How to Make a Chapbook: Illustrated Step-by-Step Guide
What Is a Chapbook?
A chapbook is a hand-stitched pamphlet. In the colonial United States, street peddlers called chapmen sold chapbooks, which contained religious messages, political opinions, poetry, and popular pieces of literature. Today, chapbooks are still used as a way to self-publish.
Once you have written a collection of poems that you would like to gather in a book, you should consider self-publishing them in a chapbook. Figuring out how to organize the poems, choosing the paper to use, and designing the cover art will allow you creative control over how your poems are published.
How Chapbooks Are Made
A chapbook consists of a group of folded pages tucked into one another (called a signature). The pages are sewn together into a cover-weight sheet of paper. Hand-stitching is more durable and sustainable than staples or wire stitching, which can rust or tear. Plus, hand-stitching is more attractive.
Most chapbooks can be made with a three-hole stitch. As opposed to a four-hole stitch where the knot appears off-center, the knot for the three-hole stitch appears in the center of the book, creating a symmetrical appearance. Chapbooks tend to be on the smaller side, so you can reserve the four-hole stitch for bigger projects.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Making a Chapbook
These detailed text instructions are followed by a photo tutorial of the steps.
1. Gather Your Tools
- Text Paper: Text paper is a bit thicker than regular copy paper, but not as thick as cardstock. You can use copy paper, but I suggest you experiment with different kinds of paper. Better grades of paper won’t usually cost much more than copy paper but will create a higher quality look for your finished chapbook. You can find different kinds of paper at office supply and stationery stores, but also check salvage companies and printer supply outlets.
- Cover Stock: You will need some cardstock or other flexible paper that is thicker than text-weight paper, for the cover of the book. You want the cover to protect the pages of the text, as well as add rigidity to the book. The cover stock needs to be cut a bit longer than the text sheet, so it completely covers the inside pages once it is folded. A good rule of thumb is to make the cover stock a half inch wider than the text sheet (if your text sheets are 8-½x11, cut your cover to 8½x11½).
- End Sheets: These are pieces of paper which can be a different color from both the cover and text sheets. These pieces are optional, but add an elegant touch to the finished chapbook. Cut the end sheet just a bit less long than the cover stock. It is folded along the text pages before the cover is added. Consider using delicate Japanese papers as your end sheets.
- Thread: Books are traditionally sewn with Irish linen, which is a strong thread. However, it is fairly pricey, so you can substitute it with button & craft thread. It is strong and easy to find. It comes in many colors, so you can use a contrasting color to your paper if you want.
- Beeswax: You can find beeswax in sewing sections of craft stores. Use the beeswax to wax the thread. This protects it from deterioration, keeps it taut while sewing, and strengthens the thread.
- Needles: You can purchase either binding needles or tapestry needles. The needle you choose to use needs to be long enough to easily work with, and the eye of the needle needs to be even with the shank. I do not recommend that you use any other kind of needle. Not only could they break, but sharp points can making sewing your book together dangerous. I strongly advise you to only use binding or tapestry needles.
- Awls: You can purchase a real book awl for several dollars, but there are other options that work as well. You can use a dissecting tool (the ones with blue plastic handles), which cost less than a dollar. In a push, you could use a push pin or by using a plastic wine cork with a needle pressed firmly into it. I use the pointy end of a compass I’ve had for years.
- Folding Tools: A good folding tool is indispensable. Really good ones are made from bone, but you can also find them in plastic. In a pinch, you can use a pencil. Before using your folder, oil it with the natural oil alongside your nose. It sounds odd, but it really works well.
- Miscellaneous Tools: You should also keep a sharp pencil, ruler, and scissors handy.
2. Fold the Sheets
It might seem silly that I’m going to tell you how to fold paper because it is a simple fold and crease, right? Well, sort of; but, a sloppily folded book will make it look unattractive. You don’t want to take a stack of paper, straighten it out, and then fold all of the sheets at the same time because this kind of fold won’t give you as flat of a book as you want. Plus, the chapbook will bulge, and the fore edge of your book will end up angled like a sharpened blade. You should fold each sheet separately, one at a time. Then, you can tuck them together.
Before you fold your paper, you need to find the paper’s natural fold by determining the grain. Sheets of paper will want to fold more easily in one direction (with the grain) than the other (against the grain). You can usually determine the paper’s grain by picking up a sheet and bending one edge towards the other. Try doing this in each direction.
You will know you are bending with the grain when the arc of the bend is smaller, and there will be less resistance than when you bend against the grain. Paper folds easiest when you find its natural fold, especially with cover stock. Folding cover stock against the grain may cause the folded edge to crinkle and break.
Now, let’s practice folding:
- Lay an 8-½ x11” sheet of paper in front of you with the 11” direction lying from right to left.
- Position your left fingers along the left edge to hold it on place.
- Use your right hand to pick up the right edge, and bend it to the left.
- Adjust the edges/corners until they are even, holding it in place with your left fingers.
- Holding the folder/flattening tool in your right hand, “break” the paper in the center along the right side—be sure your left fingers are still holding the edges in place.
- Slide the flattening tool towards you, creasing the edge from the center.
- Then, slide it from the center away from you, creasing the edge.
- Run the folder along the edge again, making a firm fold along the length.
- Set the folded page aside, open, like a tent. After folding the next page, place it on top of the first.
- Continue until you have folded all of the pages. Fold the cover sheet the same way, and place it on top of the paper tent.
- Pick up the pages, and fold the book shut. Tap the top and bottom edges until they are even.
3. Mark the Template
If you want a symmetrical chapbook, you shouldn’t eyeball the hole placement. If you are only making one book, you can measure the holes with a ruler, mark the spots, and then punch. If you want to sew several copies, creating a template will save you a lot of time.
- Use a piece of cardstock or tablet board about 1” wide and the same height as the spine of your book.
- Using your ruler, measure ¾” from the top and bottom, and mark the spots. For three-hole stitching, the last hole is in the middle, so mark there as well.
- Open your book (which you folded the pages of earlier), and place the template along the inner spine.
- Lightly use a pencil to mark on the page as indicated by your template—these are the spots where you will punch your holes.
4. Make the Holes
Now you need to line your pages up again.
- Hold the book in your left hand, tightly gripping with your thumb and forefinger along the inner and outer spine.
- Twist the awl through hole #2. You want to twist the tool, instead of pushing it, because pushing can put enough pressure on the book to bend the pages.
- Still holding the spine, move down and make the hole #1. Leave the awl in place while you spin the book so that you end up holding it at the opposite end (near hole #3). You want to leave the awl in while you do this to keep the pages aligned.
- Now you can make the final hole. Place the book down on the table, leaving the awl in the third hole until you have made the first couple of stitches.
5. Sew the Book
Measure your thread—you will need a little more than double the height of the book. Then, cut and wax the thread. After threading your needle, you do not need to tie a knot while you are sewing. Stitch according to the following diagrams:
Finishing Up
Tie a double overhand knot (granny or square) using the two ends. You can trim the ends to the desired length. I like to leave about ¾” long ends. Use the edge of your folding tool to smooth the site at each exit hole along the spine. Ta da! You have your very own chapbook!
Tip: Make a Dummy Book First
A note on formatting: You will want to print out your poems and make a dummy book before printing out the pages of your chapbook.
- Count your total number of pages, including blank ones, and then divide by four to get the number of pages you will need (one sheet of paper makes four pages).
- Create a dummy book out of scrap or blank paper with the number of sheets you will need.
- Tape or write on each page of the dummy book what will go on that page in the finished book. Don’t forget to create pages for the bastard title, title page, acknowledgments, dedication, colophon, etc.
How to Use the Dummy Book
Now, use your dummy book to guide you into formatting your book layout on the computer, so you know which poem goes where. Format the top sheets first, and then turn your dummy book over and do the bottom ones. Print off one side, then put the sheets back in the printer and print off the second side. These masters, when put together, should fit together like your dummy book does. Either print directly onto your text paper or take the master to a copy center.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Let us know in the box below.
Sarah McMahan on December 17, 2019:
How do you arrange the pages, or is there an Apple app for doing this -- a 20 page chapbook.
CRodgers on May 26, 2016:
This is helpful. I do have a question though. How do I type the poems and copy them in landscape style, rather than
Sarah Forester from Australia on February 24, 2014:
Amazing tutorial!
Futamarka on March 09, 2013:
Стоимость экскурсии 16 марта – 1980 рублей, 17 марта – 1300 рублей. Широкая Масленица в русской деревне 16, 17 марта Настоящий праздник русской души – гуляние Широкой Масленицы в деревне! Настоящая снежная крепость, качели, бои на бревне, катания в санях на лошадках. И вкуснейшая деревенская трапеза из экологически чистых продуктов. Все свое! Под живую музыку казачьего ансамбля!
HogsBeefe on March 07, 2013:
When i accustomed to receive at the top of lifestyle but of late I've established the weight.
Idoniakmr on September 15, 2012:
do you like movie poster, i like it very much.
Cajetan Rodrigues on September 15, 2011:
Great instructions. This is exactly what i was looking for. Thank you very much. Now I'll be able to accumulate all my poems in my very own special book..
Steve Osborn on July 31, 2011:
Regarding beeswax. Try marine supply houses, fishermen's supplies, etc. You can find wax, twine, etc., usually at reasonable prices.
Jeff_McRitchie on June 27, 2011:
This is an excellent Hub. It's very detailed so anyone who reads it can easily produce his/her own chapbook.
Aila on December 28, 2010:
This is wonderful. I'm trying to start up an independent publishing company for a group of writers, and this helped a lot.
nightingale diaries on December 28, 2010:
Really nice. Thanks for sharing your technique.
Ryan on August 16, 2010:
This is awesome! I made the first practice/example chapbook and it came out great. I'm just trying to figure out how I am going to get all of my work printed out on the pages turned sideways, front and back. Any suggestions?
Jeri on July 10, 2010:
Thanks! I'd been planning to have the senior high class make paper to cover and personalize journals at camp next week; now I'll have them make the journals, too!
Stacie Naczelnik (author) from Seattle on March 06, 2010:
Eli, sorry I took so long to respond. You can also buy pre-waxed thread. Is that available at Michael's? You might be able to find it for less online.
Eli on January 20, 2010:
I've started gathering my materials for my chapbook and I've found that the hardest to acquire is the beeswax. I found some at Michael's craft shop, but it was rather expensive for a pound of beeswax. Are there any alternatives? Also, do you heat it up and dip the thread into the hot wax or do you just rub some thread over the solid wax? Thank you!
h.a.borcich on December 01, 2009:
Very helpful hub! These will make some pefect gifts:)
Thank you, Holly
Sage Knowles on November 23, 2009:
my kids love these for making mini scrapbooks, or sketchbooks
Gypsy Willow from Lake Tahoe Nevada USA , Wales UK and Taupo New Zealand on June 15, 2009:
Great instructions I feel truly inspired! Thanks for taking the time to make such a detailed hub Two thumbs up!
luv.poem on April 23, 2009:
I love this! I've been wondering how to make a professional looking chapbook for sometime. These are the most helpful instructions I've found!
Chatterbox from New York City on April 15, 2009:
Very informative, I saved this to pdf, and also printed it. I definitely want to make some of these chapbooks.
magriet on May 26, 2008:
I've also never heard of them before, I'm going to make a few as gifts and see how it goes.
Stacie Naczelnik (author) from Seattle on February 23, 2008:
Thanks MM, glad you like it.
MM Del Rosario from NSW, Australia on February 23, 2008:
Hi Stacie,
This is a winner....
Also a good idea for people who like handmade things...
Well done and all the best
Stacie Naczelnik (author) from Seattle on February 23, 2008:
They do, Lissie. I have made them for poetry, but also for other things. My honors project in college was a collection of memoirs--I made a chapbook of the memoirs, and gave them to the professors who helped me with my project.
Elisabeth Sowerbutts from New Zealand on February 23, 2008:
What a cool idea - I've not heard of them before - they'd make great gifts
Stacie Naczelnik (author) from Seattle on February 23, 2008:
Thanks vreccc, you should try making a chapbook too. They make great gifts.
vreccc from Concord, NH on February 23, 2008:
You have inspired me. I'm going to make one of these step-by-step type hubs. It is truly unique and I think it adds a lot of value to this community.
Nice work!!!