to include articles that you have submitted
as long as they are original and properly edited
well known amongst all the other article marketing sites
HubPages is for him who writes
article submission and article marketing automation
need not worry you enough to cause a botheration
if you get your keywords and everything else right
your pages will soar, compete online and win the fight
earning money with Google AdSense, amazon, eBay, and kontera*
oh boy! are you not glad to be in the Internet era?
there are some hubbers who make a lot of money
and there are also those who really don't make any
the latter are ones who write one or two hubs and say
I did not make any money, so why should I stay?
you really need to be able to write and write
and not expect a great income overnight
sticking to the task in hand is indeed a must
like in everything else success does not come first
before you make a decision to join
check out the pages of some hub friends of mine
although kontera* is no longer in use
you need not really blow the fuse
something new has taken its place
and that's the beginning of a new phase
About Writing Articles Online For Money
you can learn something new every day
not even a cent do you need to pay
be part of the great hub community
as this enables making friends from many a city
who we call hubbers are actually members of HubPages
made up of students, professionals and even budding sages
you as a hubber can have your own fan club
that will attract members who like your hub
a fellow hubber who likes your essay
will become your fan as if to say
I really like the way you write
and would like to keep you in sight
whenever you write a new hub and hit publish
your fans will be informed, as that is their wish
an e-mail will be instantly sent to each and every fan
that's the way you gain popularity, maan!
frankly what's in it for me you will say
you know, some money could even come your way
every time you write a hub and publish it online
some of the income generated by that hub will be thine
each page you publish will carry advertisements
and that is how you make dollars and cents
sixty per cent of all the generated revenue
will be passed on to you ... too good to be true?
Indeed A Great Site To Write On
enrolling with HubPages is free
as they do not charge any fee
all you need is a computer or a laptop
this is your first step to get to the top
you also need an Internet connection
and the ability to write, although not really to perfection
join soon and submit your very first essay
your opinion, view, experience, just have your say
thanks to the brilliance of our members,
growing by the day in numbers
HubPages is a storehouse for information
supplied by participants from every nation
so it is up to you to share your knowledge
even if you are from a remote village
tell us all what you know
help our knowledge base to grow
but what's in it for me, you may ask
well, just think of writing as your primary task
when you submit your essay to HubPages
do not think only of the wages
if you are one who has achieved fame
you need not even mention your name
anonymous you can forever remain
on any server and domain
nobody is gonna ask you your name
well, that's the way all hubbers play the game
you need not even submit your photograph
an image of part of your face would be enough
not enough to recognize you though
nobody is gonna ask for more
Writing Articles Online - View Some Great Examples
below are some people I have befriended right here
their profile names are in bold text, my dear
copy their usernames, and paste in the search field
click, and their profile page, the search mechanism will yield
It's Cgull8m who leads the way
about Google he's got a lot to say
CompuSmart on e-commerce and computer graphics
has also written articles on various other useful topics
check out the works of the erudite Paraglider,
in Hal Licino, you'll surely find a leader
Shalini Kagal is indeed a great writer
check out all the articles written by her
Tatjana-Mihaela is the queen of reiki
on most health topics she holds the key
the hubs of the young lady who calls herself BeatsMe
are about games and technical stuff that simply amazes me
need info on dogs? ... Shibashake will help
woof! woof! thud! yelp! yelp! yelp!
Feline Prophetess writes very well indeed
intellectual stuff that everyone should read
another great hubber is Dottie one
she is really cool and great fun
Jimmy Watkins multi talented with great writing skills
just browse through his articles for academic thrills
Stevemark has some very valuable articles on health
health, my friends is your greatest wealth
check out the articles of Rajinder Soni
great info on topics not just a few, but many
let me introduce our good friend Benson
pen to write, knife to cut ... oh! he's a surgeon
Wanderer is a young man clever and witty
hails from Singapore, the lion city
Get Paid To Write Online Like Many Others Do
I urge you to check out my hub friends one by one
before you sign up and join the fun
worthy fellow hubbers, if I have left out your name
it does not mean you are not in the game
your names may not be in my flow
because it does not rhyme with words I know
here is a message to my present hub friends
if I've left your name out, I'll make amends
to some article of yours I'll add a link
you know what I mean, don't you? wink!
so come on reader, fill up that form
and take HubPages by storm
procrastination is your greatest enemy
so sign up now and set yourself free
welcome to HubPages you will hear all of us say
just sign up with amazon, google, and e-bay
something very important please keep in mind
COPYING IS PROHIBITED, I hope you are not that kind
Become A Freelance Writer Starting Now!
start off by relating a funny incident in your life
involving your parents, siblings, husband, or wife
the brainchild of two Pauls and one Jay,
HubPages has come to stay
The founders of HubPages were Paul Deeds, Paul Edmonsdon and Jay Reitz
Launched in 2006 AD, ... within months the site reached dizzy heights
importantly keep in mind there are rules to follow
to this you need to pay attention my dear fellow
phew! I've really said a lot to convince you, my friend
that's the best I could do, so right here I have to end
look around and you'll find the link to click
you had better find it and click on it quick!
you are invited to join HubPages!
come on man, be courageous!
Already Involved In Article Marketing?
if you are already involved in marketing via articles
here is another great opportunity to spread your tentacles
another opportunity to earn via article marketing
to reach the very market you are targeting
let article submission be your marketing plan
expect great results when you do the best you can
HubPages is also a great article directory
contains current information and even history
bum marketing is another selling tactic
you could apply it to sell something specific
although you cannot directly sell affiliate products here
put a link to your website from your profile page without fear
article marketing tips are available in plenty
on HubPages there is always a large quantity
of information on every single topic that you need
from interplanetary travel to the germination of a mustard seed
article distribution is not really needed here
search engines do the needful so do not fear
would you not like to get paid to write online?
if you have talent, you surely can shine
on the Internet where you show off your prowess
the writing ability that you already possess
take up writing articles online in your spare time
letting your talents go waste is a serious crime
article marketing automation is not exactly this
however your articles, search engines will certainly not miss
all articles need be optimized for this very purpose
the right choice of key words and accrue results effortless
an article marketing service well within your reach
really a great site for an amateur or even a novice
it really is easy to earn money writing online
HubPages offers you the opportunity to shine
start today and become a free lance writer
do not procrastinate and put it off for later
out of the article marketing sites HubPages is the best
confirmed by many as having passed the test
writing for money online is not as hard as you think
a reasonably good story could very well be your link
linking you to the world via the Internet, to gain fame
as an author, an online writer, and become a famous name
writing articles online for money is trendy as well
so get into the grove, get out of that shell
reach out for the world and tell them all that you know
in just a few hundreds of words or even a lot more
a freelance article writer you can very well become
you can definitely start adding to your monthly income
join HubPages without any fear!
it's from you they would like to hear!
Latest Update - 30th May 2022
an update to this composition is on the way
as I still have a lot more to say
so please keep watching this space
as it's coming in just a few days ...
on second thoughts you don't need to wait that long
Since it took me just a minute to add to this song
so here it, is the expected update
please check it out, mate!
I first published this verse in the year 2009
hoping to encourage more and more people to join
this update you are reading was added in May 2022
after a long lay off another attempt to interest you
if you have read this far I am indeed grateful
as I have spoken a lot ... more than just a mouthful
thank you for reading my composition to the end
I am much obliged to you, my dear friend
now, if you wanna know what makes ME tick
point your mouse to my profile page and CLICK!
Create A Page On HubPages
What Is Spam?
Write articles on any topic that you are familiar with, be it scientific, history, sociology, or on any memorable event or incident in your life or in the lives of someone you know.
Original content is accepted here and your article will be published free of charge and each article you submit will have a unique web address of its own.
These articles will contain advertisements by Google, Amazon, and one other new advertising pay per click program, which at the time of writing is on Beta. In addition you could also submit a link on your profile page, pointing to a site you have interest in, such as your blog or personal web site.
Of course conditions apply. Sixty per cent of the revenue earned as advertising fees by the advertisements on the sites that contain your articles, will be paid direct to you. Cool? Then what are you waiting for?
The first step is to select a user name and a password. The user name can be your own name or some name that you fancy. The user name is permanent and cannot be changed. A picture of yourself or an image of something that you would like to associate yourself with should be uploaded as well. This could be changed as often as you want.
Once you fill in the enrollment form you will receive an e-mail with a link that you need to click on to confirm that you are the applicant seeking membership to HubPages. Now you can log in with your user name and password.
Once you have logged in, you can figure out quite a lot of things by navigating the page. There are some videos at the bottom of this page which will show you how to do all these step by step.
There are also articles written especially for newbies by successful hubbers explaining the various aspects involved in enrolling, submitting articles, advertising your affiliate links, and earning money on HubPages via Google AdSense, Amazon, and another pay per click program, previously referred to. All you need to do is search for them right here on HubPages.
You could search for articles on topics in which you need help and you will find dozens of them written by many of our top hubbers who have mastered the system and are immensely successful.
If something in any of those articles seems unclear to you, you could simply forward a question in the comments section of that particular hub and keep checking back for a response from the author. Very often you are likely to get a response.
However, if you are not well versed on how to get about doing all these, you are welcome to leave behind a comment right here in the comments section of this article stating briefly what seems unclear to you and I will do my very best to help you out.
Good luck to you, and make sure you read the Terms Of Service and follow them to the letter.
If in doubt over any issue, raise a question in the HubPages forum, browse through the articles written by hubbers on that topic and ask them your question, or even make a remark in this very hub and I will do what I can to direct you to the source that I believe would be able to help.
Think of the long term benefits which are enormous. Keep visiting the forums in order to keep yourself updated of any possible changes to the rules. Then no harm will befall you. You will rise to great heights!
This is your first step into the wonderful world of HubPages - Come join us and start writing! ... 'Right now' is the best time to do so. Good luck to you!
... concluded
Making Money With Adsense
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2009 quicksand
Tammy Winters from Oregon on October 15, 2020:
Thank-you for this awesome poem. Very motivational it is.
Don M Standeford on April 24, 2012:
Thanks for listing the ways for making money writing articles. Will have to try hubpages out.
quicksand (author) on October 20, 2011:
Equine, thanks for reading this hub and for commenting.
Melissa Kanzelberger from Hillsboro, MO on October 18, 2011:
I appreciated the background on good Hubbers to check out.
quicksand (author) on September 20, 2011:
Hello Sangwan, welcome to HubPages and good luck to you.
sangvan on September 20, 2011:
I have post to my article it has been not unpublish to me
quicksand (author) on September 07, 2011:
Me too. Thanks for your visit.
mabmiles on September 07, 2011:
Great hub. i love hubpages.
quicksand (author) on January 30, 2011:
Thanks, Joni, and welcome to HubPages. I am sure you will find HubPages a great experience. Cheers!
astigpinoy16 from Philippines on January 29, 2011:
this is cool I am new to hubpages and so far I really like the hubs of the great people here. your writing is great. I am learning everyday.
quicksand (author) on November 04, 2010:
Thanks Denise, I appreciate your support. :)
Denise Handlon from Michigan on November 04, 2010:
Amazing! Not just a poem, but an 'epic'. Cool.
quicksand (author) on August 15, 2009:
Wow, Shal! At last you stumbled upon this hub!
As always I appreciate your encouragement. I am really far behind in this hub challenge and I hope I can publish at least 20!
Cheers, and thanks for your response in rhyme. :)
Shalini Kagal from India on August 15, 2009:
quicksand – just how did I miss
A rhyming hub such as this!
I’m honoured my friend with the mention
You sure have drawn everyone’s attention
What a novel way to invite
People to join HP’s delights!
Thanks quicksand – super hub – here’s to a great HubChallenge!
quicksand (author) on August 14, 2009:
That's the idea Prasetio, try to get as many people as you can, to join HubPages under you. Cheers!
prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on August 14, 2009:
thanks for share. I want many people join this hub. Because we get a lot of benefit here. many people, many friend we get. and many readers also.
quicksand (author) on August 11, 2009:
Hi Brian, glad you like it. Amazingly it rhymes well! Thanks for dropping by. :)
Brian Stephens from Laroque des Alberes, France on August 11, 2009:
Neat hub and a nice idea, wish I had thought of this one but I probably couldn't have done the rhyming.
quicksand (author) on August 02, 2009:
How! BlondSquaw need send username in smoke signals to hubpages headquarters! :)
blondepoet from australia on August 02, 2009:
yes sure QS I will join, where do I sign up? xo
quicksand (author) on August 01, 2009:
Greetings Dottie! How are you doing? You know, the most difficult thing about the hub challenge is to figure out what to write about! In ten days I have managed only four hubs! Time is indeed a big obstacle to progress!
Anyway, thanks a lot for visiting my hub and commenting on it, and I really appreciate your words of encouragement. Very well worded too! :)
Dottie1 from MA, USA on August 01, 2009:
You took on the hub challenge, quicksand?
What a courageously brave man
Your invitation to join hub pages
it's fun and creatively outrageous
It's not Dottie one who is cool and fun
but quicksand who draws out playfullness under the sun
quicksand (author) on July 31, 2009:
Hi BeatsMe, Well, I was looking for suitable topics to write on as I am participating in the hub challenge. Lol! Thanks for your remarks!
BeatsMe on July 31, 2009:
heheh. Nice piece. Really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for including me. I guess you're pretty talented when it comes to rhymes, eh? :)
David Lim from Singapore on July 31, 2009:
Why not? I am a fan of yours so I get an email every time you publish and "An Invitation To Join Hub Pages" sounds like it's worth a read. :)
quicksand (author) on July 31, 2009:
@Nancy - Even I am amazed by the way phrases rhyme here! Lol! I appreciate your visit. :)
@Wandererh - Lol! You just confirmed what I have said about you! Keep going up, nobody will be in your way, and "up" is the only direction you could go safely with your eyes closed!
By the way, how come you read this hub? :)
David Lim from Singapore on July 31, 2009:
Wow, I actually got mentioned. Looks like I'm moving up in this world. Look out above! :)
Nancy's Niche on July 30, 2009:
Amazing piece combined with your incredible knack in rhyming all your information…
quicksand (author) on July 30, 2009:
Masterpiece??? Wow! I am surprised that every line rhymes with the previous one! What a co-incidence! Thanks for your visit, Shiba! :)
Mark Armstrong on July 30, 2009:
Hahaha, This is awesome. It is amazing you could say all that in rhyme. Thanks for including me in your masterpiece :)