My Dog Suffered Broken Teeth From Raw Bones
Are Bones Dangerous for Your Pet?
We all know that dogs love and crave bones, so it only seems sensible to provide them with this common treat; bones have long been an iconic symbol of dogdom, after all.
Countless bones and bone-shaped products can be found in the pet-care market. Some claim to perform teeth-cleaning services, while others are promoted as enriching toys that eliminate boredom for your pet. They come in different flavors, contain different animal and vegetable foods, and have various levels of hardness. But which products actually promote the welfare and physical health of our cherished companions? Are raw bones the answer?
Of course, you should talk to your veterinarian about this issue, and which treats or toys are best for your dog, but my personal experiences have taught me a few things that may help you and your dog too.
The Hype About Raw Bones
I used to think the answer to the dental disease problem was raw and meaty bones. Before discovering this seemingly common sense option, I tried several commercial products such as Dentastix, Greenies, and edible Nylabone products—and I was not impressed with the visible results.
My dog, aged approximately 13.5 at the time of this writing, quickly devoured them, but there wasn't a noticeable effect on her dentition. In addition, they all contained ingredients such as corn, wheat, potatoes, and soy (commonly blamed for weight gain in dogs and humans).
My Raw Bone Experiment
Then, after abiding by the claims of the raw food movement, I gave her a raw sheep marrow bone purchased from Wellness Meats, a company that sells free-range animal products for human consumption but also has a few options for pets.
I was amazed by the results: The chewing portions of my dog’s teeth—normally clad in a yellow tinge with upper portions of unsightly tarter at the tip of the gum line—were gleaming white for the first time!
The gums were bleeding slightly, indicating that they were in the beginnings of gingivitis but had been given a decent workout by the lengthy muscle tearing process my dog had vigorously undergone.
As a result, I always urged people to ignore conventional veterinary advice and definitely try to feed a raw diet, bones included, as an optimally nutritive and teeth-cleaning regimen.
A Broken Tooth
Then, my dog—who’d never had a professional dental cleaning before—broke a premolar on a particularly hard pork bone. Breaking teeth is a common criticism of bone chewing by vets, yet I figured my dog was just in the unlucky minority to experience this, and that the visible benefits of raw bone chewing exceeded the low risk of tooth breaking.
Our Introduction to Doggie Dentistry
My dog’s broken tooth was largely ignored for months. My vet (who practiced 'holistic' methods) provided some pain meds and told me to tell him if my dog exhibited any discomfort. We didn’t want my dog to undergo a risky, expensive, extraction surgery, so under the notion that a broken tooth isn’t very harmful, it remained in her mouth for over a year.
Meanwhile, while doing research about SeaWorld’s killer whales and hypothesizing that their lower longevity rates in captivity are probably due in part to poor dental health, I became more concerned with my dog’s predicament. The tooth had since died and was discolored, and the broken ‘flap’ that hung over the cracked molar never fell off.
I Had to Seek a Specialist's Help
I decided to have my dog go to a dental specialist and have the surgery right away, despite much resistance from everyone else in my family due to fears about anesthesia. I decided it was against my code of pet-keeping ethics to leave her tooth in that condition and have her deal with any associated pain that she couldn’t easily express.
Dental Surgery Was the Only Option
Surprisingly, not only did my dog need her dead tooth removed, but the vet also removed 5 other teeth that were abscessed, loose, absorptive, or weakened in some other way (my dog had a highly unusual wisdom tooth that was also causing issues). I was immensely satisfied in my decision, despite it costing nearly $1800.
The Lessons I Learned
One of the interesting things about my dog’s removed teeth is that, aside from her cracked tooth, none of them were ‘chewing teeth’ (molars and premolars that are used to gnaw muscle tissue or bones right before swallowing).
She did have two incisor teeth pulled that were loose, which are used to tear the meat off the bone before the processing done by the molars. I think this might show that the amount of chewing my dog did had a protective effect on the teeth that did the most work. It also shows that it is imperative to brush your dog’s teeth routinely and get professional cleanings as well because, despite the bone consumption, my dog had several health problems including gingivitis (curable) and periodontal disease (incurable).
Naturalistic Fallacy: Wild Ways Are Not Always Better
I believed that feeding my dogs raw bones was logical because wolves naturally eat raw meat and bones, therefore my dog should too—that is until I realized this way of thinking is frankly illogical.
There are many elements of wild living that are completely undesirable. While some animals like killer whales and elephants (mostly females) might enjoy longer life spans in the wild, most wild animals, including wolves, die prematurely from many factors that can be avoided in a domestic setting. Broken teeth are one of those factors.
Fact: Wild wolves are not expected to exceed 13 years of age in the wild and many die younger.
Senior Dogs Are at the Highest Risk
If your dog is a senior or geriatric, I strongly advise removing all raw food products, especially bones.
Because aging is deteriorative, your older dog’s potentially compromised immune system does not need the added task of dealing with the unnecessary level of bacteria in raw foods when there is little or no benefit of doing so.
Also, the risk of tooth fractures is higher in older dogs. My old dog required expensive surgery, requiring the further risk of undergoing anesthesia. It was terribly nerve-wracking for me and dangerous for my dear dog.
Antlers and Hooves Are Terrible Too
Antlers are extremely hard, to the point that they cannot be broken, unlike appropriate dog bones and chews. They are notorious for fracturing dog’s teeth—enough to spur news reports about the issue.
The American Kennel Association (AKC) has issued a statement against giving antlers to dogs. Hard chews like antlers and hooves are simply not worth the risk. If you ignore this article and use antlers, at least do not use them for senior dogs. Save yourself the heartache.
My Guidelines for Dog Chews
Again, discuss bones and other dog chews with your vet, but these are the rules of thumb I follow:
- Kneecap Rule: If you hit your kneecap with a dog chew and it hurts, it's probably too hard.
- Fingernail Indention: It is preferable for the chew to be able to be indented with a fingernail.
- Flexibility: If the chew cannot be bent (at least a little), it's likely it is too hard.
- No-Nail Rule: If you can drive a nail with it, it's too hard.
Alternatives to Raw Bones
There are numerous dog chew products on the market and I’ve reviewed some of them.
Beef hide-based dental chews such as CET Oral Hygiene Chews are clinically proven to be effective and safe. Look for the VOHC Seal of Acceptance on products. Here is a list of the current VOHC Seal recipients.
My Advice: Follow the Experts' Advice
My best advice is to listen to the experts and do the following:
- Brush your pet’s teeth with dog-specific toothpaste at least 4 times a week, ideally every day (mandatory).
- Give them a chew bone or product of the proper hardness at least 2 times a week.
- Use a Chlorhexidine dental wash (optional).
- Supplement with 1-TDC Dual Action (optional—my dental specialist recommended it but the evidence is sparse right now).
- Have your pet’s teeth cleaned professionally, ideally annually, but at minimum once they become middle-aged.
Sources and Further Reading
- Raw Bones; What You Need To Know | IVC Journal
- Canis Lupus | Animal Diversity Web
- Longevity in Wild Wolves |
- Fractured Teeth | DentalVets
- Periodontal Disease | DentalVets
- Discolored Teeth | MyPetDentist
- Homemade Diet Recipes for Your Pet are Unreliable | The SkeptVet
- Evidence Update-Review of Risks and Benefits of Raw Meat Diets for Dogs and Cats | The SkeptVet
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.
Bob Bamberg on March 21, 2015:
Sorry you took offense, Shaddie, none was intended. When we put our thoughts on the worldwide web we can't realistically expect worldwide concurrence. I think you'd agree that dissent is a good thing; that it can lead to an exchange of thoughts and perspectives from which both sides can take away something useful.
That was an interesting article, although I must admit my eyes started to glaze over before I finished it. I acknowledge that damage can occur during tooth to bone contact...I just maintain that such instances occur in small numbers relative to the opportunities. I also believe that some tooth damage blamed on bones could have also occurred because some dogs chew rocks, etc.
When you consider the number of bones that are bought nowadays, especially with the surging popularity of raw meaty bones (and acknowledging that their might be some corresponding uptick in instances of damage) the instances of dogs successfully utilizing bones as chew items vastly outnumbers the instances of trouble.
I think the same can be said for the use of rawhide, Greenies and other controversial enrichment options.
Shaddie from Washington state on March 21, 2015:
By the way, Bob, here is an article talking about fractured teeth in predators due to hard bone diets/other factors:
Animals do indeed die from many different ailments, but even wolves hurt themselves by chewing on bones. Tooth injuries, as I'm sure you're aware, can lead to death either from infection or eventual starvation (depending on the severity of the loss).
Shaddie from Washington state on March 21, 2015:
Yeah I'm not an idiot, I think in my post I clearly illustrated how I learned the exact things you thought it necessary to patronize me about just now. Remarkably, I do not need your assistance over the internet, but thanks anyway, dad!
I also don't know why you think I need you to tell me about wild animals die. Do you just like reading what you've typed?
Bob Bamberg on March 21, 2015:
Melissa, although I'm not the hub author, I hope you won't mind if I add my two cents worth in response to Shaddie's comment.
As Melissa said, Shaddie, how your dog chews comes into play. Your dog is one of those aggressive chewers that is going to wear down his molars on any dense chew item as long as he's allowed to chew almost without restriction.
And as to the problems with the hooves, you said it yourself..."...he ate a lot of them and he ate them quick." Whose fault was that?
As an alternative to chewing sessions, how about long walks, play time and grooming sessions that include lots of belly rubs and chin scratches. The more interaction he has with you and other family members, the less appealing he'll find chewing.
Your last paragraph is interesting, although I don't know if you can back your claim up with facts. While some may die from chewing on bones, it's a necessity of life. They can't synthesize calcium and must get it from the bones of their prey.
Wild animals, by our standards, have miserable lives. They also die from starvation because the injuries they incurred while grappling with prey, from dominance battles, from defending territory and mates, left them unable to catch and kill prey. They also get infections from injuries inflicted by every day life, and from diseases and parasites they get from prey or others of their own species. Being a wild animal certainly isn't for sissies!
Thank you, Melissa, for letting me have my say.
Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 20, 2015:
Wow, thanks for writing about your experience. I'm still nervous about anything that isn't bendable, but how your dog chews also comes into play. I don't know what I'd do for a larger dog.
Shaddie from Washington state on March 19, 2015:
I, too, fell into the mythical idea that "'natural' is better, therefore bones are good" when I had my dog. He was a hefty fellow, descended from mastiff breeds, with very powerful jaws and a complete lack of knowing when to quit when it came to chewing on stuff. I gave him bones because he destroyed every other toy he was ever offered. Bones stood up to his destructive tendencies, but unfortunately, his teeth did not. At the very young age of around 4, I was told by my veterinarian to stop giving him bones because his molars had been reduced to practically half of their size. He had worn them down so badly that they had lost their sharp, mountainous points. His other teeth were beautiful and white, free of tartar buildup which the veterinarian mentioned (asking me if I brushed his teeth because they looked so good, though I never had), but he was in danger of losing his molars entirely.
I immediately stopped giving whole bones as treats, but I found that most products like hooves were perfectly fine. Hooves, after all, are not made of bone. They're actually just the "caps" that cover the actual hoof bones and are made of keratin which is considerably softer and designed to wear away and regrow like hair or claws. I have never seen a hoof bone sold at a pet store before, only the keratin caps. The problem I had with hooves, however, was that they were TOO easy to chew apart for my dog, and while they may not have damaged his teeth, he ate a lot of them and he ate them quick. This caused problems like blockage and other digestive upsets (diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, etc, depending on how fast or how much he would eat). I had to monitor him with hooves after I realized what was going on, and only allowed him to have them for about 10 minutes at a time. They were extremely slimy and messy.
After a lot of trial and error, the only bone treat I would recommend as being fairly safe are SOME brands of rib bone pieces, with a lot of meat and gristly stuff still attached. The ribs are less dense and are therefore significantly easier to chew apart than, say, long bones (like femurs), knee or knuckle bones, and of course antlers.
Another great hub, thanks for warning everyone about how ridiculous antlers are for pets. Wild animals starve to DEATH and DIE miserably in the wild because of tooth problems caused by eating and chomping on bones. Please don't allow your beloved pets to suffer this same kind of agony.
Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 07, 2015:
I don't know if those were his exact words, but some of those links also say the chew should be able to flex. There are probably some hard chews I'm OK with as long as they are indentable with a fingernail. Like in the article, their bends are only extremely slight, barely visible. I hope to have a further discussion also.
Bob Bamberg on March 06, 2015:
I think you're right about damaged teeth that go unnoticed. Dogs sometimes die because bacteria from the resulting infection circulate and affect kidneys, liver, heart, etc. The owners think it was just their time, or perhaps natural causes; never realizing it was preventable.
This is the first I've heard the "nothing that doesn't bend" admonition. My job is spending 5 hours a day, 6 days a week in various pet supply stores engaging customers, so I talk with scores of pet owners each week. I hear people say their vet says no rawhide, no sticks, no cooked bones, things like that, but the vets around here don't seem to be on that page, at least not yet, anyway.
I think there is an overall malaise on the part of pet owners regarding dental health of their cats and dogs. Many tend to think a Milk Bone a day keeps dental problems away.
Good discussion...I hope others chime in.
Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 06, 2015:
Well thanks Bob, but I did pretty much suggest that most dogs won't break teeth (I haven't been in any significant car accidents for nearly 27 years, do I not need to wear a seat belt?), although it's also possible for dogs to break teeth and have it not be noticeable without an x-ray. So do we really know how common it is? Some people don't even inspect their dogs mouth. I only found the fracture because I was trying to brush my dog's teeth, which most people don't do (and I did that rarely enough). Chances are that most dogs after they pass away will have injuries no one knew about if they are not x-rayed regularly. Paradoxically, people who proclaim raw bones are keeping their dog's mouth healthy tend not to get cleanings which means no extensive x-rays.
My vet is a dental specialist and recommends that you shouldn't give your dog anything that doesn't bend. This also seems to be unanimous amongst veterinarians except the 'natural' or 'holistic' ones:
What's worse, antlers don't even have muscle tissue so you have an elevated tooth-breaking risk and less teeth-cleaning action. Many owners do not see the urgency in fixing fractured teeth and may ignore it, which will eventually cause an infection for the dog. By this time the dog might have health problems and be older, increasing the risk of the anesthesia that the owner tried to avoid. I feel it is important to eliminate the risk of fractures, even if it is small. And yes, rocks are certainly also responsible for fractures (and abrasive things like tennis balls). I don't know about disks, I'll look into that.
Bob Bamberg on March 06, 2015:
I disagree with you on this one, Melissa. While some dogs can damage teeth on the items you write about, most dogs use them without incident. Those items fill large sections in pet supply stores and are purchased with regularity. Of the 77 or so million dogs in the U.S., there have got to be millions using them safely. While I can't cite statistics, my hunch is that more dogs damage teeth catching flying discs and other thrown objects, and chewing on rocks and other inappropriate items. I also think it's irresponsible for a layperson to urge people to ignore conventional veterinary advice. You point out a number of potential problems and, as always, in a well-written, easy to understand article. Voted up, useful and interesting.