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10 Amazingly Cool Underwater Jobs

Here are the top 10 amazing jobs you can do underwater!

Here are the top 10 amazing jobs you can do underwater!

What If You Could Work Underwater?

A lot of people wake up in the morning with the thought, “Ugh, I don’t want to go to work.” Do you think that you’d feel the same way if your job were a job that you could do underwater? It would probably still depend on the job, but there sure is something interesting about waking up in the morning and heading off to a job that isn’t on the land (or even on the water but actually under it!). There are a surprising number of jobs that fit this description.

Here’s a look at ten cool jobs that you could do if you wanted to work underwater.

Top 10 Super Cool Underwater Jobs

  1. Diver
  2. Diving Instructor
  3. Underwater Photographer
  4. Underwater Model
  5. Marine Contractor
  6. Underwater Welder
  7. Submarine Worker
  8. Underwater Archaeologist
  9. Underwater Tour Guide
  10. Work in an Underwater Hotel or Restaurant

1. Diver

People who are interested in SCUBA diving will find that there are many jobs available that allow them to do this sport in the course of their work. These jobs include interesting positions in non-profit and government agencies. One example of a job that a diver might get is working as a HazMat diver who dives through hazardous materials to assist HazMat teams. Other diving job examples include cleaning huge marine animal aquariums (particularly at amusement parks like Sea World) and working at a fish farm doing underwater operations such as cleaning cages and checking for predators.

2. Diving Instructor

People who enjoy diving but who don’t want to do these other types of jobs may find that they enjoy making a living as dive instructors. If you’re skilled at diving and like to teach, then this could be a good option. A related job is to operate a dive shop where people may come to rent dive equipment as well as learn how to dive.

3. Underwater Photographer

One of the coolest underwater jobs is the work of an underwater photographer. This person uses advanced underwater cameras and photo techniques to capture the types of underwater images that most photographers would never be able to get. You could start your own specialty business doing underwater portraits, or you could do underwater nature photography and submit it to magazines or art galleries. Some people work as underwater videographers doing essentially the same thing with videos instead of just with still photos.

4. Underwater Model

Believe it or not, there are some beautiful women out there who make a living working primarily as underwater models. They do the same basic things that other models do, but they specialize in being able to take pretty pictures while underwater. The ability to stay calm in the water, hold their breath for long periods, and learn how to manipulate their bodies in new ways are all features of someone who might be good at this job.

5. Marine Contractor

This is a really interesting position that involves doing construction and demolition work, but it’s all done under the water. The construction of new bridges and underwater tunnels often involves this type of work. Marine contractors work with heavy machinery that’s been adapted to suit the environment of working in the water. This is hard work, but to many, it’s a lot better than doing the same type of construction and demolition jobs on the surface of the land.

Being an underwater tour guide is a fun and rewarding career.

Being an underwater tour guide is a fun and rewarding career.

6. Underwater Welder

One specific job that underwater construction workers might take an interest in is underwater welding. This is a highly specialized niche area of underwater construction. People who do this job may do it as a “dry” job or a “wet” job. The dry jobs are those which involve setting up a chamber around the welding site to stay dry while working. The wet jobs, as the name suggests, are welding jobs that are done in the water. Each of these jobs has unique challenges.

7. Submarine Worker

Submarines are a cool way to go underwater without actually having to get wet. There are many different jobs available on submarines. If you’re interested in this type of work, then your best bet would be to contact the Navy to get information about the different jobs that they have available to people with an interest in working on submarines.

8. Underwater Archaeologist

If you are someone who has an interest in both history and science, particularly marine history and marine science, then you might take an interest in becoming an underwater archaeologist. This is someone who spends time exploring shipwrecks, abandoned underwater cities, and other things of that nature to gain an understanding of the past. This work typically involves both working under the water and working in an office on research.

9. Underwater Tour Guide

Some people might take an interest in being an underwater tour guide. The most common example of this type of job is the person who leads tours for visitors who want to swim with sharks. This is a scary and exciting position in which you are responsible for the lives of others while swimming under the water. It’s also a great position that lets you meet a lot of people, live in a vacation destination, and spend a lot of your time under the water.

10. Work in an Underwater Hotel or Restaurant

There are a few underwater hotels and restaurants around the world. You would be doing normal work here (such as working as a concierge or serving drinks at a bar). Still, it would be a lot more unique than the typical restaurant job since the entire place is submerged underwater!

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.


Tammy on May 11, 2016:

yo dog

Elias Rufus on May 07, 2015:

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I honestly had no clue that you can weld under water! That would be a very neat job. I too love to be in the water. I would think that the technicality of welding mixed with the rush and freedom of diving would be a wonderful job. Does this pay well?

bernardo on July 20, 2014:

pretty cool job ended,, thanks a lot for the info.. can i ask of an agency who are employing underwater divers thanks a lot

Sebastian on April 05, 2013:

I heard of divers in liquid concrete checking the material parts. That's crazy.

htodd from United States on July 03, 2011:

Great post..Thanks

JamesLynch on March 01, 2011:

My word, never gave too much thought to underwater occupations. This report shows the value of having hubs.

Tony M on February 26, 2010:

I like your hub. Underwater photography is a hobby of mine and I'm always interested in the type of camera that a pro would use to get the best pictures. Having it as a full time job would be a dream come true.

flurish on January 23, 2010:

I just love your hub.

This is so creative.

Great work! :)

Alicia8657 from Georgia on August 19, 2009:

great hub! I love it!

mayhmong from North Carolina on August 04, 2009:

Sounds very exciting! I wish I could be the one taking underwater pictures or be on one of them killer whale shows, showing off some skills. If only I knew how to swim. :(

2patricias from Sussex by the Sea on August 04, 2009:

Thanks for an original hub - where did you get the idea?

dohn121 from Hudson Valley, New York on August 03, 2009:

This is such a cool hub. My brother used to do underwater welding and from what I understand, the pay was very good, but the insurance took a big chunk from it as well. The underwater restaurant sounds pretty interesting. I'd like to do that or work on a cruise ship just for the experience. I can imagine all of the stories I would be able to compile. Thanks!

outdoorguy38 from Brookings,Oregon on August 02, 2009:

Excellent hub Kathryn, as a commercial fisherman I did a lot of work on the ocean, but I must admit I never had a cool underwater job. Underwater welding must be very intense, I wonder how many people die from electrocution this way?

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