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Masks To Print-Out And Color


Masks As Easy As Print, Color & Cut!

Paper mask-making is so easy, it's suitable for little kids but interesting enough for tweens. Supplies are simple: crayons, scissors and some string or ribbon are about all you need. If you have glitter and glue, you can get really fancy fast. Masks are fun for a bored child to make, but if you really want to ramp things up, try it as an activity the next time you have a birthday party or sleep-over!

Here you'll find great tips and tricks for making paper masks stronger and more durable (so you can play with them longer) and for making the fit better (which really does increase the fun). Plus lots of free masks and mask designs that are ready to be printed out and colored in! There are animal faces, favorite characters, holiday designs and more.

Enough Colors for just about any Mask Maker

Color-N-Fold Paper Animal Masks

Animal, Bird & Insect Masks

3D Paper Masks, Ready-To-Color!

Character & People Masks - your favorites from books, movies, tv and more

Blank Superhero Masks

Art & Culture Masks

Holiday Masks

How Did Your Mask Project Work Out?

Rhonda Lytle from Deep in the heart of Dixie on May 19, 2013:

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My classes love making masks. We laminate the good ones and they last a very long time. I love all the resources you have here. I'm bookmarking to save myself some serious hunting time later!

four SusieQ on February 08, 2013:

Great information and links in your lens! I didn't make a mask, but I sent a link someone who does school enrichment programs that involve

World music and culture. I know these mask ideas will give them lots of inspiration and new material.

imagelist lm on December 23, 2012:

What a fun lens!

Rae Schwarz (author) from Seattle, WA on October 05, 2012:

@anonymous: If you had a high-resolution photo, you could print it out on card stock and then cut out the eyes to make a mask. What makes this work well or not is how well the eyes in the picture line up with the eyes of the person wearing the mask.

anonymous on October 05, 2012:

is there a way to print a mask using a photo of someones face?

mrducksmrnot on September 30, 2012:

Did this a lot when my children were young. It's a great idea for preschoolers and kindergarten kids also.

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