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25 Tips for Effective Speech Delivery

From cue cards to actively engaging with the audience, this article provides 25 public speaking techniques and tips.

From cue cards to actively engaging with the audience, this article provides 25 public speaking techniques and tips.

Effective Public Speaking Techniques

It is easy to understand why public speaking terrifies people.

A public speaker is literally up on a pedestal, subject to the scrutiny and judgment of a large group. Any mistake will not go unnoticed. In some cases, it might even be magnified and unforgotten for a long time.

When books discuss the fear and anxiety that stems from public speaking, what they are referring to is the dread of impending humiliation. A speech giver crippled by stage fright doesn't fear the audience. Instead, he fears the widespread mockery resulting from slip-ups and bloopers.

There are many ways to manage stage fright; a humorous and well-known technique is to imagine the audience naked. Effective as these methods might be, they do not remove the actual "threat," this being the blunders that invite ridicule in the first place.

In other words, effective public speaking goes far beyond managing fear. The larger and more challenging tasks are communicating with, impressing, and convincing the audience.

To put it another way, strengthening your content and streamlining your presentation style vastly reduces the risk of gaffes and screw-ups. When properly executed, you have no reason to fear speaking to a crowd. Anyone, including you, can be a great orator.

Let's take a look at 25 different tips and techniques you can utilize to become an effective public speaker.

Be a better public speaker and speechwriter with these tips.

Be a better public speaker and speechwriter with these tips.

25 Tips and Techniques for Becoming an Effective Public Speaker

  1. Use Cue Cards
  2. Effective Public Speaking Always Engages
  3. Don't Get Carried Away
  4. Don't Speak Without Rehearsing
  5. Don't Dress Inappropriately
  6. You Need to Know Your Audience
  7. You Need to Know Your Topic
  8. Be Mindful of Your Opening Content
  9. There Is No Need to Fill up Every Second
  10. Use Storytelling Techniques Carefully
  11. Be Conservative With Metaphors
  12. Give Your Audience Something to Go Home With
  13. Know That There Are Three Types of Speeches
  14. Do Not Overload
  15. Inform, Don't Simply Tell
  16. Be Comprehensive
  17. Avoid Being Too Technical
  18. Limit Your Objectives
  19. Avoid Fallacious Arguments Like the Plague
  20. Forecast Audience Resistance
  21. Structure Is All Important
  22. Adapt to the Audience
  23. Do Not Hog the Limelight
  24. Don't Forget the Importance of Background Information, When Applicable
  25. Remember to Thank the Occasion, if Necessary


To facilitate learning, I have divided the techniques and tips into the following categories:

  • Style Tips: Tips and techniques involving the proper delivery of a speech.
  • Content Tips: Suggestions on how to craft an easily understood statement. In other words, speechwriting tips.
  • Informative Speech Tips: Areas to pay attention to when presenting information, processes, instructions, etc.
  • Persuasive Speech Tips: Important things to note when convincing an audience to support your viewpoints.
  • Special Occasion Speech Tips: What you should and shouldn't do when addressing a special occasion.

Note: Refer to Tip #13 for descriptions of the three types of public speeches.

During intense moments, your script might suddenly look like this.

During intense moments, your script might suddenly look like this.

1. Use Cue Cards

  • Technique Type: "Style Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Cue cards help you stay on track.

One of the worst things to do when giving a public speech is to read from a script. Likewise, it is also needlessly hazardous to depend entirely on memory. The proper technique is to use cue cards.

Cue cards refer to neatly written or printed reminders containing the main points of your speech.

When you read from a script, the only thing you accomplish is isolation from your audience. Your attention is occupied, denying you opportunities to read and respond to the reactions of your audience.

Worse, you might fumble with your script. Just imagine yourself looking away for a moment or sidetracking to answer a question, then realizing you can't find the line you stopped at. All that's before you is a dense sea of words.

Don't Depend on Your Memory

Likewise, depending on memory is needlessly perilous. You can never entirely predict the circumstances during your delivery. Tension or environmental factors could overwhelm you. Or you could lose your train of thought after being interrupted.

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To minimize the risk of the situations mentioned above, use cue cards instead. Write down your key points and practice speaking about those points. Doing so forces you to understand your content, which is an important and beneficial end goal.

With practice, you might even be able to improvise because you are no longer dependent on pre-prepared content. You can do so because you have achieved mastery of the content. Your speech is just the channel that delivers your message.

2. Effective Public Speaking Always Engages

  • Technique Type: "Style Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Engagement provides a major connection with your audience.

In essence, a speech is a form of public communication. As the term "communication" implies, this needs to be a two-way process for it to work. Effective public speaking is not just a robot reciting a prepared statement. It is a successful conversation between one person and many.

Establish a Mental Connection

There are many ways to accomplish this conversation, or "engagement," as expert orators call it. Eye contact is foremost. This is another good reason you should never read from a script (see tip #1).

Appropriate pauses are also crucial. You want to give your audience time to digest your message. You also do not want them to feel you are insensitive to their reactions.

Additional delivery techniques include spontaneity and scrutiny. For example, you should constantly check your audience and, when appropriate, throw them an impromptu question, a joke, or an invitation for feedback.

The crux of it is communication. You want to give your audience the impression that you are not talking down to them. What you are doing, instead, is establishing a mental connection.

3. Don’t Get Carried Away

  • Technique Type: "Style Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: When you are calm, you are in control of your thoughts.

Never get carried away when delivering a public speech. You might think you are speaking with passion. In reality, your audience will quickly find you incomprehensible and comical. Worse, your agitated body language could come across as threatening.

Moreover, getting overly worked up stresses your system, setting you up for that nasty pitfall of being unable to respond to ad-hoc situations like a request for clarification. You can't respond because you are so lost in your own heat.

In summary, stay composed. Speak evenly and clearly throughout, no matter how agitated you feel. Do not rant or shout into the mic; static electronic feedback is a major turn-off.

Don't roar, shriek, growl, thump the podium, curse, crush your cue cards, or whine, either. Theatrics like these only work in the hands of the most competent orators. They certainly wouldn't work when your head is clouded by fervor.

Proper audio equipment management can make or break a great speech.

Proper audio equipment management can make or break a great speech.

4. Don’t Speak Without Rehearsing

  • Technique Type: "Style Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Rehearsing allows you to familiarize yourself with your surroundings beforehand.

I'm not just referring to rehearsing the actual speech or presentation. That's elementary. I'm referring to props, especially electronic ones.

Think about it. Have you ever experienced a situation where your laptop suddenly freezes because of some unexpected update? Have you ever been in the middle of a slideshow when, abruptly, something happens, and no matter what you do, you cannot continue the slideshow?

Know Your Room and Environment

Know your room and surroundings. In the context of effective public speaking, this includes the things you are working with in the room. You must be utterly familiar with all your props. You should also factor in contingency measures because no equipment is ever entirely dependable.

While at that, evaluate whether the equipment you are using is so complicated that it distracts your audience or adds to your burdens. For example, in slides packed with too much information, your audience may be too busy deciphering your presentation to hear what you’re saying.

Finally, never use props that require multiple assistants. Each person you add to the show exponentially increases the chance of blunders. In many cases, a trio is already too many.

5. Don’t Dress Inappropriately

  • Technique Type: "Style Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Dressing comfortably allows you to be comfortable in your particular environment and sets the tone for your speech.

As kids, we are taught not to judge by appearances. Yet, don't we still do it?

In the arena of public speaking, what this means is that you should assume physical appearances will greatly influence audiences. By this, I'm not suggesting that you need to look glamorous or flashy. I'm saying your attire needs to complement your topic.

Your Appearance Matters

To give some examples, aren't you going to look weird if you introduce the workings of a car engine while in a suit and tie? Or if you're selling an investment product, is it appropriate to wear a worn t-shirt and slacks?

In short, you must always give thought to your audience and dress as they would expect you to. Never overdress or underdress. Needless to say, the attire you choose should also not hamper your delivery. Speaking while half-choked by a tie is just foolish.

6. You Need to Know Your Audience

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: By knowing your audience, you are better equipped to respond to their specific needs.

With reference to tip #5, anticipating how your audience expects you to look is part of that all-important beginning task of effective public speaking—that of knowing your audience.

Every word you speak, every action you do, and every demonstration you deliver must revolve around your audience's expectations. It is not an exaggeration to say disaster is imminent the moment you misread your audience. Generally, the following areas demand deep consideration:

  • How long your audience expects you to speak.
  • The credentials (about you) that your audience expects to hear.
  • The level of linguistic sophistication expected. Too florid or too simplistic could equally be a turn-off.
  • The number of demonstrations or examples expected.
  • The depth of discussion that is expected.

Note my constant re-use of the word "expect." This is a one-word summary of what it means to know your audience. Effective public speaking is, in many ways, a delivery of what your audience hopes for.

Knowledge is power! This is especially true when giving a speech.

Knowledge is power! This is especially true when giving a speech.

7. You Need to Know Your Topic

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Knowing your topic makes you an expert on the subject.

There is no quicker way to invite ridicule than to not know your topic inside-out. The very fact that you are afforded attention means you are viewed as a specialist or expert. In exchange for this limelight, your audience expects you to be thoroughly familiar with your topic.

At the risk of sounding harsh, you shouldn't speak to a crowd if you are unsure about your topic. This doesn't mean you need to know everything about your topic; you simply need to know more than your audience. "More" is, in turn, the backbone of your preparation.

8. Be Mindful of Your Opening Content

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: The first moments of your speech are what the audience remembers most.

Journalists regard the first statement of any news article to be the most important. Why? Because they assume that most people won't read the entire article. Therefore, they communicate key details right away.

This is sometimes difficult for speeches, particularly if you begin with anecdotes. That said, setting a pervasive theme with your opening statement or paragraph is still possible.

Try approaching it this way: Assume your audience will only remember the first 30 seconds of your speech. After that, their attention steadily dwindles to zero. What is it that you want them to go home with? What are the things you want them to remember more than anything else?

After deciding, put these items at the beginning of your speech.

9. There Is No Need to Fill up Every Second

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Allowing for extra time provides opportunities for questions, interruptions, and other factors that may hamper your speech.

Say, for example, your boss instructed you to introduce a new product. You are allocated ten minutes to do so. Do you use up every minute you have? After writing your script, would you repeatedly amend it (i.e., lengthen it to fill up every second)?

If you do, then you have fallen into a silly trap. A deadly one, too.

Allow for Spare Time

Never feel compelled to fill your entire allocated time slot. Always set aside "spare time." This is a must, as no one can be sure what will happen during an actual speech or presentation. Will you be interrupted by questions? Will unexpected electronic or environmental factors hamper your smooth delivery? Why needlessly corner yourself by having no leeway at all?

Know that in public speaking, there is one thing worse than a poorly written speech: an unfinished one. You leave matters hanging in the air. When this happens, many people will be inclined to dislike you for this.

Often, your audience expects you to get to the point right away. Any delay can result in boredom.

Often, your audience expects you to get to the point right away. Any delay can result in boredom.

10. Use Storytelling Techniques Carefully

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Stories are good but can be distracting if not executed properly.

The worth of storytelling techniques is well-known nowadays, thanks to numerous online write-ups. Executed properly, stories can establish profound levels of connection. People also tend to remember stories more readily than hard facts.

The problem, though, is that it's often challenging to tell a good story. A memorable tale must be terse, fluid, logical, and inviting. If you fail, the entire story becomes a distraction or a bore. Because of this, it might be wise in most situations to stick to punchy quotations. Anecdotes, as in crispy ones, are usually preferable to rambling, drawn-out sagas.

11. Be Conservative With Metaphors

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Metaphors can confuse and mystify audiences if not used correctly.

Dictionaries define metaphors as figures of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action that is not literally applicable. Correctly used, they immediately establish a powerful connection between the audience and you, a connection a speech professor of mine once described as a "mental orgasm."

On the other hand, a poor metaphor immediately puts off an audience in more ways than one. You mystify; you might even annoy or offend. The worst is when only you can see the applicability of the metaphor. There is no surer way to drive away the attention of your audience.

Test Your Metaphors Beforehand

In light of these issues, you should be extremely conservative with metaphors. Never use a metaphor without first testing it on friends and acquaintances. Often, people are surprised to learn they are the only one who understands or appreciates their metaphors.

If you receive an uncertain response during testing, conclude that such metaphors should be omitted. Ambiguity is one of the worst hurdles to effective public speaking.

Finally, even if your metaphors are universally understood, carefully evaluate whether they are necessary to begin with. Again, many audiences expect you to get to the point right away. Anything more is considered verbose.

12. Give Audiences Something to Go Home With

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: What the audience remembers from your speech indicates its overall success or failure.

In marketing, the "call to action" is all-important. This concept applies to effective public speaking, too. Regardless of the nature of your speech, you must always give your audience a call to action—something that sticks in their minds and something to go home with.

In practice, this doesn't necessarily have to be a physical action. Many times, you just want your audience to remember something or to hold on to a particular opinion, disposition, etc.

Last but not least, your call to action should be mentioned in both your opening and ending. Think of it as a cycle. You begin where you want people to be. You end by reminding them where they ought to be.

13. Know That There Are Three Types of Speeches

  • Technique Type: "Content Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Understanding the type of speech you wish to deliver is vital to your success.

Great speechwriting begins with knowing there are different types of speeches and presentations. Experts disagree on how many types there are, but three generic types will be discussed for this list of tips and techniques.

  1. Informative Speeches: Informative speeches or presentations aim to explain events, persons, objects, or places. In other words, they share details about a chosen subject to facilitate easier comprehension through elaboration. (Refer to tips 14 through 17)
  2. Persuasive Speeches: These aim to convince the audience to embrace the speaker's point of view. They inevitably include strongly worded justifications or evidence. As spice, there might also be anecdotes or stories. Often, persuasive speeches end with a marked call to action (to buy a product, to reject another viewpoint, to vote for someone, etc.). Because of their intentions, these speeches frequently get very fiery. (Refer to tips 19 through 21)
  3. Special Occasion Speeches: Special occasion speeches address a particular event or moment. They could be toasts, welcome statements, prize-giving introductions, or even eulogies. Many involve impromptu situations, too, making them the most harrowing. Of all three types of speeches, special occasion speeches are arguably the hardest to prepare for. In many situations, you'll have to work with an audience you have little time to research. (Refer to tips 22 to 25)

Note: In real life, speeches and presentations are seldom so clearly delineated. For example, many special occasion speeches are highly informative. Likewise, a sales pitch could be informative and persuasive simultaneously.

Regardless, all the principles for good speechwriting/strong content preparation are the same. These techniques include knowing your audience, clearly and logically presenting your information, and being appropriate in the manner of delivery.

Information overload is a most unpleasant experience. Don’t allow this to happen to your audience.

Information overload is a most unpleasant experience. Don’t allow this to happen to your audience.

14. Do Not Overload

  • Technique Type: "Informative Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Audiences can only handle a certain amount of information in one sitting.

Overloading is when you cram so much information into your informative speech it becomes painful to listen to. You are literally introducing new facts every half a minute. What happens when you do that? The audience shuts off. It is a reflex reaction.

Overloading is also when you use overly complicated props, do not give enough time for your audience to understand visuals, or permit unnecessary distractions such as answering every impromptu question thrown.

Craft Your Content Carefully

To avoid these deadly mistakes, place yourself in the audience's shoes. Assume that you only know a little about the subject at hand. How would you expect to be informed? What sort of pacing would be comfortable for you to digest everything?

Craft your content based on these estimations. Most importantly, never write your informative speech from the viewpoint of a person who already knows a lot about the subject (i.e., yourself). That becomes a silly situation of talking only to yourself.

15. Inform, Don't Simply Tell

  • Technique Type: "Informative Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Speeches are a two-way exchange between you and the audience.

I mentioned in tip #2 that effective public speaking communicates; it is not just talking to a group. Likewise, when presenting an informative speech, inform, never tell.

By choosing to listen to you, your audience is already expecting elaboration, not just a regurgitation of what is obvious or already known. In some cases, they might even want your analysis and opinions, too.

Furthermore, remember that effective communication is a two-way exchange. Your audience will have queries. In other words, don't forget to allow time for questions.

16. Be Comprehensive

  • Technique Type: "Informative Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Don't leave your audience confused or puzzled.

Most things need to be explained in sequence. However irrelevant one "step" might feel to you, don't skip it. At least give it a mention.

You never know. Audience members can be extremely particular. Or they might be puzzled by why you didn't do so-and-so before attempting so-and-so and quickly end up confused.

There's also the likelihood of a step being second nature to you but of major, big-time concern to another person.

The short of it, be thorough. Neither skim nor skip. When informing, always aim to provide the whole picture.

Confusing your audience with too many technical terms is never a good idea.

Confusing your audience with too many technical terms is never a good idea.

17. Avoid Being Too Technical

  • Technique Type: "Informative Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Too many "technical" terms can baffle audience members.

Jargon. A sprinkling gives the impression you are knowledgeable. Too much, and you baffle your audience.

Making it worse is the fact that there is often different jargon for the same thing, or your audience might have different interpretations of the terms. As a general rule of thumb, minimize the use of technical terms when possible. If you can't avoid them, accompany each with a brief elaboration. Ensure there is no misunderstanding or puzzlement left in the air.

18. Limit Your Objectives

  • Technique Type: "Persuasive Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: It is best to thoroughly cover one objective rather than briefly covering others.

A strong, persuasive speech always has specific objectives. Textbooks disagree on how many there ought to be, but if you are new to speech giving or speechwriting, the recommendation is to only work with one.

Doing so prevents sticky situations like your audience accepting your first viewpoint but rejecting the rest or appreciating one view but not the other. As a guideline, master working with one clear objective before moving on to more. Put your best effort into this one mission. Never spread your effort thin in public speaking.

19. Avoid Fallacious Arguments Like the Plague

  • Technique Type: "Persuasive Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Fallacious arguments can ruin your reputation.

Fallacious arguments are twisted justifications based on false, exaggerated, or assumed information. Invariably, they thrive on short-term gains achieved from emotional responses like fear, anger, panic, or envy.

Beneficial as they might seem in the context of a persuasive speech, be aware that they often invite unpleasant repercussions. Simply put, many people will feel cheated or indignant once they see through your "trick." Your reputation will be irredeemably smeared.

There are many examples of fallacious arguments. The three most common ones include:

  1. Straw Man Arguments: A rhetorical way of arguing by painting an exaggerated, distorted, or misrepresented scenario of the opposing viewpoint(s). When you use straw man arguments in persuasive speeches, you are not justifying your position; you are misdirecting. You are also hoping for irrational fear to drive the audience to your viewpoint. Your audience will despise you for making a fool of them and for lying when you are debunked.
  2. Ad Hominem: This is Latin for “attacking the man.” It means you aren’t attacking an opposing viewpoint or reinforcing your own; you are attacking the believers of opposing viewpoints. This gets really dangerous because you could easily venture into slanderous claims. Avoid this unless you desire to be sued. Or worse, jailed.
  3. Unrepresentative Statistics: This is when you claim certain people to have benefitted from adopting your position; thus, implying the same will happen to everybody else. You aren’t exactly lying, but you are nowhere near telling the truth. For example, lauding a product by saying your friends and family all benefitted from it is a classic case of unrepresentative statistics. The astute will immediately know there is no way the number of people you know would ever represent a whole market. Under some commercial laws, this act might even be considered fraudulent.
A lot of people love dissecting arguments. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof public speaking technique to prevent this. Still, you can at least anticipate where they will be coming from.

A lot of people love dissecting arguments. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof public speaking technique to prevent this. Still, you can at least anticipate where they will be coming from.

20. Forecast Audience Resistance

  • Technique Type: "Persuasive Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: By preparing for counterarguments, you are better equipped to deal effectively with dissent from the audience.

You won't be able to forecast everything, but you should try to predict some counterarguments to your persuasive speech. Again, put yourself in the shoes of the audience. Think like them. Be like them. How would they react to your justifications? What are the possible reasons for them resisting your argument?

As much as possible, factor this resistance into your content and try addressing some of them in advance. While doing so, please be brutally honest with yourself, too. You are not going to defend against the worst if you aren't willing to consider the worst.

21. Structure Is All Important

  • Technique Type: "Persuasive Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Following a particular structure helps to keep your speech on track and improves the audience's reception of your argument.

Persuasive speeches often involve complex changes to lifestyles and habits. Changes that are unpleasant or even painful. To facilitate easy acceptance and to give the impression that change is possible, present your persuasive speech using speechwriting structures proven to be effective. For example, you could work with the following structure:

  • Step 1: Introduction. Secure attention. Establish your topic or position (i.e., your objective). State your credentials.
  • Step 2: Body. Present two to three reasons for adopting your position. Include supporting data or facts. Succinctly address the most pervasive counter-arguments at appropriate intervals.
  • Step 3: Conclusion. Reiterate your position. Reinforce it. Deliver a strong call to action.

22. Adapt to the Audience

  • Technique Type: "Special Occasion Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Understanding the event's mood is crucial for delivering a successful speech.

This is rudimentary. You are addressing an occasion, so, of course, you have to respect the event's mood. No inane jokes during eulogies. Also, no exposé of the groom's bedroom secrets during wedding toasts either!

For impromptu situations, take a few seconds to observe the audience before starting your speech. Many people wear their emotions on their faces during such moments; thus, you can have a good indication of whether to restrain yourself or go all out with the banter. In some extreme scenarios, you might even have to change your entire approach on the spot.

23. Do Not Hog the Limelight

  • Technique Type: "Special Occasion Speech Tip"
  • Key Takeaway: Complement the event; don't try to be the center of attention.

Unlike the other two types of public speeches, you often play a secondary role when giving a special occasion speech. Your duty is to complement an event or provide relevant (background) information. Becau