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Pet Sloth: Legality, Feeding, and Housing Introduction

Pet sloths are legal in some states, but they are extremely hard to care for. Learn more about the sloth as an exotic pet.

Pet sloths are legal in some states, but they are extremely hard to care for. Learn more about the sloth as an exotic pet.

Can You Have a Sloth as a Pet?

While the interest in keeping sloths as pets has soared recently, there is very little care information available on this delicate species. These animals are rare in the pet trade; however, they are available in some specialty pet stores, and some breeders and brokers offer them online (typically only to experienced homes).

While sloths are not pets for the large majority of people, there should be an introduction to suitable sloth husbandry and other important information concerning their status in captivity and in the wild.

Sloths have interesting faces and expressions.

Sloths have interesting faces and expressions.

Can You Buy a Pet Sloth? How Much Do They Cost?

The answer as mentioned previously is yes; they are available on exotic pet websites and classifieds occasionally. They are usually in the $2,000–$6,500 price range, but that is just the purchase price of the animal alone. Since they are not non-human primates, they may even be legal if they are not strictly defined in your state’s wild animal ordinance.

Do They Make Good Pets?

Perhaps the appeal of these unique animals is their ‘charisma’; they look like lazy lounge lizards that you can wrap around your neck, similarly to the lemur plush toys with Velcro on their hands that are sold in zoo gift shops. Sloths also have interesting faces, and their lethargic movements make them appear to be a low-maintenance pet.

However, they are definitely not low-maintenance. Sloths are extremely hard to care for in captivity in the long term, even at the professional level.

  • States Where Pet Sloths Are Legal
    Here is a quick guide that may help you determine if a sloth is legal in your state if you are curious. Just be aware that laws change or vary by county, city, and other jurisdictions.

What Exactly Are Sloths?

Two-toed sloths are within the genus Choloepus, and they are the only surviving members of the family Megalonychidae. The Linnaeus's two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) and Hoffmann's two-toed sloth comprise this genus.

Bradypus is the genus of the three-toed sloth, which are uncommon in captivity and harder to keep alive. Two-toed sloths give birth to only one baby with a gestation of about 6 months to a year, and the babies reach sexual maturity at 3 years of age.

Fast Facts

Sloths are certainly unique and fascinating. Consider the following:

  • Sloths cannot walk on land, but they can swim well.
  • They are mostly nocturnal.
  • In the wild, they are mainly folivores, also consuming berries, flowers, twigs, and some animal protein.
  • They have symbiotic algae growing on their fur that they receive extra nourishment and camouflage from.
  • The weight of two-toed sloths is approximately 12–19 pounds, depending on the state in their defecation cycle, as their poop can account for up to 40% of their body weight.
  • They use the bathroom once every few days, descending down from the trees to bury their droppings.
  • Sloths have evolved to do nearly everything upside down.

Sloth Husbandry

The current state of sloth husbandry is still in the preliminary stages. There is much research that still needs to be done with them, making their indiscriminate sales a bit of a concern.

There are two types of sloths: two-toed and three-toed. Three-toed sloths do not survive outside of their natural habitat, so you will only see two-toed sloths available that are captive-bred—specifically, the Linnaeus' two-toed sloth.

A good portion of the information provided here comes from the Sloth Captive Husbandry Research Center, which is one of the few facilities focusing on the captive care of two-toed sloths. Unfortunately, this facility doesn't believe in educating pet owners on how to care for their sloths, despite the fact that they were very active in the pet trade a few years ago, even selling sloths as pets.

Three-toed sloths are extremely hard to keep alive.

Three-toed sloths are extremely hard to keep alive.


Feeding captive two-toed sloths is part of their challenging care. In the wild, they consume specific vegetation. The domesticated vegetables and fruits we find in the grocery store are unique from the densely fibrous and bitter leaves of their jungle habitat—this provides insight into why meeting the dietary needs of sloths is not a simple endeavor.

Zoological-grade prepared diets for high-fiber-eating animals such as Mazuri High Fiber Sticks and other leaf-eater foods might provide adequate nutrition in addition to supplementary vegetables (preferably those low in sugar) such as squash, baby carrots, green beans, and sweet potatoes mixed in. The Sloth Center also writes:

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"mix 1/2 tsp of food-grade diatomaceous earth (internal parasite control); 1/2 tsp of crushed freeze-dried Silkworm Pupae or crushed dried meal worms; 1/2 tsp powdered blue-green algae (protein, vitamins, minerals); 1/2 tsp TNT; 1/4 tsp Embauba powder into their base diet."

The gut of the sloth is fragile, and the diet should be concocted through an educated approach. Continued research on the optimal captive sloth diet is certainly needed.


Water, of course, should always be available in the form of a bowl that is accessible in the higher areas of the enclosure as well as the ground. Being good swimmers, sloths may also enjoy taking a dip in a large pool.


This extremely delicate species should have well-planted housing to meet its needs. This would consist of a large walk-in aviary-type enclosure with a decent height (around 8 feet high) with branches, ropes, and other apparatuses for the animal to cling on to as it would in the wild. This would obviously be an expense, and these cages are not typically sold by pet dealers.

It may be simpler to build this type of enclosure, or provide a special room in a quiet area. It might seem unusual to call sloths 'active,' but they do need a large amount of space so they can carry out their foraging activities in a non-congested area. There should also be opportunities for foraging enrichment, such as strapping on vegetable leaves around the enclosure. Whatever structure is chosen as the enclosure, it should have the appropriate temperature control.

Sloths have large caging requirements.

Sloths have large caging requirements.

Temperature and Humidity

Sloths have such limited musculature that they cannot shiver to keep warm, and their body temperature is dependent on their surroundings. Therefore, as one may guess, this fragile animal is highly sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, and exposure to prolonged periods of 'extreme' heat and cold, which could be deadly. Therefore, housing this animal outside during the summer in Texas or Florida would pose issues, as would keeping them outdoors during the fall and winters of most states.

Keeping the sloth indoors is likely to provide the best temperature gradient, which should closely mimic the rainforest climate and its humidity levels (jungles tend to have high humidity levels around 90–100%).

A sloth in the wild

A sloth in the wild

Veterinary Care

While the number of exotic pet vets is on the rise (although many so-called 'exotic' vets won't see anything other than typical pets like ferrets, guinea pigs, and birds), the likelihood of getting a vet experienced with sloths is absurdly slim. Obviously, the best vet, and probably the only vet that should be used with this extremely unique animal, is a person who is certified (or highly experienced) in the care of zoo animals and wildlife.

These vets can do things like take important fecal samples annually to check for parasitic infection; however, it is likely that even zoo vets may have no hands-on experience with this uncommon animal. This makes maintaining perfect heath even more essential, as there are few safety nets for mistakes.

Common Concerns and Sensitivities

Sloths are prone to many issues as they have a complicated and sensitive gut. They are also prone to stress; even moving sloths in their native home has resulted in a 30% mortality rate. Therefore, it is important to limit handling. Sloths are not 'cuddly' pets.

With proper care, sloths can live more than 30 years.

Sloths are not cuddly pets, and they require limited handling.

Sloths are not cuddly pets, and they require limited handling.

Illegal Wildlife Trade in Sloths

There is another important aspect of sloth husbandry that deserves mention. Sloths, along with a few other species, are popular animals that are taken illegally from the wild to be sold as pets in their native countries. Often, the exotic pet trade in the United States is wholly blamed for the activities of a few individuals, but exotic pets arrive from many sources, including captive breeding.

If seriously considering an at-risk species, they should always be bought directly from a seller who is the breeder, or can provide in-depth information on where the animal comes from. There is nothing wrong with professionals taking a small number of animals from the wild for propagation, as long as proper quarantine procedures are followed and if it is sustainable in the long run.

Conservation Status: Linnaeus's Two-Toed Sloth

Least Concern: The populations of this species are presumed to be large, and sloths are not in direct conflict with humans (they are unpopular as bushmeat, and they live high in the trees). Populations, however, may be declining due to habitat loss, and there is insufficient information on their population density. They are present mainly in protected areas.

Sloths are beautiful yet delicate animals.

Sloths are beautiful yet delicate animals.

Sloths Are Challenging Pets, Even for Professionals

So let's review the needs of these animals if you haven't made it through reading this entire article.

  • Sloths are extremely sensitive to stressful captive conditions: transportation, improper or changes in the temperature, low humidity, and too little space can all severely impact captive sloths.
  • They need large, aviary-like housing, a specialized diet, and enrichment. High humidity should be maintained.

There are many videos floating around with people playing with sloths, mostly from their countries of origin in rescue centers, and this may present this animal as a huggable human-looking teddy bear. However, they are challenging and delicate, and should only be attempted by individuals willing to keep them with a professional and scientific approach.

Much more needs to be learned about this species, and keepers should keep up with the latest findings; however, this is a great thing to do with all exotic pets. Private ownership of wildlife can be a positive thing, but only if it's done properly.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

© 2013 Melissa A Smith


me on October 31, 2018:

this helped us pretty well. Thanks for your time and help

faith on May 30, 2018:

It didn't really answer my question, so I'm not trying to be rude, but this article is useless for me.Thank you for your help I really appreciate you.

bunny on May 29, 2018:

=3 I love sloths=3 so interesting. I had no idea they can be pets.

234569 on December 19, 2017:

My best friend loves sloths but I didn't see her fascination until now they are super cute and complex creatures!!!

Kat on December 12, 2017:

Can You have a pet sloth in Florida?

abilene student on October 23, 2017:

aww THAY'RE SO CUTE!!!!!!

ryen on February 23, 2017:

how much does it cost to feed a sloth

Rogers on February 09, 2017:

This was very helpful, Thanks a lot. It helped for my research homework.

Tara Bridges on January 17, 2017:

Thankyou very much

Burl on June 17, 2016:

Great article. I would point out that Daniel Johnson in Roatan has 3 toed sloths which have thrived with him and even bred. He is rare in this ability. To anyone seriously considering sloth ownership, I would recommend taking the time to go see him. He was happy to spend hours with my wife and I. Just google Daniel Johnson Monkey and Sloth Hangout to find contact info.

Spidey on April 14, 2016:

This is interesting

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on April 14, 2015:

Ana--I suggest you contact someone who owns or has experience with multiple sloths and also, your state, city, and town's departments that govern these laws. This is a high maintenance animal and you should seek many resources. My guess is that they will need high humidity not typical of the indoors, but it probably doesn't need to be as high as 90%. You don't want to keep any captive animal environment overly moist.

Ana on April 14, 2015:

Hi Melissa. you seem to know a lot! Are they legal in Utah and if so is there anyway of having something in written? also do they always need to have temps at 90 with 90% humidity or just simply having them indoors will be good? Thanks and ill wait to hear form you

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on November 27, 2014:

They are not easy to find, hard to care for and expensive, but should be legal in most states.

peachy from Home Sweet Home on November 27, 2014:

you mean, in USA you can keep a sloth? Here we could keep domestic pets

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on November 18, 2014:

Natalie, I'm not sure if they give out their information. It used to be there until they pursued a business venture involving visitation. I theorize that they are trying to sever their image as private owners. You should contact them. Let me know of a response.

Natalie on November 18, 2014:

hey Melissa , how to get information from Sloth Captive Husbandry Research Center. Do you have some more infor abouth sloth husbandry? I am doing reaserch about sloth and your help could be very useful

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 22, 2014:

You're right Susanna, but it wouldn't bother me.

Susanna Duffy from Melbourne Australia on August 22, 2014:

Oh my, I can't really see myself having a pet sloth. The algae on the fur is a little off-putting (not to mention the good old fashioned work in caring for the creature)

Phil Loyer on August 15, 2014:

As cute and adorable as they are I am smart enough to know i couldn't adequately care for a sloth. So i will simply maintain looking at cute pictures on the internet of them!

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on June 18, 2014:

Thank you Chelsey Wall!

Chelsey from Ottawa, Ontario on June 18, 2014:

This is very informative! If only I could have a pet sloth too!

Hi on March 09, 2014:

U. Can have one in Denver.Right?

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 21, 2013:

Yes Dr.Mark, that's probably for the best. They are highly specialized and are only for those who are obsessed with zoology. I'm surprised the little babies survived, but maybe it's because they were off the milk and were eating the few plants in their diet that grow there naturally.

Mark dos Anjos, DVM from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on December 21, 2013:

Sometimes Indians (native Brazilian) kids pick up baby sloths and adopt them as pets, but as soon as they grow older they find out what a terrible pet they are and let them go back to the wild.

Good information, but I would hope people would stick with the stuffed lemur toys for sale at the zoos.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on June 03, 2013:

Thanks for reading!

Peter Dickinson from South East Asia on June 03, 2013:

Interesting...thank you.

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