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How To Make $100 A Day From Ebay

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From Teenagers to Granny's, there are ton's people making thousands a year from selling on Ebay. Did they have thousands of dollars start up capital? Do they Have large warehouse's full of stock? do they have people working for them? No, They Don't. They all work from the comfort of their homes and only deal with emails. They never have to ever touch a product.

You're thinking this is to good to be true. Well you can make $100 a day on Ebay with dropshipping. This is why anyone who has a laptop and internet connection can make money online everyday from their home.

You can and people do, make a six figure incomes by dropshipping on ebay. With more and more dropship companies starting up and the powerful Aliexpress, the choice of products to sell is huge. Dropshipping has been around for decades but in the last 10 years, Dropshipping has turned into one of the easiest ways to make money online, thanks to the internet and sites like, Ebay and most importantly Shopify.

Dropshipping has been around for a good while now, starting out with people using mail order, putting ads in to magazines and newspapers. You would send a cheque to the address in the ad and then you'd get your goods posted to you, the person you sent the cheque to may never have even touched the product.

Then Ebay came along and people realised they could use dropshipping to make money. Lots of it. The method works the same, you place an ad on ebay, the buyer pays you and you then pay for the product at your discounted rate from the dropship company and they post it out to the buyer for you in blank packaging so it looks like it came from you.

If you already have an ebay account and have done a bit of selling already then you are definitely ready to become a dropshipper and make money from home, this business suits anyone, because it is all done through your computer you don't even need to get up from your computer when you've sold something.

You can be selling items like this in a matter of minutes.


So how do you get started Dropshipping?

Ebay is the easiest and quickest way to get selling, so you'll need a sellers account. You'll then need to find dropshippers. Once you have, have a look to see what they are offering ( some won't show their products until you sign up ) and determine whether you feel you can make a profit from them. Once you've found one you like, do a little research on the company and see if they have a good reputation. If they have great sign up and start selling!

Finding a reputable dropshipper & finding dropshippers in general isn't that easy, a lot of them don't spend a great deal of time making sure their websites appear at the top of Google, which is a bad thing when trying to find them but a good thing also because your customers won't be able to find them easily either. They want repeat business not just someone signing up to buy one thing for themselves at the discount price and then never coming back. So dropshippers have to balance between a fine line on how much they market themselves.

Some dropshippers are free to join and some you have to pay to join it makes no difference whether you have to pay or not, as to whether or not they are genuine. The best dropshippers can be found in both the FREE and Paid categories. So don't be put off by a membership fee, this also stops joe publice from viewing the dropship prices easily too.

Now what can you dropship? Pretty much anything! As dropshipping has seriously increased over the past 5 years or so, many wholesalers have now added it their company services. Their many new companies setting up just to be dropshippers. Its a multi milliondollar business to be in.

You can dropship, designer clothing, mobile phones, toys, electrical goods, mp3 player, computer consoles. You think it, someone offers to dropship it. There are dropshippers all over the world.

Now some advice.

Always research a dropship company you have found, now this might sound boring but it could save your wallet, it will also introduce you to some new sites about dropshipping ( trust me ).

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China Dropshippers

China offers the cheapest products out there, but think long and hard about using one. Their delivery times wont be next day or the day after for that matter from when you place your order, some take up to 2 weeks before your customer will get their item. Remember your buyer thinks they're buying it from you, if it takes 2 weeks to get to them they're not going to be happy unless you made it clear in the description your delivery times.

Customs Fee's as your importing goods customs can slap duties charges on the items and the person that will foot the bill is your buyer when they receive it at the door. Not all items will incur import duties but some may, so you'll need to research this properly. If an item is broken when your customer receives and wants to send it back, you can't really say send it back to China, they're going to have to send it back to you and then you'll have to send it back to your Chinese supplier. This is a lengthy process. You'll have to take these orders as a loss and just refund them or send them out another if you want to keep a good reputation. Due to how far your items will have to travel there's a possibility that they will go missing which will be another loss to you. If your item is designer or a branded item and you are able to dropship it, it's fake, this is just a no go area!

Since I ventured in to dropshipping, it has come a long way. Back when I started, China dropshippers had a bad reputation. The products were poorly made, delivery times were ridiculous and I struggled to find anything that I could compete with. They way round this was to have your own website and sell via your site. This was when a lot of pre built eCommerce sites became very popular but they were pricey and not that functional. This has all now changed because of a site called Shopify. I'll come on that in a little bit. So since then Aliexpress really has upped it's game. There are plenty of other sites you can now use to find products manufactured and dropshipped from China.

So are the only dropshippers in China? No way! They are all over the world, UK, America, Europe. I spoke about Chinese dropshippers first because they will probably the first your come across if you slap a "dropshippers" search in Google.

Now searching for them online. Due to the nature of dropshipping it is very succeptable to scams and illegitimate companies dominating the search engines. So when you do find one, don't click on the site, type the company back into google and you will then see reviews on forums.


To make ridiculous amounts of money these days online, you need your own website. This is now so simple. It pains me to think back how difficult it was to have your own website 5 -10 years ago that actually functioned and looked good without having to pay someone to do it for you. It's so simple now. You can do it the traditional way and build a Wordpress site or you can use the simple, user friendly Shopify. This is very similar to Wordpress in it's layout and functions but the, shopping cart and Paypal are already built in. This makes it so simple now. The free theme layouts are clean and all you really need to build an attractive looking site. So many people are solely using Shopify to make money online. You do need to know a little SEO and marketing to make that work but you can make your life a lot simpler if you use eBay and Shopify.

So How To Make This Work - Making $100 A Day

So, you've sold a few things on eBay and you understand the dropship process. It's a good idea to pick a niche to sell in, it makes it a little easier if you sell products in a similar niche to each other. When you start out you can try a variety of products and see what does well for you and then go from there. Try and keep it to an area you have a personal interest in, it will make it a little easier for you.

Your margins can vary but lets say after all your fees you make $5 a sale ( This may not seem like much but it is when all you do is place an order ) you need to make 20 sales a day to make $100. 20 sales a day is not a whole lot. If you find any items with bigger margins, the numbers start to change in your favour. You could sell the same item 20 times a day if it's a "craze" product or you could have multiple items listed and you only need to sell one of each for example, you'll start to work this out over time.

Dropshipping is very popular so don't be surprised that you might see the item you want to sell already for sale on eBay. Please don't focus on other peoples prices. If you can get close to what other people are selling the item for or even match it then you'll be just fine. You should start learning techniques of selling so that you start to understand price isn't that important. For example a product may be sold to a particular audience and every listing for that product is targeted to that audience on eBay but that product could potentially appeal to a different audience that no one else has thought of. This is where your item could be found and all your competitors prices become irrelevant as you now don't have any.

Another tip is to actually order the product you want to sell and photograph it yourself. Because dropshipping can be done with a laptop and you don't actually have to physically do anything with the product, 90% of dropshippers use the stock photo's given by the dropshippers. Taking your own photographs sets you apart from the rest and can warrant that extra few bucks you might be charging. Getting 20 sales on eBay a day isn't that difficult, as long as you learn from every sale and always try new things.

The next step is to have your own shopify site. Buy a domain name, hopefully one that matches your eBay store and then start building a site selling products on Shpify, you can use the same dropshipping method. This is where you want your items with bigger margins to be listed. You should be using eBay to get new customers and when you make a sale set up a thank you email or manually email them yourself and let them know about your website. Give them a discount code to use if you want, to get them to buy from your site. Don't have the same products you have for sale on eBay on your Shopify store, or if you do, have them listed as the same price you have them listed on ebay for. No one wants to see that it's considerably cheaper on your store, chances are they'll want a refund.

The power of having your own website is that people rarely look at other websites to get a better price. When an item is on eBay, a buyer sees tons of other listings before the person finds your listing. This makes them aware of what else is on offer. When a person comes to your site, they only see what you have for sale and if they see a bunch of new items that they haven't seen before, it's unlikely they'd go searching to find it cheaper. They're in your store now and likely to make an impulse buy on your site. This is why I say have your higher item products for sale on your site, in keeping with what you sell on eBay. If you send a new customer to your site as soon as they make a purchase on eBay, they're already in the buying mood and gained some trust with you. What better way to make up-sell than sending them to your site with a discount code.

When you start piecing this all together, you'll start to see that making $100 a day on eBay or in general is not that difficult and is actually pocket money compared to what you can really make online. Once you start doing this, there's nothing stopping you having multiple eBay and accounts and Shopify sites. You just replicate what's working for you. There's tons of information out there.

I hope you have found this article helpful and has given you the push to start making money online. I'd be grateful if you gave this article a Facebook like or shared it. Thank you! Get selling!


SOHAIL KAISAR from WOBURN on June 28, 2020:

How do I handle the returns?

JP993 (author) from England on May 19, 2020:

Hey Jordian

Listen to anything by Seth Godin.

Jodian Patterson from Jamaica on May 17, 2020:

I have heard a lot about dropshipping over the past couple of days, apparently its very popular, any tips about how to make your particular business stand out?

Carrie Lee Night from Northeast United States on May 02, 2020:

Thank you for sharing :) I still dont fully understand how this works because it does not sound logical to me, however technology is moving faster than I can comprehend. I could look into it more :) Have a wonderful day :)

Md Mosherof Hossain from Chittagong ,Bangladesh. on January 31, 2020:

Very good article about earning money by work online from home.Thank you very much.

Ethan cathey on November 15, 2019:


Moltoa diego on August 01, 2019:

There is alot of applications or websites that make u gain money everyday such as Freelancer..Fiver...upwork

Teszra on January 28, 2019:

Well written. Oldie but goodie.

John Dove on January 23, 2018:

Lots of tips and information here. Good job. I read your other eBay article and liked it, too! All the best.

Sary001 on November 13, 2017:

great thanks

glowingrocks from New York on December 19, 2016:


Lizam1 on April 19, 2013:

OrangeHorse do you mean my god man (should be spelt with a capital G) or my good man - just saying as you are pointing out someone else's "grammaticals" here.

OrangeHorse on April 19, 2013:

Great guide, really helpful, except that you may want to spell and 'grammar' check your blog posts before you post them. My god man, I have read some pretty bad posts before, and this one (including the rest in your series) is up there. Honestly, open up Word, go into proofing, and make sure that both "spell-check" and "grammar proofing" are enabled. This way you do not sound as if you only have the equivalent of a high-school education, that went south.

JP993 (author) from England on February 04, 2013:

Dropshipping is where you act as a go between for wholesalers willing to dropship. Dropshippers are like wholesalers although, dropshippers will sell individual items and post them direct to the buyer.

So you advertise the dropshippers merchandise at a price you want then when a customer buys that product you then purchase it from the dropshipper who then delivers it to the customer who bought from you. You keep the profit inbetween. It's how mail order works or worked ( some probably don't remember mail order) .

Lizam1 on February 03, 2013:

Still not at all clear as to what dropshipping is! Do tell please and thank you

antitransivityhub from London on July 30, 2012:

Really like your articles

JP993 (author) from England on May 16, 2012:

Start Small think big. Dropshipping can help increase views to your eBay store as you could sell some very desireble items without having to stock them upfront. Buying wholesale will always be better as the margins are better. There's always the method of do what someone else is doing and do it better.

Emma Kisby from Berkshire, UK on May 16, 2012:

I've looked into drop shipping - at the pros and cons. I decided to start out with small items to try and sell on the bay first. I like the idea of drop shipping - having a room full of stock in my house is less than appealing!

It shall be considered again - if I actually have any success!

lasker from Dhaka on August 19, 2011:

Nice tips to make real money on ebay.

JP993 (author) from England on June 30, 2011:

Deal! ;). Make your cheques payable to........

Lady_E on June 30, 2011:

Useful tip - I think you deserve 5% of what I make on Ebay. :)

JP993 (author) from England on December 10, 2010:

Thanks Nicky,

Dropshipping is a great way to earn an extra or even full time income. I wish I knew about it when I started ebaying 7 years ago.

Nicky Page from Indiana on December 05, 2010:

Great hub with very useful eBay and dropshipping information.

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