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How to Make Paper Wreaths: Handmade Craft Home Décor Ideas

  • Styrofoam
  • Paper/cardboard (purchased or you can cut it yourself)
  • Wire
  • Wood

What size do you want? Most wreath forms are available in a variety of sizes.

Themes that many people use for paper wreaths include:

  • flowers
  • fans
  • loops
  • ruffles
  • stars
  • cones

The concept of the paper wreath is very versatile and can be customized any way that you like.

Paper wreaths are an inexpensive option for home décor. You can make them for a particular season or holiday or for general decoration all year round. While some paper wreaths are time consuming to make, almost all of them can be made with materials that you have on hand or can easily purchase at most craft stores. The steps are usually simple enough for just about any kid or grown up to follow. Paper wreaths make wonderful décor for your own home and also make great gifts.

I decided to arrange the tutorials in this article by type of paper. Many tutorials can be made with just about any of the papers listed here and anything else that strikes you. Scroll down to the end of the article for additional paper suggestions. Also, any popular wreath base will work for almost any tutorial.

You'll see that many of the same themes appear throughout the different paper types. Again, these themes can be interchanged with different paper types.

Many of the tutorials show color palettes that are suited for specific seasons or holidays. Don't let this stop you from customizing your wreaths however you like. Happy crafting!


Scrapbook paper and cardstock are by far the most frequently used materials for paper wreaths. As these materials can be used for so many types of paper crafts, many people have them on hand. For most wreaths, you will need 6 or less 12x12 sheets. A few tutorials do require thicker papers and/or double sided papers. Make sure to check the paper requirement before selecting materials.


Do you want to make that flower wreath? Check this out!

How to Make a Scrapbook Paper Looped Wreath


Another very popular medium for paper wreaths is old books. If you can't bear to tear up an old book that you have at home, pick one up the next time you're second hand shopping. If you still hate the thought of tearing up a book, even if it's second hand, look for something that is outdated, such as an old travel guide or encyclopedia.



If you want to make a wreath with a natural or aged look and don't want to dye the paper (i.e. using a tea stain), Kraft paper is a great choice.



Pick up an extra pack of coffee filters the next time you're at the grocery store or Target and store them in your craft materials stash. You never know when they'll come in handy. If you're looking for really cheap filters, check the dollar store the next time you're there.



This is another good item to check for at the dollar store. Additionally, look for clearance packs at craft stores right after Valentine's Day.


Crepe Paper Wreath Tutorial

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A wreath constructed entirely out of paper cups is one of those ideas that blows me away because it is so simple and yet so effective. The example here is very plain, but of course you can decorate your wreath any way that you like. Even a few embellishments can completely disguise the paper cups.

The tutorial:


Tissue paper is another very popular choice for paper wreaths. Check for tissue paper at a party discount store or the dollar store. You may sometimes find smaller packs of it in the dollar sections of big box stores as well.



If you have leftover plates from a party or other big event or if you are shopping for an event and want to pick up an extra pack for crafting, this is an easy option and very versatile.

The tutorial:

Curly Paper Christmas Wreath


This is yet another good dollar store item. Additionally, you can pick up rolls from just about anywhere that are on sale after Christmas. Alternatively, save wrapping paper that can be salvaged after opening presents. If you aren't in the mood to start making holiday items in January, hold on to the paper for next year. It will keep!



While you don't have to use origami papers for these tutorials, I thought that this deserved its own section, as it's really a different skill set from the rest of the tutorials here. You can create a wreath made entirely from origami or you can include origami components in a larger wreath.



I simply could not pick just one or two of Alisa Burke's paper wreaths for this article. If you read her blog regularly, I'm sure that you understand my dilemma. I've included a picture of one of my favorites with a search link below for "paper wreaths" on her blog. Head over to her blog to check out many more great ideas.

Additional papers you can use for paper wreaths. 

butcher paper

toilet paper rolls


old greeting cards

junk mail


old calendars


old sheet music

paper napkins

crepe paper

More crafty resources from the author.

© 2012 Rose Clearfield


Odedele felix on April 23, 2020:

Wow i love this

Ronna Pennington from Arkansas on December 28, 2018:

Wow! Who knew coffee filters could look so cool?!

Mom Mini on May 25, 2017:

Kudos to your inspirational craft ideas! Keep the juices flowing and share them with the world. Thank you :)

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on December 20, 2012:

Thanks so much, Thelma!

Thelma Alberts from Germany on December 19, 2012:

Great ideas! Very creative. Thanks for sharing.

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 01, 2012:

Thanks so much, Ruth!

Ruth Pieterse on October 01, 2012:

Stunning hub! Loved it. Voted up and awesome.

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on September 09, 2012:

Thank you, Magdaleine!

Magdaleine on September 09, 2012:

very creative!

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 03, 2012:

Thanks so much Peggy!

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on June 03, 2012:

What a great assortment of patterns and ideas with which to make paper wreaths. Thanks for collecting them all into one spot. Voted up, useful and interesting.

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 22, 2012:

Thanks hydenz123! This definitely can be a fun hobby.

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 20, 2012:

Thank you!

Eileen Goodall from Buckinghamshire, England on May 20, 2012:

Wonderful hub - thanks for sharing.

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 20, 2012:

Thanks so much!

Dr.Vangeepuram Navaneetham Satakopan from Chennai, India on May 20, 2012:

Great ideas. Beautifully creative.

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 19, 2012:

Obviously you certainly can make wreaths out of real or imitated nature pieces, but there are a lot of other options out there as well such as fabric and paper. I'm glad that you enjoyed this! Have fun. :)

meditatio from North Vancouver on May 19, 2012:

I had never thought about looking for how to make wreath out of paper ! I always assumed it was something made with either real or imitated piece of nature (ie pine cones, leaves, twigs, etc)... Thanks for this useful piece of information ! Will definitely give a try to this craft :)

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 19, 2012:

Thanks! Have fun with your wreaths!

Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 19, 2012:

That's awesome, Kelley! Paper wreaths are a perfect project to make with kids. Have fun. :)

kelleyward on May 19, 2012:

I love making wreaths! I use to do this a lot before having kids. This inspired me to get started on this again! Thanks for sharing! Take care, Kelley