How To Make My Item Get On The First Page Of Ebay Listings
$1 eBook!
Having trouble working out how to set out your listings? It's pretty simple to create effective listings that sell fast. You can have them done in minutes. Here's how.
Making more sales means increasing the visibility of your products. Put them in front of more people and as a result you will increase the amount of sales you make. It's that simple. If you are currently only getting 100 visitors per day then the making 100+ sales just aint gonna happen. Over time you will be able to figure out the percentage of viewers that turn into buyers. Lets say that you will make 2% of sales from the amount of views you receive. This works out that you will make around 2 sales per day per 100 views. Increase this to 1000 views and you will making 20 sales per day. 2% is a realistic conversion rate. There are many techniques to reach this amount of 1000 views on eBay but we're going to look at the most powerful way to receive maximum amount of views to your ebay shop. And that is, being on Ebays first page in the listings.
Just like Google, Ebay has an algorythm where by many fundamentals go in to where your listing will be placed when you start your listing. Ebay didn't have this a few years ago, so to be on the first page of this listings back then just meant that your items were finishing soonest. Ebay Now uses "best match" as the defualt results when you tap your item in the search bar. You can change this to nearest first, Ending soonest, Cheapest but many people don't and leave all their searches in the best match catergory. Ebay has also taken away a lot of paid options to make your listings more visable as the big sellers with bigger budgets took advantage of this and dominated the first pages, making them more sales and just keeping them at the top making it harder for the smaller buyers to make sales.
Keywords - eBay SEO
The words you use in your title. This is the single most important part of any eBay listing. Hands down. A keyword rich title dramatically push your items to the front page even if you just listed a 30day listings. eBay looks at your title's and keywords to see how relevant it is to the search term that is put in the search bar by potential buyers. The more relevant words you put in to your title, the more searches will appear in. The more searches your item appears in the more relevant or "best match" your item becomes, ranking you higher in the harder keywords. Here's an example - Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt L compare to Mens Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt Green Custom Fit L EURO 40. People forget to put in things like the colour, the size (variations) and even the gender. Just buy adding a few extra relevant words to your ttitle will help you get seen by varied search terms but also higher up the listings each of the variations. More views equals more sales. Don't worry about your title making sense, use the given number of characters wisely. Do not use irrelevant words.
Be A Good Ebayer
This is simple and shouldn't really have to be mentioned but unfortunately people don't take selling on eBay that seriously. If you receive positive feedback and 5 star ratings in all of your sales eBay will see you as a trusted seller making your listings appear higher. I often out rank eBayers with tons more sales than me for exactly the same item. I post my stuff on time, it's always sent recorded, I always add the tracking details to the sale and I don't over charge for postage. (eBay now take 10% of your postage fee now!!) All this extra effort I put in to my sales, gets my listings on the first page for many of the search terms for that product, thus making my items sell quickly.
Penny Auctions
Now if you are just starting out or a seasoned ebayer then this technique will work for you and is almost a free method to get you on the front page of the ebay listings. Ebay also goes on price in their algorithm. So auctions appear higher up the listings and penny auctions even more so. This is an effective way for any ebayer to increase their traffic by utilising being on the first page of the ebay listings. You can use inexpensive items to put up for penny auctions. These attract a lot of people. Once they are viewing your listing make sure you mention that they should check out your other items. You can land a good number of sales siphoning off this traffic in to another listing. Once that listing starts making sales it will start to rank higher in the listings.
The above hub goes in to detail of the advantages of penny auctions, How to use them and how to find items to use as penny auctions. These will massively increase your sales but will also get you on the first page of ebay. Remember you want your viewers to check out the rest of your shop once you have pulled them in. It doesn't matter whether you make a profit on your auction because the aim with these is to send them to your high profit items once they are in your shop.
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If you want to learn fast what the most sort after items are in any niche, check this out.
Peter Haji Wambua from Nairobi/Kenya on August 19, 2019:
that is educative
JP993 (author) from England on October 06, 2018:
Monolito Singuillo, It's a while since I wrote this. I'd say a great seller reputation helps these days and also self promotion, i.e social media.
Manolito Singuillo from California on September 06, 2018:
Short but informative content. Other than the three strategies above, anything more you can share?
Antiquejunkietc18 on March 13, 2018:
Thank you for this great info as I do already on some sites get more detailed in my searches. I do buy often from eBay & looking to start an online Business so this really helps. All I've ever done on eBay is buy & just Recently seem I had many 5 star reviews as a buyer. So this is great and more info as in actions etc. I had not even considered selling on EBay yet will be Rethinking all this most defentely. Again Thanks much. Happy Saling to You.
John Dove on January 17, 2018:
eBay is an amazing site. I'm a sometime eBayer; after reading your Hub I think I'll make an extra effort to start selling again.
All the best you!
Karishma Ghumare from Pune on January 13, 2018:
Amazing article.
JP993 (author) from England on October 08, 2012:
If you have an eBay shop you can use something called Omniture, Which has all different tools. eBay will also help you rank in the search engines if you use this feature. Check out my other hubs on how to get traffic to your listings. You need the right keywords in your title and you also need to get people on to your items. I explain all in all of my ebay hubs.
Helium on October 08, 2012:
Hi Jp
Can you help me how I Can Increase my traffic and sale via E Bay?
F Palladino on September 14, 2012:
Very rarely do you see exciting information like this. I was intrigued the whole way through. Although I am not an avid Ebay user, your hub made some great points.
JP993 (author) from England on June 28, 2012:
Thank you David,
I only sell my own personal stuff now.
If you want to learn how I would list an item on eBay then read all of my ebay hubs. Here's most of them all in one spot -
davidvergarat on June 27, 2012:
Thanks JP for you advises.
Can you tell how can I find your sellings items on EBay?
luisj305 from Florida on June 19, 2012:
Wow, interesting system they had going on there. I have to see how I change my email technique around..
JP993 (author) from England on June 19, 2012:
That's great Luisj,
Be careful with items sold via email. eBay stop efile sales in 2008 read this is you want to know how people made $1000's of dollars on eBay with this method.
luisj305 from Florida on June 18, 2012:
Im using the Penny auction technique now and it really helps a ton.
I list simple items like wallpapers and things that can be sent via email.
Profit is very little to none on these items, but the traffic it forwards to other listings is what makes up for it.
JP993 (author) from England on April 10, 2012:
You don't have to "think up" better titles think of the keywords of your item. colour, size, brand name, model etc. Your title is there to get your item viewed with many different searches. Check out all my other ebay hubs.
Ron Waveney from Columbia, South Carolina on April 09, 2012:
Thanks for the information. I'm definitely going to work at getting more views. My sales are down and after reading your article I realize I'm not getting enough people to view my items. I've got to think up better titles.
JP993 (author) from England on November 12, 2011:
It's an option that comes and goes and is sometimes only available in some listing catergories.
braceletchunlei on November 11, 2011:
how do i pay to put my item on the first page of ebay.