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Avoid Job Search Burnout


What is job search burnout?

You find that you just can’t do another job search or email another resume, you just don’t have the energy or the will, you are at the end of your rope. You have been giving it everything you can to find a job, but now you feel you are just spinning your wheels. Frustrated and tired, you have reached the point of job search burnout.

It is not only the fact that you haven’t found a job yet, you also feel that you aren’t doing the right things, your confidence is at an all time low and you are bored. In your present state the chances of finding a job are nil. You need to break out of the monotony of you present course and become revived with a new spirit that will lift your job hunting and your confidence up.

How to avoid job search burnout


  • Take a break, rest for a short period and get your mind off job hunting. When you start back up again you will feel refreshed and ready to go. 
  • Start an exercise program if you don’t already exercise. Exercise is great for the mind as well as the body. 
  • Join a club and interact with other people. This might be a great networking tool. 
  • Change your job searching routine. Nothing can cause complacency faster than doing the same boring routine over and over again. 
  • Meditation can help relieve stress as well as open your mind to new possibilities.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

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