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How to Revamp a Vintage Suitcase | DIY Upcycling Ideas for Old Luggage & Trunks


Creative Inspiration & Fun Project Tutorials

Old suitcases and trunks appear quite often in thrift stores and second hand sales and I'm always tempted to buy them because they look so cool, but what can you do with them? They're not really practical to use for travel purposes any more, so I have made this page to show the options for breathing new life into them!

Upcycling and furniture renovation projects have been popular for some years now, and old cases are an excellent resource for this kind of craft and they're easily turned into tables, chairs and pet beds amongst other things. Some of the DIYs are as simple as stacking them to make a side table, or lining the interior with fabric, whilst more challenging ideas include making boomboxes and picnic hampers.

I hope you find plenty of inspiration here :)

Photo and table by Stacie - Find the tutorial on Stars for Streetlights.

Stenciled Suitcase

Creative Suitcase Revamps

Transformation into Speakers

Ways to Reinvent a Vintage Suitcase

Photo Display

 striking display you can create at home or for a wedding/anniversary.

striking display you can create at home or for a wedding/anniversary.

Fun Weekend Projects to Try

DIY Repurposed Dog Bed

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Photo and bed by Michelle and Nate - Click here for the DIY information.

DIYs for Trunks & Chests

Chess Board

An inventive and fun idea - and I particularly like that the game pieces are stored inside.

An inventive and fun idea - and I particularly like that the game pieces are stored inside.

Ideas & Inspiration

Spray Painted Birds

Cool graffiti-style decoration.

Cool graffiti-style decoration.

Videos of Suitcase Makeovers

Please Leave a Comment!

csk305 on May 09, 2014:

I love the dog bed!!!! Great idea.

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